All righty just tried my hand at sts... I mixed .25g of silver nitrate to 250ml of water, than 1.25 of sodium thiosulfate in 250ml, mixed both separate and than together... I than took one ounce and mixed it in 450ml of h2o(distilled whole process) I than took my 1:9 sts solution and just sprayed the crap out of one my young ladies.... Will respect again in another week and see (might make solution with other ratios that I saw under the .50gm SN and 2.5gm St recipe... If this actually works, ill NEVER GO BACK TO MAKING CS(as I couldn't get a reversal.... Will see what the next few weeks bring... Crossing fingers as this whole thing seemed way simpler than I thought it would be.... I got enough of stock solution (aprox 470ml's worth) enough if my calculations are right to make enough for over 15+ bottles of spray? I'll be throwing more out than ill possibly be able to use....