Sick Plants

yes please upload a pic for us...
also... check my signature... theres a deficincies list in there too..

cheers mate! good plant karma sent... :smokebuds:
sweet. looking all over for a thread with my problem when i found this one thanks fd. i have some seedlings in 16oz party cups that are about thirty days old. they are showing light green new growth. im pretty sure this is a cal or mag deficiency. i have garden lime thats really good for cal/mag that i want to add. my question is can i grind the garden lime and add to my ff grow big to fix this. or will that be over the top and cause lockouts. the ff is at half strength and my plants have already taken well to it.
Well it was definetly a bad idea. I watered this morning and twelve hours later my #1 plant is already showing nute burn. So I flushed real quick and the leaves are drooping now. Crap. Went from slightly dicolored growth to nute burn to over watering all in the same day.
Word of advice to all who come here for help...

Ask your question, wait for an answer, act... in that order. You will never have to wait very long. :peace:
Yeah I know I should have waited but it was time to water and I could have gone with one or the other but I got impatient. A big nono when growing. All my otther 4 plants are ok for now. Just my prized plant reacted badly.
well i just realized something. my plant that is showing nute burn(yellowing tips) also has burn spots on a leaf. i remember i dripped the nuted water on that leaf because i dabbed it off. i know that you can foliar feed so if this is causing the nute burn how do i stop this. i dont think flushing will make a difference if it was a foliar nute burn. any ideas. will it just run its coarse. its not incredibly bad right now but if it continues to spread i predict some serious stunting will happen. this would also explain why this is the only plant that has nute burn. thanks in advance. any advice will be highly appreciated.
Can someone identify this?
She's a 23 days old Pakistan ryder and I noticed that damage only on lower fan leaves 2 days ago. The damaged leaves are a bit dry.I fed her 3 days ago for the first time with 15 ml Hesi coco and 1 drop Hesi multivit/5 ltr . I grow in coco, PH is 6, light is 250w CFL, temps between 20-27 C (average 24), Humidity 40-50, 20/4 light regime. New growth is not affected. I assume I could have spilled some ferts while feeding but not sure. The other plants are fine.
What do you guys think?
I'm not that kind of guy who starts a new thread for every little thing and every question. I ask only if I can't find answers myself.
So I'd be grateful if someone can help me to identify what's wrong with my plant. I have never experienced such issues.
Thank you.
Are you supplementing any cal-mag? That's my first thought calmag deff.
I had similar spotting on my PakRyder due to low pH that locked out the nutes. Once I got the pH in the mid 6 range I hit it with CalMag and it seemed to be OK after that. The best explanation I could figure out for the brown spots was a magnesium deficiency.

Mine started off as one plant also, but about a week later the other plant had similar spotting so it was flushed and treated also. I waited way too long to deal with it and ended up with stunted plants, though the bud still looks great.