Northern Grower
Yeah I mentioned that it happens at the same time as I had some what of an epiphany, I really think these def are coming from me not giving them what they need. I usually start having problems right around day 30 at this point I've only given my plants distilled water, no nutes at all. I think that may be my problem, meaning that I should be giving them a small amount of food before that 30 day mark and the def start setting in.
I gave the StarRyder some phos/mag/cal this morning so I'll keep a close eye on her over the next couple of days. I gave the SD just mag/cal last night and all the droopiness in her leaves are gone and she is looking like her old self again. I have the run-off on both plants now at the magic number 6.5. Its been a freaking chore, but I really think I've made a break through in my growing, but we'll see in the newest batch of seedlings I have going now.
Good to hear mate. For me it was like rolling a joint. I just woke up one day and everything just clicked.