Sick seedlings in coco ! Please help

Oct 22, 2020
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Hey guys ! This is my first grow !
  • Planted GSC Auto x 2 using Bio Diesel Max Air Coco Perlite 70-30 Mix into Rhizo Pot Fabric Pot [12L]
  • Did not saturate all coco first , tapped pot firmly to settle soil and make it more compact without using too much force
  • Planted seed taproot facing down and covered very lightly with soil and sprayed to settle with a spray bottle and tap water
  • Put pot in grow tent under MarsHydro TS1000 , set around 22” from top of pot and intensity set to 50% , little fan in text and temp is 25c and humidity 70%


Today is day 10 from sprouting but I think there’s something wrong with my seedlings lol ??

I’ve been feeding nutes at 1/3 strength and also been using cal mag at 1/3 strength . I’ve mixed as per instructions as to not get nutrient lockout but my plants are seeming yellow !

I’ve watered until runoff only once and the PH run in has been 6.2-6.3 with an ECC of around 350 .

I’m due to feed today so any advice greatly appreciated ! Thank you


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I think pH of 6.2 is too high for coco. If I were you I would get it back to no more than 6.0, and since it has been a bit high, I would take your feed back to 5.7 for a bit, and then vary it between ~5.6 - 6.0. It is possible that what you are seeing is a bit of pH lockout.

It is also possible that your specific nute package needs to be a bit stronger in coco. After they have been fed at the different pH for a few days, if they are still light green, I would up the nutes to half strength and see whether that helps. Also, I should say that they don't look that bad color wise, but your eyes may be a better judge than the photos are.

They are definitely a bit slow, but may get into gear once they have time to develop a better root system and you get the nutes dialed.

Good luck with it, and keep the questions coming. :pighug:
@nard420 They look hungry to me. Packing down the coco is kinda counter productive in that the airy texture is desirable. Coco is hydro so you fertigate balanced nutrients every time you water. Fertigate to 15% run-off to waste by the end of the day (use the waste it in your outdoor gardens). PH to 6.2 going in and get an Accurate 8 Soil probe to test the PH in the root zone. Run-off PH is inaccurate. We need to do the math on the calcium. If you are on municipal water you can get a water quality report online. We are interested in the Water Hardness and sanitation sections. Do you have an EC meter? We want to add up all of the calcium inputs so we do not exceed 190 PPM.

What you need to learn about watering will come with practice. Here are the basic rules: Never let the soil dry out. Soil and or coco can become hydrophobic if allowed to dry. This means it repels water. This in turn will create dry pockets in the soil and roots there will die. If your soil - coco have accidentally dried out use a surfactant to help re-wet it. I like yucca powder. Don't let soil remain soggy by watering too much too often. Root rot, damping off, molds, fungus gnats and other problems start in soggy soil. When you do water water the entire pot. How to learn when to water starts before you plant the seed. Fill your container with fresh soil/coco and weigh it (heft it) this is the lightest weight and consider it a dry pot. Now slowly water until the soil/coco will no longer absorb the water and run-off begins; weigh the pot (heft it) this is the maximum water, the wettest the pot can get. The difference between wettest and driest is the maximum water weight, for ease of explanation lets just say the water weighs 20 pounds. When the pot loses 10 pounds (half of the water weight) it is time to water again. There is an art to watering. Coco can be fertigate many times a day if you want to continually present fresh balanced nutrients to the roots. Begin fertigation 2 hours after lights on and end it 2 hours before lights out.
Update 2 days later !
Watered yesterday , upped nutes to half recommended strength instead of 1/3 and I think they look a little greener however I think I watered too much so looking a little droopy :(
I was not going to water today and wait until tomorrow until the medium is a little dryer !
I’ll post a couple of pics !
I also ordered a new bottle of calmag which is 2-0-0 compared to my current 8-0-0 and I will start using this from next water !
Temp is around 26c and RH between 60-75
Any advice welcome thank you :)


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I think pH of 6.2 is too high for coco. If I were you I would get it back to no more than 6.0, and since it has been a bit high, I would take your feed back to 5.7 for a bit, and then vary it between ~5.6 - 6.0. It is possible that what you are seeing is a bit of pH lockout.

It is also possible that your specific nute package needs to be a bit stronger in coco. After they have been fed at the different pH for a few days, if they are still light green, I would up the nutes to half strength and see whether that helps. Also, I should say that they don't look that bad color wise, but your eyes may be a better judge than the photos are.

They are definitely a bit slow, but may get into gear once they have time to develop a better root system and you get the nutes dialed.

Good luck with it, and keep the questions coming. :pighug:
Ok so here’s an update a few days later ! I’m definitely seeing more growth and my girls are looking a bit more green (I think lol)
I lowered the PH as suggested , slowly going from 5.7 and then last night I watered at a PH of 5.9 then next water will aim for around 6 !
I also upped the nutes to the recommended dose on the pack , I did this last night and they seem ok this morning !
Thanks in advance !


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I'd say they are not looking bad at all. They may not get huge given the early slow start, but they look healthy, and if you keep them on track, you should get some of the nicest bud you have had.

Good luck, and keep us posted! :pighug:
I'd say they are not looking bad at all. They may not get huge given the early slow start, but they look healthy, and if you keep them on track, you should get some of the nicest bud you have had.

Good luck, and keep us posted! :pighug:
Hey there ! I was just having a look at my girls today and noticed some little wire bumps on the lower stem ! Any ideas what these are ? They are only on one ! Thanks in advance :)


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Not sure, but it is possible that they are scale insects, although I don't know where they would come from with your coco mix. Others here may be able to help. If they multiply in numbers or spread to other plants, you may have a problem, but I would not get too fussed unless someone with more knowledge tell you that that is what this is.
Not sure, but it is possible that they are scale insects, although I don't know where they would come from with your coco mix. Others here may be able to help. If they multiply in numbers or spread to other plants, you may have a problem, but I would not get too fussed unless someone with more knowledge tell you that that is what this is.
Yes I’m not too worried about the little bumps just yet ! Thanks for your help as always ! I’ll post a little photo update , they are definitely growing !! I’m very excited and also nervous haha ... my last plant was a bit of a flop ! Hope you’re having a great day ! Also I’m due to feed them again today !


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Looking perfect, keep up the good work. :pighug: