Day 14
So far this is the best start I have had (its only my 3rd, its not much really to compare too...), my last 2 grows went well but this time I'm seeing much more of an increased growth rate and a better looking plant at this stage. The Fast and Vast in racing ahead as expected (bottom right), the White Cheese has put on a turn of speed suddenly in the last 2 days (bottom left). And the Pineapple Express (top) does look a little like she's being left behind.
I would say that up grading to the air pots and using the @opticfoliar spray has had effect and increased the growth, giving the plants an over all fatter and stronger look to them.
All 3 got foliar spray and the 2 small pots got a full drench (about 10% run off) with a light mix of root stim. seaweed and a small dose of cal-mag. The 20lt pot was still heavy so didn't need watering (it did get a little, about 1ltr of what was left over of what the other 2 didn't drink). Will most probably get a full water end of tomorrow or the day after.
Thanks for reading