Sick Plants

Yeah I mentioned that it happens at the same time as I had some what of an epiphany, I really think these def are coming from me not giving them what they need. I usually start having problems right around day 30 at this point I've only given my plants distilled water, no nutes at all. I think that may be my problem, meaning that I should be giving them a small amount of food before that 30 day mark and the def start setting in.

I gave the StarRyder some phos/mag/cal this morning so I'll keep a close eye on her over the next couple of days. I gave the SD just mag/cal last night and all the droopiness in her leaves are gone and she is looking like her old self again. I have the run-off on both plants now at the magic number 6.5. Its been a freaking chore, but I really think I've made a break through in my growing, but we'll see in the newest batch of seedlings I have going now.

Good to hear mate. For me it was like rolling a joint. I just woke up one day and everything just clicked.
Well that is good to know, and I figured I could get away with hitting her with one more shot of bloom. She is starting to dry out already so I definitely think can get away with it. Thanks for the diagnosis.. You Da Man Bailer!

Thanks for the kind words mate. How is she doing now?

Thanks for posting up the pics and visting. It wouldn't be much of a af site without everyone.
Yes, thank you all for the info. I've just been through the same problem. The lower leaves first turn yellow at about 25/30 days, then fall and the plant gets progressively worse over time.

And one thing I noticed as I was uppotting from a quart to a two gallon was that the roots had started to deteriorate. They were not the white roots I wanted to see, but had turned brownish and looked bad. My sense was that it's my overwatering that is the problem.
Yes, thank you all for the info. I've just been through the same problem. The lower leaves first turn yellow at about 25/30 days, then fall and the plant gets progressively worse over time.

And one thing I noticed as I was uppotting from a quart to a two gallon was that the roots had started to deteriorate. They were not the white roots I wanted to see, but had turned brownish and looked bad. My sense was that it's my overwatering that is the problem.

Over watering is probably the leading cause of soil issues. IMO So easy to over love them. They like a good wet dry cycle. When the leaves look perky you know your in the sweet spot.

Without pics i am only speculating. It could be that they are hungry for flower nutes. A good few strains are heavy flower nute feeders.