New Grower Smart to let these streach in a PC grow ?

I wouldnt stretch them too much... it's not really gunna have much of an effect on yield. Hopefully yours turn out good too though!
Hey yeah seems like I was being a bit too negative :) good that more experienced people replied. And yeah you will definitely learn from this so it can be good to go all the way through.

I just said what I would have done in your position...cos looking at your plants now I think it's going to be tricky to harvest more than 15 g per plant (if you re a beginner); which is still something of course and still good to have 1 oz at the end of it...but in my situation it wouldn t be worth the price and wait...(I am not saying you re gonna get 15 g per plant necessarily, maybe you can get more, dont know)

Anyway, happy to see you managed to get in control of coco; i hope your next grow goes ok.
I ll leave you with an advice though, my personal view cos I am a person like you witch went through a lot of research and had problems with a few words: IF (and only if ) you are a beginner, invest 20 bucks in a bag of soil and organic nutes and your grow is gonna be 10 times easier.....

Also am not entirely sure, but I'd do some research on the strecth thing if i was lucar above said I don t think stretching them will affect yield. I think you should keep the light where you are supposed to and let them grow...if you wanna keep the lights up to strecth em think could be a bad idea and could give u some lanky ass plant;;cos they re just stretching not making new nodes... :)
Good Luck
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I understand your point, but 25g for me is alot of money earned when it costs 156 dollars for 5 grams in the street (And the quality is SHIT, you have to smoke 2 hits every hour to stay high). It's ONLY for personal medicine and I wont sell anything of it. And it's risky to order seeds I have to send it to a different mail box and use a prepaid visa so I don't have the luxury to just kill them, and that's 26 days in the drain.
If I get 30grams I'll be more then happy and I will have more then enough for my next grow since I don't smoke so much :) I have a GF who doesn't like weed and looks down at it aswell sigh..
So I will carry on through and wait for my LED light for my next grow and learn from my mistakes, I feel i have control of the coco if it wasn't for the advice I got from a friend who's experienced in soil but said I had to start easy and water-feed-water-feed etc I would be perfectly fine by now. It's just underfed that's all and I got some CALiMAGIC on the way aswell which will help tremendously :)
Next grow I will expect much more yield tho but for now this is gonna be oh so okay :)
Thanks for the input !
and hey...update this post with pictures once they grow if you can now am curious to see how they turn out!
Just a little small update :) I've been going up to 4.0ml coco A&B in 2 liters of water. The PH is at 5.8 and I always let my water stay for 24 hours to get room temperature and so the chlorine gets purified.
The plants looks healthy and they stretched more then 2cm, it's hard to measure it 100% accurate since the coco doesn't have a hard surface and there are so many leaves.

Here are the pictures :

WP_20150422_001.jpg WP_20150422_004.jpg WP_20150422_002.jpg WP_20150422_003.jpg WP_20150422_006.jpg

I can see MANY roots sticking out of my 1gal smartpots now, and they are getting dry pretty fast now. In a few days I'll bet I have to feed em twice a day.
My Penetrator 21X - Pro is estimated on arrival the 29th, also will have CALiMAGIC and some other goodstuff from growershouse. I really stick my name out for them, GREAT company and GREAT customer service !
I'm planning on getting Canna Rhizotonic for my roots.
Anyone got some reviews about it ? And when / how much to use ?
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