Outdoor Single plant grow - Mdanzig Sour Spyder

Jan 10, 2015
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This is my first grow since the 70s! I have limited space on my balcony but have an excellent location with full due south exposure. Maybe it is sad that I can only grow one plant, but my needs are minimal so one will do until another can be started...and then another.

I have a long horticultural background with all sorts of plants; trees, shrubs, vegetables, lawns and helped customers for years at a large nursery's information desk. This grow should be a "piece of cake" for me but I am still nervous.

I chose a variety that is perhaps a bit esoteric, which matches my taste in everything from beer to clothes. I studied all kinds of auto-flowering feminized seeds and ended up choosing Mdanzig Sour Spyder. When the seeds came I was a bit surprised that the seeds seemed smaller than what I used to clean out of Mexican dirt weed in the 70s and wondered if they were viable.

Yesterday morning I looked at my seeds and chose one to germinate, and I chose the smallest seed figuring that if it did not germinate I would simply move on to another seed. I put that seed in a shot glass of water for 12 hours and was sure the seed was bad because it floated! Not a good sign, or so I thought.

After 12 hours soaking the seed sank. I then put the seed inside a moist paper towel and inside a baggie, and that on a plate on top of my cable converter box. This morning I checked the seed and it had already sprouted less than 24 hours later! So into a peat pot it goes and back to its warm spot.

I am nervous and excited to get this going. Stay tuned...
Looking forward to this E³, what size pot are you planning on using and grow medium?

Good luck 3E
I am going to use a 3 gallon pot. And a local soil I have used for years for container gardening, Black Gold All Organic.
Perhaps the most exciting moment is when a seedling breaks the soil surface.

Looks like a healthy start! BTW, it only takes a couple of days for the tap root to grow out the bottom of those peat pellets and get damaged so don't wait long to get it into its final pot
Nice plan, im sure youll ace this game trip Es, will you try for a cubed bud ? Would love to see it or a spliff shaped one ! More practical
Best of luck
Planted! My tiny seedling is resting inside a mini greenouse and planted in a 3 gallon container. It looks so small, the seed looked small to me and the size of the cotyledons, stem and whole seedling just seems smaller than what I remember from many years ago with generic C. sativa seeds. I assume that the ruderalis genetics produce a seedling that is indeed smaller in stature. Yes, I am learning...

As for the roots being damaged...not a chance! I did not wait long enough for the roots to come out the bottom of the peat pot and I carefully cut the fabric off the bottom before planting being very careful not to disturb the soil mass.
Last night was unseasonably cold and I know I am pushing the season, but with some extra heat in my little greehouse box I kept the low temp to 50f. (I have a portable digital thermometer/hygrometer.) Tonight will be chilly too but after that warmer weather. Of course there is not much growth yet on my pretty little seedling, but she seems happy.
