Son of Hobbes tests Mars II 1600W 5W LED + Mars Grow Tent + Mephisto Genetics + Terrestrial Bean Com

yeah ya never feel as sick as when your juuust out of touch of something nice n cant really earn like ya should be able too.20 bucks to me is like 200 bucks to most of you guys lol!!:Sharing One:Thats awesome man!!:Sharing One: are the Sun series..hmmm I was looking at them and I cant find an area of coverage. or are they the same light with the SUN advantages essentially in the same sizes??it sounds interesting to say the least.:Sharing One:
Good Luck SoH..looking forward to Watching...:goodluck:

Went with chain!

Yeah...that's not what your Lady said you got the chain for..:brow:..I must have misheard her..

pop..Weedman..cheers for Helping with that Mars query..:tiphat:..I put a RP in for Help but you both beat the staff to it..Appreciated
Wooooooooo Hoooooooo! I'm on board for this one! Using 2 of my favorite brands, Mars Hydro and Grow More. If your going to use soil mixes, you should look into Grow More Organic Soil Builder, and Organic Flower and Bloom. They are dry, organic nutes, basically a super soil type mix of nutes in a box. And very inexpensive. If you like, take a look at my thread: Pop's 2015 Indoor Garden and see my Blue Dragon growing in $3.00 organic soil amended with soil builder. I'm considering the Sea Grow for a outdoor project this summer. I'm going to try growing a giant pumpkin. Hoping for at least 100LBS this first attempt.

Can't wait to see you results on this grow, Good Luck! :Sharing One:

EDIT: Make that my THREE favorite brands, how did I miss the Mephisto girls?? LOL!

I'll take a look at their organic line-up, Pop, I've really liked the simplicity (and the price) of the Sea Grow. I got the big tubs/buckets of them from Sprinkler Warehouse for practically nothing (plus they sent me a sweet fridge magnet as a bonus! Everyone loves fridge magnet!) I've used General Hydroponics's GO Box on a few grows and I tried the AN PH Perfect bundle set (the Grow-Micro-Bloom, had a few other additives in the tiny little bottles.) They've all worked great, honestly! The bang for the buck though with the Grow More stuff? Really nice! Been curious about the TLO super soil stuff I've been seeing as well.

Good stuff brother... odour control priority for SourBubblinCrack...:Sharing One:

Yeah? She get pretty stinky?

We have lift off!!

Good luck with the Mars mission hobbes! :) We're internationally rooting for you!! ^_^


Don't make me pull out old photos!

ha - Copy.jpg

Good luck SoH. I'm subbed up.

Thanks Marga!

This'll be fun! That's a lot of light :)

EoF - It's been my experience that with the Reflector Series, it's just better to leave it on veg/bloom both on.
Just give em everything it's got :)

He should be able to light up a small city with that thing...............LOL! :cool:

Trap, I'll be running it most likely with both the Veg and Bloom on. It gets a pretty eerie red glow with just Bloom running. :rofl:

Pop, it's INCREDIBLY bright. Like, the 1000W kicks on and start building slowly in brightness. Not this. Flip the switch. Dramatic cinematic slow-motion pause. Star Trek phaser sounds (made by me.) And just FLOODS the tent, like, it could knock you off your feet if it were a wave. Pretty gnarly. Going to invest in some polarized sunglasses. I was told a cheap pair of tinted welder goggles would work well too. Definitely need eye protection though; I felt like I was watching a cheap 3D movie with a green hazy outline over everything. Very trippy!
Goodluck bro ill be along for the ride!:Sharing One:
Mars II 1600W 5W LED - "Pictures of the Light!"

F-R-A-G-I-L-E... it must be italian! I thought the overall package of the shipping box was very discreet. No images or logos to be seen aside from the Fedex shipping label and what appears to be maybe a Chinese freight/shipping label. Nothing to indicate it's a grow light. In fact, the shipping label doesn't even have Mars Hydro on it, just a return address.


I thought it was packaged very well. Very stout/sturdy foam. Not styrofoam.


Inside of the box were a power cord and some wire hanging straps.


There was a little bit of plastic cling left on the metal on the exterior of the unit (probably an anti-rust material on the metal, kind of like the blue plastic cling you find on brand new vented hoods or cool tube wings. Helps prevent rust while sitting in a warehouse/fluctuating humidity.)


A top down of the unit. 5 fans. Individual switches for Bloom (flower) & Growth (veg.)


I will give an update here on installation, new tent, and some first impressions soon!
Subbing in. That light is a monster! I've got the old model 300w and it's doing fine. Can't wait to see what kind of results yo get with this beast! Good luck!!
I did not realize the MarsIIs were selectable spectrum. That thing IS a beast.

You might as well put the CaMg directly into a rez and drip feed it, can't wait to see this baby in action.
Wow, seems we got a lot fans here Son of Hobbies :grin: Really excited to get the show started. :cool:
As this is the first time you use LED, I would like to remind that please use less water and nutrients as the temperature under LED will drop a lot. But more cal and mag. :d5: Kepp the PH at 6~6.5, and RH above 50% when do veg and 40~50% when flower.
Can't wait to see the update. :xlaugh: