Sick Sour Diesel, please help

Oct 5, 2021
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Soon after flowering it began getting yellow leaves and i'm not sure the problem.
I'm using FF Trio at quarter strength as anything higher an i would have burnt tips. I also use Bloom city Silica and Cal-Mag between feedings.
Schedule is water(cal-mag), water(silica), feed (FF Trio) with about 1L or less water, lights are on 18 hours a day an i'm using 3Gal fabric pots with Sungro Sunshine Mix(peat & perlite).

This isn't the first time this has happenend, i seem to have something off that i can't put my finger on during all my grows so any help from the more experienced here would be greatly appreciated as i've exhausted my limited knowledge.

What is your water quality to start with? Distilled /RO, city tap, well? Think most nutrient lines have the nutrients that are needed including cal-mag so by adding more you could be locking out other nutrients. What is the PH of mix before you water? Never used that soil but with a peat based mix the soil PH could be off. For a good diagnosis all those things need to be considered.
Hi, looks like a sulphur deficiency to me, did you add gypsum to your soil when potting up?
That’s what it looks like to me but it would be best to post info on PH, PPM etc to allow a full review of the issue for experienced growers to give a good response as I’m not super experienced so maybe best don’t take my advise until others have their say
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What is your water quality to start with? Distilled /RO, city tap, well? Think most nutrient lines have the nutrients that are needed including cal-mag so by adding more you could be locking out other nutrients. What is the PH of mix before you water? Never used that soil but with a peat based mix the soil PH could be off. For a good diagnosis all those things need to be considered.
First and foremost thank you all for your responses, greatly appreciated.:worship:

So i use tap water, PH basically goes between 6-7, most time near 6 sometimes near 6.5, rarely near 7.
FF Trio does not have Cal-Mag in the trio, that's in Bushdoctor as far as i know.

I have a PH tester for liquids, the normal yellow one on Amazon, i have a pair and they more or less say same readings, i'm not sure about testing the soil PH though.

PPM - 100-250 - young seedling/vegatation / 300-400 during late vegatation an early flowering
PH - 5.9-6.5

As for the sulphur deficiency, didn't really think about that as i assumed the FF Trio and Bloom City stuff would basically provide everything it would need. I don't amend the soil with anything except a few grains of blaukorn and cal-mag powder.
What i have noted with this medium it has absolutely no added nutes to get started as in if i don't add blaukorn or FF GB after the first node the plant because staunted and yellows begin to turn yellow at which point i rescue it with a little blaukorn or a small dose general purpose 20-20-20.

Anyway i'm willing to hear all suggestions and any help is appreciated as this prob is plaguing me too long bros.
Picture of the whole plant would be much more useful, but here is a guess:

Check you water report for harness, but odds are your water is plenty hard enough and you don’t need to add any calmag. If your tap water has a base harness of between 100-200ppm that should be plenty of calmag for a peat based soil mixture. You would only need to add additional calmag if you were using coco, but peat does not soak up calmag like coco does.

Your plants appear to be underfed (tall and lanky with thin growth and too much space between nodes), but also showing some signs of lockout (purple stems both on leaves and main stalk).

Stop adding calmag and, I can’t believe I am going to say this, maybe up your nutrients a little bit. 300-400 ppm is pretty low. A healthy plant heading into flowering should be able to tolerate levels almost double that. I keep my plants in the 400-500 ppm range in late veg and then bump it up to around 700 ppm for most of flowering with no nutrient burn issues.

Too much calmag from tap water plus what you are adding could be causing some lockout, but that doesn’t feel like the whole answer to me, just one thing to consider as a possibility.

good luck!
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Picture of the whole plant would be much more useful, but here is a guess:

Check you water report for harness, but odds are your water is plenty hard enough and you don’t need to add any calmag. If your tap water has a base harness of between 100-200ppm that should be plenty of calmag for a peat based soil mixture. You would only need to add additional calmag if you were using coco, but peat does not soak up calmag like coco does.

Your plants appear to be underfed (tall and lanky with thin growth and too much space between nodes), but also showing some signs of lockout (purple stems both on leaves and main stalk).

Stop adding calmag and, I can’t believe I am going to say this, maybe up your nutrients a little bit. 300-400 ppm is pretty low. A healthy plant heading into flowering should be able to tolerate levels almost double that. I keep my plants in the 400-500 ppm range in late veg and then bump it up to around 700 ppm for most of flowering with no nutrient burn issues.

Too much calmag from tap water plus what you are adding could be causing some lockout, but that doesn’t feel like the whole answer to me, just one thing to consider as a possibility.

good luck!
Not having used the FF trio I'm not sure what's in it, but, that being said I used some FF on my 1st grow, grow big, big bloom and boomerang adding cal-mag into my well water (limestone aquifer)....had about same problem. And it was a mixed blessing cause in searching for a solution I found AFN. Was advised to put the cal-mag in a dark corner on my shelf, start using R/O or distilled water from store....sure seemed to perk them up and I had a fair harvest, sooooo....just saying. :smoking:
Picture of the whole plant would be much more useful, but here is a guess:

Check you water report for harness, but odds are your water is plenty hard enough and you don’t need to add any calmag. If your tap water has a base harness of between 100-200ppm that should be plenty of calmag for a peat based soil mixture. You would only need to add additional calmag if you were using coco, but peat does not soak up calmag like coco does.

Your plants appear to be underfed (tall and lanky with thin growth and too much space between nodes), but also showing some signs of lockout (purple stems both on leaves and main stalk).

Stop adding calmag and, I can’t believe I am going to say this, maybe up your nutrients a little bit. 300-400 ppm is pretty low. A healthy plant heading into flowering should be able to tolerate levels almost double that. I keep my plants in the 400-500 ppm range in late veg and then bump it up to around 700 ppm for most of flowering with no nutrient burn issues.

Too much calmag from tap water plus what you are adding could be causing some lockout, but that doesn’t feel like the whole answer to me, just one thing to consider as a possibility.

good luck!

Okay, attached some pics of the whole plant.
Are you saying leave out Cal-Mag entirely? As in the direct application of cal-mag powder when prepping the soil and BC concentrate cal-mag during waterings?
Am i missing any nutrients? See sulphur recommendation above...
I suspect it can be some type of lockout as well, will measure the tap water ppm an get back to you.
Underfertlized!!!! With FF???!?? if you look in latest pics i tried to push it up to 500ppm and the tips got a little burnt, but then again she isn'nt well so anything can happen i guess.

Wish I could point you in the right direction to solve it but I'm not that experienced yet. @Waira , @Mañ'O'Green , @420Forever and a few others have the experience for that. The rest of us can only relate our own trials and tribulations with trying to get it right and for me it was the water quality I was putting in. That and stopping the use of cal-mag were the only things I changed. No matter what it's all a learning experience for the next grow my friend.