Indoor Some minor difficulties , seeking advice

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kmint69
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So this is my auto berry at about 3 weeks, I haven't had any problems at all until now , there is some light brown discoloration not really at the tips but at random spots nothing major but the ph is balanced at a 7.0 and also you can see at the tip of the plant the tips are yellow at the top and some of the leaves are curling down mostly at the top I was thinking it just needed water for that but idk so if anyone knows what to do so please help !



Looks like over fert, and ph sounds high is that your runoff 7? What nutes are you using in what soil and what dosage dude?
Ff trio , ffof perlite 1/3 at 1/4 dose, if it's too hot temperature wise would that do it? It started do turn color more since last checked , I thought 6.5-7 was ideal
Because I have a low ryder in same
Box and I haven't given it Any nutes yet and the very tips of it are a brownish yellow also
But I have another plant in there and it's turning colors too and hasn't been fed even
This is the week and a half old one and it's turning colors a little bit, could it be from
Temps Too hot or over water??
