@Ripped In Oregon many thanks, some great stuff we got going on here truly excited for the future and the things yet to come.
Training is def been n effect since the beginning.. i train her every morning atleast for 5-10mins. she retains her shape very well. Very robost and tough tough plant..the stalk on her at this point is at tree density. all g man,

for checkn her out!
COB lighting def has some love to be given, as they seem to be performing at top quality. keep n mind this little setup is running at only 200W including fan. which is a 50W exhaust fan vacuuming air from below skirt to top of tent. all vents opened at bottom. max air flow hitting fabric pots. not using filter due to smell not bad plus all around me is trees.
Lots of small things added to this setup, but i want to provide an area w/ min/max attitude

. i could throw n 3 more 50W cob and just go super ham mode and make this little 25W per sq/ft area a 50W per sq/ft but i wish to min/max, not max/max = less effceint XD although i hear w/ cobs u can go a max of 50W per/sqt feet and after that u will suffer diminishing returns, ive yet to reach that, but soon i hope to be going w/ a 4 autopot setup for a comparison of a max/max setup. imbetween moves right now. XD nxt journal w/ be n Italy


everyone for great vibes, i have photo update her soon!
Stayn medicated :smoking: