Indoor SOFEM: Big Shoots auto

These two girls are doing well with the smaller girl putting out some real snow. The FP is just over 31 inches and has stopped vertical growth and I expect the resin production to pick up now. The PF has stopped at 23 inches and will be ready first.


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Sorry for the bad pics last post. The smaller pandors fire is getting some weight to the buds but they still look wispy. The fruity patootie (skunk) is really starting to stink and the trics are starting to get some milky heads but clear is dominate.


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Looks good man im going to pick some of there beans up here soon.
The foxtails are pretty bad and like every other time something is wrong know why, I think. The 1500w cob that should have been full spectrum is in fact almost all red. On the rare moments when I am not fully stoned I remember things, I think red promotes growth and should have not been on during flower. Anyway the fp should be ready early next month and the pf may be ready next week. No more nutes after today for the pf and a little for the next week or so for the fp.


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Chopped the pandora fire last night. The trics are milky with a few amber in the mid level buds. I wanted to use this plant for hash and tinctures but I tried some of the resin and it's stronger than I expected so I will save some for smoking. The fruity patootie (first two pics) is not ready yet so she got her last feeding, 3tps big bloom, 1tps boomerang and 2tps bembe. I might give some more bembe but I want more amber from these buds, so mabe 7-10 more days.


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Just put into jars to start cure, almost 70 gr, expect about 60-65 gr after a two week cure. The other plant comes down Saturday. The PF smoke is heavy body high and it looks like plenty of resin. This plant was always intended for the hash and tinc pile so I am happy with the yield. The real rh is over 60%, just put the meter in jar.


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Harvest time for the fruity patootie and this plant smells great. The foxtails are still there but she put on some good meat over the last week. I expect well over three oz. The pandora is still just over 60% rh but is going to be about 2 oz so this is a good grow for me. The next three autos are two from twisted tree and I will try and do better with the big shoots. The newberry is new for me but the orange bubblegum isn't, I got a great smoke but not as much of the bubblegum flavor as I wanted.


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The foxtails are pretty bad and like every other time something is wrong know why, I think. The 1500w cob that should have been full spectrum is in fact almost all red. On the rare moments when I am not fully stoned I remember things, I think red promotes growth and should have not been on during flower.
Red and far red are the primary light colors that drive flowering. Blue light controls the plant shape (short and compact), red drives cell growth. There could be "too much of a good thing" going on but, without a reading of the spectrum that's hitting the plant, it's really a guess.

This link will take you to a light that's sold in two versions; one for veg, one for flower and this is an example of a "full spectrum" light.

Are you sure that you got foxtails? I see lots of nugs but nothing that looks like foxtails. Some strains naturally fox tail but, as I proved with one plant, too much light can cause foxtails, also.
@virginia gent Nice looking grow Sir. I only grown a Cherry Cheese Skunk from SoFem, which is did like. Currently have a Cherry Sucker in a pot outside & she's looking good. How long did the Fruity Petootie go? I think you said in an earlier post, you planted end of Jan, so 11-2 weeks?
Red and far red are the primary light colors that drive flowering. Blue light controls the plant shape (short and compact), red drives cell growth. There could be "too much of a good thing" going on but, without a reading of the spectrum that's hitting the plant, it's really a guess.

This link will take you to a light that's sold in two versions; one for veg, one for flower and this is an example of a "full spectrum" light.

Are you sure that you got foxtails? I see lots of nugs but nothing that looks like foxtails. Some strains naturally fox tail but, as I proved with one plant, too much light can cause foxtails, also.
No, I am not sure it is foxtails. The buds were not putting on mass like the other plant (genetics?) but the trics are all milky with a little amber. The buds may have needed the lights closer or something.