Hey all, im thinking about starting a grow but am hesitant because i know how much these little plants can stink. Ive grow easy ryder and that was smelly as all hell. I am growing downcellar in my room and want to keep it stealth. I have 5 M15 seeds that i am going to put into 3 gallon pots in the corner of my room partioned off near a window. I have an ac that runs constantly. My question is does anyone think the the Ozone Junior(http://www.nehydro.com/products/OZN%2dJR-Ozone-Generator-Junior.html) will work to cover up the smell? i really need it so theres no smell at all. Anyone have experience growing the M15 by shortstuff? Is it a stinky strain? Anyone have any suggestions? (I dont want carbon filters). +REPS for anyone with a good answer.