Sick Plants

Good Morning Folks

Today is Day 39 for 2-Heisenberg Specials, Sour Crack and Beary White. Day 30 Gorilla glue and purple haze.

Last feed water only as I pushed a little bit and noticed some leaf tip yellowing.

Gonna give them full strength bloom, cal magic and some mammoth p tomorrow unless many disagree.

The other 2 stragglers will get Grow, cal magic and mammoth p. As all my other Grows I always get leaves turning brown in places.

Your thoughts are always appreciated and in this order: Heisenberg special [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], Heisenberg special [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]( nothing like [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], Gorilla glue, purple haze, Sour Crack and Beary White.


@archie gemmill @Waira @namvet25 @stedimed @epenguin @Groundcheck @STILLSMOKIN


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im going to change my mind from a maybe overwatered to a maybe underwaterd.
when soil dries out it can become compacted the water finds lil cracks or runs down the edge between soil and pot.can give the impression that its been watered but the water went throught so fast it didnt get a chance to drench the soil proper.
a day or two of forgoten waterings can turn my plants leaves a bit manky in spots to.sometimes the top of the soil hardens and water just sits in a pool ontop,thats when i stab the bejesus outa the surface of the soil with a wee dart.
good luck n keep er lit.
Hello All

Wanted to post all ladies while noticing some yellowing on all of them. They all are given Advanced Nutrients Iguana Grow, Bloom and Cal magic. Ph’d to 6,5 6.8.

They are at Day 47. Sour Crack is almost done and that’s fast!

Gorilla glue is taking her time to flower as she is at Day 38. In this order and let me know your thoughts. Heisenberg special [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], Heisenberg special # 2( weird compared to#1) gorilla glue, purple haze, Sour Crack and Beary White

@Waira @namvet25 @archie gemmill @stedimed



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no perfect but then not much is.looking a lot better than last update,lost that lil bit of clawing,and the buds not complaining.
long wait for sex on the gorilla glue as i thought it an indica not sativa,but now i said it it will show a hair tomorrow.
good luck n keep er lit.
@archie gemmill . Thanks man. Probably feed the other 5 a good dose of bloom nutes next week and then water only or maybe another week of bloom and then water. Sour crack may get cut next week.

:toke:... looks mostly fine to me so far, save the GG,... who's version is this? There's always a chance of it being a photo, by packing error, or sheer bad luck, iffy breeding,... or a weirdy long cycle auto
Hello @Waira

Got these beans just before Mephisto stopped shipping to the US.

Take a look also at Heisenberg special 1 and 2. I promise both beans came from same vial and look totally different.

Thank you my friend as always for jumping in.

Jackson @Groundcheck
@Waira @Groundcheck

Waira I was leaning toward one last feed of all plants with full dose of AN Iguana bloom and cal magic and then begin water only the rest of the way. Sour Crack should be ready very soon as she is in express mode. What do you think?

Now I’m awake
:smoking: cheers bud! ... if you're doing organics, or part organics, you don't need much of a cleanse period... overfeeding was not the problem! Taper feeds down the last couple weeks, as demands are following in kind,... many folks find a switch to lower P, higher K ratio at the end can produce nice results,... K and S are big parts of the terpenes chemistry, and late bloom P demand is not as high,... not necessary, just a little extra nute's spin to work with,... some of my fav' growers here do this and get stellar results, but you need to get the right products and know your dosing well,...