Deodorizer for grow room?

When i am harvesting my plants as in am in uk i have to be carefull so i burn a piece of toast covers the smell for a good hour till i am done but like everybody all ready said good carbon filter and a sealed room you wont get no smell :smoking:
You could try an Ozone Generator.
Careful with this. I do it regularly and it'll basically strip any shiny coating off the leaves and they'll dry to a crisp within days. It does work great in the lung room, but you absolutely have to turn off all intake and extraction fans in the tent and leave them off for some time after running ozone depending on the size of the room. I run mine in a 12x12 room for 30 mins every 2 weeks ish and keep the fans off for 2 hours after that with a window cracked and plants are unaffected that way
Careful with this. I do it regularly and it'll basically strip any shiny coating off the leaves and they'll dry to a crisp within days. It does work great in the lung room, but you absolutely have to turn off all intake and extraction fans in the tent and leave them off for some time after running ozone depending on the size of the room. I run mine in a 12x12 room for 30 mins every 2 weeks ish and keep the fans off for 2 hours after that with a window cracked and plants are unaffected that way

Good call @Jerseyphresh1, do not put one in your tent with live plants. I have a single room O3 Generator in my lung room. It runs 2 minutes every half hour 24/7. But thinking about more, the air circulation in my lung room is constant. It works great at keeping the louder odours at bay while the plants are flowering.
Turn off your intake fan or turn it down. Your intake fan is pressurizing the tent because unrestricted by a filter it is pumping in more CFM than the 6 inch fan chocked down by the filter can pump out. Is the pre-filter on the carbon filter dirty? I have to wash mine every grow.

Your plants need the most Co² during lights on. Be sure to visit early and often. Grow edible mushrooms. When you stop the smell from coming out of the tent then you can have a box fan that runs on high to exchange all of the air in the lung room; Whenever you go in. Does the inspector look for an air sealed door? If not you could make a small gap at the bottom that may not be noticeable? Would they allow you to have bottled Co²?

No easy answer for growing in your environment.


I turned the intake way down. . I also turned the outtake down. We are now sitting at speed 1 on the intake, and speed 5 on the outtake. The prefilter on this one is not dirty. This is a new filter and I have made sure to try to clean my equipment after each grow, as part of the after harvest.

As far as Co2 and my environment goes, I like the box fan idea and I will definitely be using that. I have been looking into growing edible mushrooms as well, but have not mainly because I did not want to distract my focus from growing my autos and other flowers. The door does not have to be air-sealed(and in fact mine is not, I have the typical one inch or so gap between the floor and door). If an inspection were to occur, the only thing that would be checked is 1. I am within the plant count limit. 2. The door to the lung room is locked, and inaccessible by means other than a key or physical damage. Bottled Co2 is definitely a possibility, but I have not known anyone to preach its effectiveness so I have not tried it. If you think it would be worth it, I would not mind giving it a shot. I think the mushrooms ideas is good too. I do not know much about mushrooms, and I just get the ones from the store for steak and such. I would have to do some research but I will definitely look into it again.
I've had to contend with the smell escape issue myself. I have to vent the exhaust into the room the tent is in and it definitely is noticeable after a certain point in the grow. I build 5-gallon bucket scrubbers and vent the exhaust duct through that. Works great but is a bit spendy. Been discussing it with another guy here:

I turned the intake way down. . I also turned the outtake down. We are now sitting at speed 1 on the intake, and speed 5 on the outtake. The prefilter on this one is not dirty. This is a new filter and I have made sure to try to clean my equipment after each grow, as part of the after harvest.

As far as Co2 and my environment goes, I like the box fan idea and I will definitely be using that. I have been looking into growing edible mushrooms as well, but have not mainly because I did not want to distract my focus from growing my autos and other flowers. The door does not have to be air-sealed(and in fact mine is not, I have the typical one inch or so gap between the floor and door). If an inspection were to occur, the only thing that would be checked is 1. I am within the plant count limit. 2. The door to the lung room is locked, and inaccessible by means other than a key or physical damage. Bottled Co2 is definitely a possibility, but I have not known anyone to preach its effectiveness so I have not tried it. If you think it would be worth it, I would not mind giving it a shot. I think the mushrooms ideas is good too. I do not know much about mushrooms, and I just get the ones from the store for steak and such. I would have to do some research but I will definitely look into it again.

Mushrooms are time consuming and messy. I have grown Edible and psychedelic shrooms. It is pretty easy.

Most people want to push there plants with 1500 PPM Co² to the maximum yield by maximizing light and Co². In your case the idea would be to just keep a fresh air level of Co² around 430 PPM. It is doable especially in your basement without ventilation.

You would need to mount a Co² alarm in the basement so you don't walk into an oxygen displaced pit. I personally would have two.

Really before you do that try to figure out how to get fresh air.