Indoor Silver Run & Future 86 Home Thread -- Rebel's Creations


AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
May 26, 2011
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Hola Mi Familia!! I've been waiting for this and I'm very excited! This will be my Home Thread for the Autos I've created and working. So far that's Auto Silver Run & Future 86. First I will discuss Auto Silver Run...

Auto Silver Run was created from taking a female Auto Sweet Trainwreck and hitting her with pollen from my Auto Buckeye Smash Male. Buckeye Smash is an Early Showing Photo I have worked to F2 IBL and have had high ratios of Male Autos in the early generations. Buckeye Smash is Landrace Afghan Kush x Auto Assassin.

Silver Run was named after a known to be Haunted local no longer used B & O Railroad Tunnel, named Silver Run. Here's the back story...

Ritchie County, West Virginia - For many years there have been tales of a young woman haunting the former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad that ran through the 1,376-foot-long tunnel at Silver Run in Ritchie County.
Today as part of the North Bend Rail Trail, the story of the ghost is one of the attractions along the former railway that is part of the American Discovery Trail.
D.J. Allen, co-owner of Country Trail Bikes in Cairo with her husband, said the ghost has been seen by many riders on the trail. She said some report seeing what appears to be a child.
"They used to do haunted tunnel rides on Halloween to the tunnel," she said.
Allen said she took a picture once and her photos showed what appeared to be orbs, a ball of light associated with hauntings.
"I didn't realize until later what an orb was and it was kind of eerie," she said. "There are people who take their dog to the tunnel and the dog will stand there, bark and refuse to go through."
Allen said ghost hunters are there many times trying to get recordings of the ghost or ghosts in the tunnel.
"There have been people who spent the night in the tunnel just to see what is happening," she said.
Allen said the tunnel, the third longest on the trail, is the best known for hauntings. She said the story of the woman in white is a tragic story.
"A woman was one her way from Grafton to Parkersburg to get married," she said. "Something happened to her along the way. No one knows what happened for sure but for many years as trains approached the tunnel engineers would see this image of a woman in a long, flowing white dress."
Allen said engineers would stop the train in time to avoid hitting the woman but she would disappear before their eyes.
"As this kept happening railroad officials thought the engineer was cracking up and they replaced him," she said. "They got a new engineer and the same thing happened to him - he would get to the Silver Run Tunnel he'd see the image of a woman in a long, flowing white dress."
One night, as the story goes, he decided to keep going on his way to Parkersburg despite what he saw on the tracks that night.
"He decided he didn't care what happened, so he went full throttle, full speed ahead," she said. "It was just about dusk when he got to the tunnel. It was foggy and there was a full moon and there was the woman in her gown and he kept going."
As he made his way, the Parkersburg terminal got calls reporting something white on the front of the train.
"By the time the train made it to Parkersburg, the fog had lifted but there was nothing there.
Allen said several years later some bones were found under a house near the tunnel. That discovery led to speculation about what happened to the woman.
"It's unknown what happened to her," Allen said. "Maybe she was pushed, or maybe she jumped from the train. Nobody knows what happened to her."
About five years ago Allen said she heard a new story about the tunnel.
"We never heard this before," she said. "Some people said they saw the image of a child. One lady came in to the store and she looked around to see if no one else was there and she began to tell me about seeing the child."
Allen said she doubts the woman would have told them about it if anyone else was there.
"Later that summer another lady came in did the exact same thing and told us the same story - the two ladies were not related," she said. "She said her sister lived on the other side of the tunnel and she said there is an old Irish cemetery at the top of the mountain. People who worked there are buried there as are people who died in a nearby mine explosion are there."
Allen said the woman said she saw the child sitting on a tomb stone.
"He was kicking his feet up," she said. "It scared her and she said she would neve go by there again at night."
Recently, Allen said a former resident told her the child had been seen for years by local residents.
"This isn't something new to some, I don't know why the child wasn't appearing for a long time but he knew about the child," she said. "Someone who said this woman who was on her way to be married wanted a family really bad. We don't know if there was an accident with a child there - we don't know the story of the child."
Allen said many people have had things happen near the tunnel.
"One time a group was hiking and they got separated, but when they got to the tunnel they thought the others were ahead of them when they were actually behind them," she said. "They heard voices in the tunnel and they went through and there was nobody there. People have said they've seen a bride in the tunnel.
"A family camped out near the tunnel last year and they had some instances of someone pushing them away, they were a little freaked out by that."
Allen said the tunnel is starting to draw ghost hunters.
"Silver Run has its own unique draw," she said. "It's remote and long, but a lot of people go through it. There are people afraid to go through it. I wouldn't go through it without a flashlight."
Allen said he tunnel is a marvel from a building stand point.
"It's neat to go through that tunnel to think of the work," she said. "That tunnel was built around the Civil Wart time, it's neat to think of the work that went into them. Of course, there were accidents, so you don't know what kind of spirits maybe lurking there."

