
Clean Medicine
Feb 5, 2014
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Here we are AFN peeps:tiphat:.. I joined the forum a few days ago. I've grown photos outside and inside in the past (10 years ago) but this is the first time with an autoflower strain and under LED

I will be growing DP's Auto Blue Mazar.

The setup:

-Grow Cube Classic 80 (that I've cut to fit the room, so an isosceles trapezoid< I had to look for this; but rougly 70cm at the back 80cm on each side and 78 on front)

-Grow Northern HiLite006 from DP with 100€ worth of seeds bonus (can't beat that offer)

-RVK Fan 100mm (4") + plug dimmer + Phat Filter 100/300 (on 24hrs)

-15L Airpots

-Plagron Bat Mix soil

-Biobizz Nutes = Rootjuice Biogrow Biobloom Biohaven Topmax (need to get some Alg a Mic)

-6" clip on fan x2

So far...

-Popped 2 seed of BAM in a glass of water for 24 hours, I did it this way as it has always worked great for me.
-Straight into the 15L airpots, 24 hours later I can see the head of #1 coming out
Temp is between 22˚c / 26˚c

Cycle for the all grow will be 20/4

Both girls have now showed up their heads, I had to help the sprouts getting rid of the shells by dropping a couple drops of water directly on the heads, half an hour later they came right off on #1... It's ON :smoke:
#2 is still in the shell...
Lamp is at roughly 75cm from the top of the seedlings.
Temp 20˚/ 29˚ (need to sort this)

#2's shells are now off and #1 has her 4 leaves wide open
Tweaked a bit the heating. Temp is 23˚/ 27˚ seems optimum. Plain water.

#1 seems a bit of a bendy one, #2 is straight as and her leaves open.
(First post on AFN was that day, swwooop)
Temp 22˚ / 24˚

Plain water.

#2 seems to be catching up, those girls are fast!
New set of leaves has appeared on both.
Temp is 23˚/ 26˚

Will probably start them on the nutes in couple of days..

Sorry for the lengthy post but from now I will be updating everynow and then..


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Nice setup, looks like you're off to a good start. Good luck with the grow!
Welcome! Looks like your off to a great start! :Sharing One:
Taking my seat here mate......:thumbs: :Sharing One:
Best of luck sour..."AFN smoke out"
good start :Sharing One:

i bet you already know GN is on site with their own section. over HERE,just in case ^^

best of luck with your grow Sour :tiphat:
Nice setup, looks like you're off to a good start. Good luck with the grow!

Welcome! Looks like your off to a great start! :Sharing One:

Taking my seat here mate......:thumbs: :Sharing One:

Best of luck sour..."AFN smoke out"

Nice one lads.."AFN smoke out"


Just coming back from the cab for a lil inspection and take couple pics.

Temps 24˚/ 28˚

#1's first set of leaves are drooping a little, while the second set is upright... The only thing I can think off is an over watering yesterday (I saw them this morning and #1 was a bit droopy), still feeding plain water at the moment so no nutes burns possible... I turned the fan to the first speed in case she got stressed by the air and wont be feeding her until she recovers... the top layer of soil is still moist
Any ideas?
View attachment 323803

#2 on the other hand seems all good and loving life, the second set of leaves is coming along nicely!

View attachment 323803View attachment 323804


  • DP-BAM2Day7.jpg
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good start :Sharing One:

i bet you already know GN is on site with their own section. over HERE,just in case ^^

best of luck with your grow Sour :tiphat:

Thanks for swinging by Roy, and for the good karma :grin:
Yes I did see the GN Forum, I guess I should of started my journal there..:dunno:

Maybe a Mod could move the tread there :smoke: (please..)

Will update in couple of days with some photos and all..

This forum is just a gold mine of infos.. Swwwooop

:Sharing One:
Update time...

So after #1 dropping I've been digging all over the forum and the net in general, not much luck really.

So I tried a few things (which I shouldn't of,

I thought it could be the heat from the lamp so switched the to 2modules with the dimmers and reduced the height, and also the speed of the fan, (not the extraction), got a bit of stretch and temp dropped significantly, and after research and a quick talk to the good people at GN decided to switch back to full 6 modules at recommended heights so 24" (see TaNg's GN manual tread!!), fan back on aswell
So I just waited to see what the new grow would tell me.. "talk to me girl..":brow:

Watered on day 9, 0.75L each
Temp 22˚/28˚
#1 Drooping seemed to be less important, but the tip of the first leaves shown a slight bit of burn, yellowness, I first thought it might be a lil burn from the leaves drooping and touching the soil... at the time nothing major, the new groth were looking good 3 fingers leaves were coming on nicely..
View attachment 325711

#2 is getting thick in everyway, nice leaves coming along and the stem is well solid, nearly catching up with #1
View attachment 325712

I monitored the evolution everyday...

Day 13, both got 1.5L so double than last watering. (got a small amount of runoffs, but I was looking for this as I am suspecting a hotsoil problem, but I will get back to this later)


So #1 and now #2 have burnt tips on the first leaves second leaves set are showing a lighter green color with yellow spots, and 3rd set coming up is real light too.. Light is at 23", temps is 23˚/29˚..

#2 has grown bigger than #1 now. #1 has grown but not as much and seems stunted from a couple days ago..

#1View attachment 325715
#2View attachment 325716
Closeup of #2View attachment 325717

So of course I 've looked everywhere, and also looked into what I could of done wrong, two things comes to my mind:
-The Plagron Batmix is too hot for seedlings and young plants and the girls got scared.(I read on an other board the opposite:dunno:)
-Deficiency, (could be mag)
-Or it's nothing and I loosing my hair for no reason

Feeding with tap water (hard water). Don't own a PH meter but the soil should buff it to 6.5/7.

Any ideas?


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I really dont like Bat Mix... Looks like its a little too hot for them mate and its causing lock out..... How much water have you flushed through them now????...