Mephisto Genetics Skywalker Outdoor 2020

Jun 8, 2020
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I snagged a pack of Mephisto’s Skywalker, so I thought I’d share here. I’ve successfully grown autos before, but not outdoors. I needed these to fill in the holes in my legal outdoor garden after sorting and culling a few male photos.

I’m growing in 3 gallon fabric pots, with Happy Frog amended with 30% perlite and azomite. Feeding with Fox Farm nutrients - it’s always worked great for me.

Not much to see yet. All seven seeds cracked open within 24 hours and went into their final 3g pots after 48 hours.


I’m calling today, 6/20 day one. I promise I’ll keep this journal updated to the end. According to my calculations, these should be done around the end of August - long before my photoperiod girls that have already been vegging for two months.

Ace’s Orient Express in the big garden this year:

So feel free to join along for my Mephisto auto grow! I’m planning at least weekly updates including final weights and a smoke report. I’m new to this forum as a poster so just let me know if there are rules I’m not following.
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Don't you have trouble with those fabric pots drying out too quickly? Back when I grew autos outdoors in fabric pots, I had a terrible time with this, with temps in the low ninetys. I even tried wrapping them in white grocer sacks, but the best thing I found was some white plastic pots 1 size bigger than my fabric pots. I'm sure the root ball stayed cooler and I didn't have to water twice a day. Just my 2 cents and good luck! :greenthumb: :pass:
Don't you have trouble with those fabric pots drying out too quickly? Back when I grew autos outdoors in fabric pots, I had a terrible time with this, with temps in the low ninetys. I even tried wrapping them in white grocer sacks, but the best thing I found was some white plastic pots 1 size bigger than my fabric pots. I'm sure the root ball stayed cooler and I didn't have to water twice a day. Just my 2 cents and good luck! :greenthumb: :pass:

In short, yes. I'm watering the 10 gallon photos daily already. It's a pain, but since I'm working at home it gives me a chance to tend to the plants regularly. And the nice thing with these 3 gallons is I can move them inside pretty easily if I need to.
Day two, just the sort of seedling update you’d expect. It was close to 90 degrees the first 48 hours these ladies were above soil, so they’re a bit stretchy as expected. They stayed in a shaded garage and I even rotated them every few hours all weekend to keep them upright. Cooler weather this week, and I’m hoping these can go full sun by next weekend.


Number seven still hasn’t cracked it’s hard hat and sprung leaves, probably because of the heat.


Last night I ordered a pack of Sour Stomper for my next round, so I’ll use a few of those to replace any of these Skywalker babies that don’t make it.
Day three, yep still babies. I’ve never had seedlings get THIS leggy before, but I’m nursing them through a hot humid week. I’m assuming it’s the climate issue. I’m contemplating packing just a bit more topsoil very carefully around the tallest of them - feedback appreciated if anyone is reading this.
That's usually a light intensity problem. Has it been cloudy there alot? Adding soil would be a good ideal, or you could get radical and re-pot them deeper. If the winds are calm, you might add a fan to tough up the stems. If that's feasible. :shrug:
You know, I've been "sheltering" them in the garage quite a bit, so maybe I should have just put them out full sun to start. I did end up adding an extra 3/4" of soil which helped their stability. Looks like 6/7 are going to make it.
Today is day 8. Finally growing that second set of leaves. I feel like these were set back a few days trying to start them outside in the 90 degree shade, so total days to harvest will be interesting.

I’ve been spending most of my garden time dealing with the beginnings of a mealy big infestation in my big outdoor girls. These little critters live in bottom growth on the underside of leaves and stems. I cleaned every plant and treated with heavy foilar neem treatment 48 hours ago. I’m still finding a few stragglers so gonna have to keep everybody isolated and treat again ugh.
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Day nine. I gave a weak growbig feeding today when watering. Today’s the first day I noticed new growth in a 24 hour period - roots must be taking. They’re still sensitive but I’m leaving them out overnight at this point. Temps remain in the mid 80s and sunny.