This is the very first time I've attempted growing her out. I created it back in July 2014... I sowed 4 of them and got 1 female. Males showed at 16 Days from Sow and females 17 Days from Sow. Seeds sown directly in the dirt. Until she's grown out and smoked I'm not sure my directions with her. Since it's an complete unknown we'll wait and see how she turns out! Here she is today at 3 weeks from sow and after being tiered.



Future 86 is next up...
Thank you sanguine! Much appreciated! What's a strain without a story right? Thanks again!

:Sharing One: :Cheers:
Look what I found....


Sweet Trainwreck x Buckeye Smash is something I can get on board with! :rimshot:
Awesome story my friend! When I was a young lad (a hundred years ago) ghost stories were by far my favorite books to read. Thanks SO much for sharing!

Your Silver Run HAS to be a great cross with those genetics. Looking forward to hearing about and seeing your Future 86 as well.

Be well my brother!
Look what I found....


Sweet Trainwreck x Buckeye Smash is something I can get on board with! :rimshot:

Hell yes! Awesome Trapp! Thanks! bout 3 summers back the Wife and I, Her brother and his buddy... we all went to Eaton's Tunnel (tunnel #21) just before dark... That's another crazy story I'll drop later on... Spent on hour there just before dark.. then took the half hour or so drive up to Silver Run. It was PITCH BLACK DARK lol Cairo (where Silver Run is) is in the middle of no where... The only light around was someone's dusk til dawn light like a half mile down the road from where we parked. Took the long walk down to the tunnel (well it felt long in the pitch black lol) only had two flash lights lol we got into the Tunnel and killed all the lights, started filming and recording. Nothing paranormal or anything... Didn't even feel creepy. It was the most incredible experiences with Bats I have ever had!! I'll have to dig up the pics. Got some killer open winged shots and them flying around. Wings against the face and all. It was a blast! Bats don't bother me in the least. They were just checking us out! So that's my only experience with Silver Run! Never been there during the day ever lol Coolest hour I ever spent in a Haunted Tunnel!

Awesome story my friend! When I was a young lad (a hundred years ago) ghost stories were by far my favorite books to read. Thanks SO much for sharing!

Your Silver Run HAS to be a great cross with those genetics. Looking forward to hearing about and seeing your Future 86 as well.

Be well my brother!

Thank you stickman!! Very nice of you to say! Thanks for joining me on this journey!

Working on my Future 86 post now... Digging up some pics for a killer preview!

:Sharing One:
Nope... I was going to explain in the intro to Future 86 post lol but since you asked... It was named after a road... In Orange County, NY... The last time I smoked with my father, I was smoking this strain and we were driving on a road that has had a sign on it for like the last 20 years... "Future 86" you know one of those Interstate signs? So this particular road is supposed to be "I-86" sometime in the Future LOL Leave it to NY!!

Future 86 is very near and dear to me because my Father was very sick at the time and was in a Nursing Home... I couldn't move him here to WV due to the doctor in NY saying he wasn't fit for the long road trip. He was a life long toker... up until he got sick and wicked depressed. He had had a few strokes and couldn't walk right anymore. It messed with the part of your brain the controls your balance. Anyway He knew I'd have smoke on me when I went up to see him. I went there and soon as he got a moment alone with me he asks "you bring any doobage?" So after begging the RN to let me take him out.. She had to call the Doc and get "approval"... I load him up in a wheel chair, get him in the car and off we went. We drove around for a few hours, smoked a few Future 86 joints (back then it was called Cream Diesel... I'll explain) and rocked out to some classic rock and some hard rock lol our favorite past times... smoking, driving, and rocking out lol We were on this road "Future 86" and just before that he was telling me how proud he was of me growing my own, having a friend create such a great strain, and raving how good he felt...

This was a guy that had clammed up... was depressed... very short with me. After a few tokes he was soaring and laughing... Singing... It was absolutely AMAZING. I knew at that moment that was going to be the last time we'd ever smoke together again. Bittersweet is not the word... I have to stop now... Water works are starting up...

back to that road... we were driving and coming up the the infamous sign... "Future 86". he looks at it and says "Future 86. That would be a good name for a strain".

that was in October 2012. He went to the Love & Light in January 2013.

That friend he was praising, that created "such a great strain!", is none other than AFN's Own DubV. He created the cross and named it Cream Diesel. I was the first to grow it out... After hearing how my Father had been after he smoked it... and obviously due to my tremendous loss... and in his love for a friend gifted me the strain in my Father's honor. With his blessings I renamed it Future 86 and am going to continue his work in my Dad's honor and now also in Dub's honor for giving us such an incredible gift. It's more than just what he did. It's also a tremendous strain that has potential to help a great many people. and I will continue that journey. In both their names!

Himalayan Blue Diesel x Cream Caramel x Auto AK = Future 86

picture bomb to follow...