Some help please (pics)

Mar 14, 2019
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Hey so I'm really new to all of this auto growing weed. So along side a few of my other autos I put in this small pot to see what would happen

I'm using 2 cfl in a grow tent 60*60*160 I think the cfls are
1*450w dual spec
1*450w red spec
Both are under reflectors taking up the withof the tent
1*tornado Phillips 280w
1*60w led (crap)
Lights are on 20/4
Small fan in tent
In with another 4 autos

Nutes used are biobizz bloom and a few small extras like calmag etc
The medium is coco
Perlite mixed through

So basically I can't really remember what seed I used I think it was a gorilla glue or else a northern lights

I can't remember when I planted the seed but it was roughly around 2 months ago the seeds came from a friend who got them from a pack online

So its just been getting feed everyday and flowering I let her get to close to the light and the top got burned a bit what happens to this bit ?? And how long do you guys think is left to go on her she doesn't smell to much still has a bunch of new hairs coming everyday so should I expect it to get any bigger or anything or is this it at its full potential. Well based on what I have gave it

Does it look healthy?

Is it OK for a first grow?

Is it okay for cfl lightingView media item 18838View media item 18837View media item 18836View media item 18835View media item 18834View media item 18833
I don’t know man things don’t look so good I think you need more bloom nutrients cooler temperature and the top does look like light bleaching better jump on some solutions though cause she is in bloom mode and the plants clock is ticking
I think it is because of the pot size I have just been feeding her left over nutrients from other autos just hoping that it can finish and have a smoke from it. Never grown a tiny weed plant nevermind a big one lol so its all new to me my bigger plants look normal this looks tiny and as I said it sits in my tent along side my bigger ones so it may not be getting enough light.
What size pot is that? Looks like a 1 gallon from here? Theres not much you can do about the light burn at this point besides not letting it get any worse. She looks pretty healthy though. Judging by the bud structure I'd say you have about 3ish weeks left. You'll want to get a loop so you can check your trychomes so you can know for sure. You could benefit from a little selective defoliation jut to allow more light penetration into your lower growth. Your pot type and size will play a big part in the potential size of your plant. My personal preference for my autos is a 3 gal fabric pot. I wont get into the benefits of fabric pots but if you look em up you'll see their worth. There expensive in grow shops but you can find packs of em on amazon for like 15-25 $ for five. That's my 2cents hope it helps somewhat. Cheers
Its like a 6 inch pot so I think like 1.5 litre maybe. Yea I moved the top of the plant away from the light and it doesn't seem to be burning anymore I don't know if it the burnt bit will grow again as it looks like a bud is trying to grow from underneath to take its place at the side. Yea I'm gonna do a small defoil. 3 weeks "( ages away over the last day or two buds have started getting frosty and now I can see tricomes I literally just bought a loop and waiting on it coming ")
The fabric pots are great have a ak47 auto in one ATM

I literally just used this plant as a test to see if it would grow OK in such a small pot. I would love to be able to have a a load of small sutoflowers different strains harvesting every 2 weeks would be great. Thanks for the info guys one more pic a day or two later


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Its like a 6 inch pot so I think like 1.5 litre maybe. Yea I moved the top of the plant away from the light and it doesn't seem to be burning anymore I don't know if it the burnt bit will grow again as it looks like a bud is trying to grow from underneath to take its place at the side. Yea I'm gonna do a small defoil. 3 weeks "( ages away over the last day or two buds have started getting frosty and now I can see tricomes I literally just bought a loop and waiting on it coming ")
The fabric pots are great have a ak47 auto in one ATM

I literally just used this plant as a test to see if it would grow OK in such a small pot. I would love to be able to have a a load of small sutoflowers different strains harvesting every 2 weeks would be great. Thanks for the info guys one more pic a day or two later
Pic looks good. Plant looks healthy. I dont know for sure what the outlook is for the burnt bud but I'm glad you got healthy new growth . Technically you can grow a plant full cycle in a solo cup. But itll yield like a 1/4 oz so in my mind it's not really worth the trouble. I have 2 2x4 tents going. I have 6 autos in one of em. Each in 3 gallon fabric pots. My 2 smallest one are getting chopped on Sunday. Th3 2 smallest look like they are gonna yield at least 2 oz per. So that's a good way to go if you want multiple strains.
Pic looks good. Plant looks healthy. I dont know for sure what the outlook is for the burnt bud but I'm glad you got healthy new growth . Technically you can grow a plant full cycle in a solo cup. But itll yield like a 1/4 oz so in my mind it's not really worth the trouble. I have 2 2x4 tents going. I have 6 autos in one of em. Each in 3 gallon fabric pots. My 2 smallest one are getting chopped on Sunday. Th3 2 smallest look like they are gonna yield at least 2 oz per. So that's a good way to go if you want multiple strains.

Sounds like you have got it going well ")

I'm so new to all of this so I need to work out what's best for me

I have a 7 litre auto growing ATM in early flowering

And also I have another 7 litre auto which will not flower at all tried 12/12 no luck so I think I may have to bin it and start a few smaller autos instead.

I'm just looking forward to been able to smoke some of my own grown appartnly there is no better feeling smoking something you grew
This is my first indoor grow. Grown outdoor for years. So I'm still learning lots about the whole indoor deal. The one that wont flower how long did you leave it in 12-12? I have 3 gorilla glue that have been in since March 5th. I contacted the seed company and they said that it has too much photo in it and I have to switch the lights to 12-12 for the rest of the cycle. So maybe swap to 12-12 and leave em. Could take a couple weeks for you to see anything. How big is your tent or grow area?
they don't look so good over feeding or under
I have a 60*60*160 tent basically what happened was I planted the two seeds on the same day and the other 1 is mid flowering and the other has done nothing but grow veg
They were both the same seeds
So I put the lights under 12/12 for 4 days and nothing happened but I don't mind tbh because it was getting abit cramped in the tent so now I'll just dump it and give space to other plants and maybe start a few seedlings

I didn't relaside you could overfeed plants using organic biobizz I just add a drop of calmag to it