Soil testing questions - need advice

Aug 3, 2018
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Mac & Cheese, Primal Punch, Arise
I’ve been struggling with my grows for a while - the same issue keeps coming up in flower no matter what I try. Soooooo, I’m going to have some soil tests done. Before I do, though, I’ve got some questions I’m hoping I can get answered.

1. If I want to test a new batch of soil I mixed up, to see how it stacks up both in terms of what’s in there and what’s available, do I NEED to let it cure for a while or should I just take a sample and send it off for the Logan Lab standard test as well as the saturated paste test + EC, mo, se, si & co? Would you add something else or would you just do a different combo of tests?

2. Would you test the soil from one of the plants that’s having the issue even if it’s a mix you won’t be using in the future? I have a plant currently that has been grown in unmodified Roots Organic bag soil that’s only received pH’d water, AACT and a little top dressing. She has the same problem I’ve had with all sorts of amended bag soils and regular bottled nutrient schedules in the past. Now I’m going to home built soil exclusively. So, I don’t know how much I can garner from testing the soil this plant is growing in? I’ve been round and round with Waira on these grows and there’s not an easy answer. Lol! We decided, together, that testing is necessary. But they’re not cheap so I want to make sure I do the right ones to find out what is going on. Sure could use some advice on what the best way is to test if you’re trying to find out what’s causing an issue. Unfortunately, tissue and sap tests are not an option for me here..

3. I have some reason to suspect that, despite my RO system, there may be some issues with my water. Is there any other tests you’d request on the soil from the plant in question? If so, can you name them specifically so I can make sure to request the correct thing(s)?

Thanks to those that reply!
I have mine tested as one batch, mixing it all together after the grow, then I know what it needs for next season. Or I have the info at least, knowing what to do is another matter lol. I wouldn't bother testing the bad stuff... either mix it in or cull it out. I think it's ok to test a fresh batch too.
I'm still feeling my way along and not satisfied with my soil yet but knowing what you have helps a lot.
I tested at 'Simply Soil Testing' and do the "full soil test' it's $25. I have tested at logan too and they seem to be similar
I have mine tested as one batch, mixing it all together after the grow, then I know what it needs for next season. Or I have the info at least, knowing what to do is another matter lol. I wouldn't bother testing the bad stuff... either mix it in or cull it out. I think it's ok to test a fresh batch too.
I'm still feeling my way along and not satisfied with my soil yet but knowing what you have helps a lot.
I tested at 'Simply Soil Testing' and do the "full soil test' it's $25. I have tested at logan too and they seem to be similar

I would try them but I really want a saturated paste test to see what’s available in addition to what’s in there. That way I can try to work on making it available. I’m on this microbe kick since listening to those John Kempf seminars and wanting to use microbe inputs to unleash those unavailable nutrients. Plus, Logan Labs offers water testing.

My thought on testing a pot from a particular problem plant is that I might be able to verify that the soil was low in X, Y & Z and then see whether those deficiencies match up with the symptoms. Or, see if there’s a toxic level of something or enough to cause a lockout of something else. If there’s way too much of something I’ll know to look for the source of that excess - like maybe my water. So, I’m almost thinking the saturated paste test, showing availability is all I need to look at with the old soil; to try and determine the problem. But, I’m not sure so that’s why I posted.

I’m in detective mode. Lol! I have ZERO issues in veg but shortly after flower starts, here come the same symptoms EVERY TIME! It’s SO frustrating! Grrrrrrr By God, I’m determined to figure it out. I never used to have trouble growing but since I started up again and I’m in a very different place than my previous growing experience, there’s something going on I just can’t put my finger on. Yet!
I have mine tested as one batch, mixing it all together after the grow, then I know what it needs for next season. Or I have the info at least, knowing what to do is another matter lol. I wouldn't bother testing the bad stuff... either mix it in or cull it out. I think it's ok to test a fresh batch too.
I'm still feeling my way along and not satisfied with my soil yet but knowing what you have helps a lot.
I tested at 'Simply Soil Testing' and do the "full soil test' it's $25. I have tested at logan too and they seem to be similar

What do you think about when to run the first test - as soon as you mix it up or should you wait until it’s cured for a month or two before sending in your first sample?
By all means more testing is better... If your up for it I would do as many as you can.:thumbsup:
My feeling on the new batch is it can be tested soon. I wonder if @Eyes on Fire might have an idea on that. Seems to me like it is what it is basically
I'd be interested to hear about it if you test the poor soil:toke:
I’ve been struggling with my grows for a while - the same issue keeps coming up in flower no matter what I try. Soooooo, I’m going to have some soil tests done. Before I do, though, I’ve got some questions I’m hoping I can get answered.

1. If I want to test a new batch of soil I mixed up, to see how it stacks up both in terms of what’s in there and what’s available, do I NEED to let it cure for a while or should I just take a sample and send it off for the Logan Lab standard test as well as the saturated paste test + EC, mo, se, si & co? Would you add something else or would you just do a different combo of tests?

2. Would you test the soil from one of the plants that’s having the issue even if it’s a mix you won’t be using in the future? I have a plant currently that has been grown in unmodified Roots Organic bag soil that’s only received pH’d water, AACT and a little top dressing. She has the same problem I’ve had with all sorts of amended bag soils and regular bottled nutrient schedules in the past. Now I’m going to home built soil exclusively. So, I don’t know how much I can garner from testing the soil this plant is growing in? I’ve been round and round with Waira on these grows and there’s not an easy answer. Lol! We decided, together, that testing is necessary. But they’re not cheap so I want to make sure I do the right ones to find out what is going on. Sure could use some advice on what the best way is to test if you’re trying to find out what’s causing an issue. Unfortunately, tissue and sap tests are not an option for me here..

3. I have some reason to suspect that, despite my RO system, there may be some issues with my water. Is there any other tests you’d request on the soil from the plant in question? If so, can you name them specifically so I can make sure to request the correct thing(s)?

Thanks to those that reply!

Whats the issue you keep having?
I would do a test now and after it cures. Especially if your gonna continue making soil. For the price and long term I recommend it..i actually work for a soil testing not the person who does the testing but i can tell you soil is always changing.
if you have any pictures from a cpl or three grows that were in flower so I can see the issues..? Also imo I would wait for it to be fully blended that way you know veg essentially works well for you so really you would need a flower dialing in.But if you wait for it to be blended that way you can see how much more N through flower and blooming foods will be needed.I think thats the better bet IMO. that way you can add smaller incremental doses of nutes instead of literally starting over. I would personally blend it first before sending it for a test.