Sick Blueberry Auto

May 31, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Pineapple Haze
Hello AFN Gang!
On my second indoor grow and having a bit of a problem with a BBA in "pre-flower"???
Problem: See pics below. Day 43 and has been stretching like a mad woman. 4 inches in 3 days! It has had this "twisty" new growth that appeared to sort itself out but now she just looks stressed and weird. Wondering if it's just starved for bloom nutes? For past few nights the plant goes limp and looks "tired" and droopy before lights out then seemed to rebound by lights on but this evening was looking quite ill to me.

Medium/grow method:
Using Coco/Perlite 70/30 in autopots 4 gallon pots

Feed: and supplements used:
Continuous feed via autopot reservoir. Advanced Nutrients pH Perfect Sensi Grow A&B 2ml/L, Pro Silicate .5ml/L, MagiCal 1.5ml/L, Drip Clean 1ml/10L. PPM 1020 and pH 5.8-6.2

water source:
Tap water drawn to sit for 48 hours ppm 40 pH 7.1

Blueberry Auto (ILGM) Day 45 of 10wk strain

light used:
(Burple) 4x300w Galaxyhydro Full Spectrum LED and 1x400w Roleadro COB

Temps 80max lights on 68 lights off / RH 38-44% 240cfm intake and 440cfm exhaust with carbon filter

Additional info:
This evening I flushed the plant with 8 gallons of pH 5.8 tap water. Final run off was pH 5.9 ppm 50. I cleaned the reservoir out, flushed the lines and cleaned the tray. I refilled the res with 4 gallons of bloom nutes at "half" strength pH Perfect Sensi Bloom A&B 1ml/L, Pro Silicate .5ml/L, MagiCal 1ml/L, Terpinator 1.5ml/L, Big Bud 1ml/L, Bud Candy 2ml/L and Drip Clean 1ml/10L

I have a second BBA that is 35 days old and being hand watered the same nutrients that the sick plant was. It looks healthy to me.

Thank you for any assistance/advice.







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Mine sometimes look like that I thought it was from over watering so I've switched to the pick up the planter to see how heavy it is before watering instead of watering every 2-3 days and it's seemed to go away I could be wrong but that's what worked for me cheers and good luck the slightly yellow looks like lack of n i water the same nutes but I use 8 ml for 3.8 ltrs of a and 8 of b then I use bioweed which is a cold water kelp/seaweed supliment 3ml of rhino skin silicate and 6 ml of bud candy. I just use bloom the whole time look at the npk ratios you'll see that bloom is a better ratio and since autos pretty much bloom from the get go instead of buying grow and bloom save the money I say and stop paying for big mikes jets ha here's some pics of my last grow this next one I'm experimenting with tlo and no till

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over watering, almost certainly, uniform wilting is over watering (or something worse, dampening off). But you also have some burned tips, and some twisted tips. You may have slightly too strong nutes, or a very minor pH issue.

I hadn't noticed that you just flushed, that will take a day or two to recover from the wilt, especially if previously over watered..
are the roots white or brown? dampening off would cause this as well, but you have low humidity, so probably not. The other thing I can think of is something going on with soil structure, preventing oxygenation or wicking..
@green genes

I have not attempted to get a look at the roots as of yet because of the autopot set up and the air dome in the bottom of the pot. Would need a more experienced AP grower to comment on how you do that without destroying the plant. It's a good possibility I do have some root issues but not even sure how I would fix that if true.

The pot is very heavy so I do think it's taking up too much water but again, with the autopot system I am not sure what the fix would be.

Like most mornings, she looks a bit more upright and perky this a.m.

Really hoping my flush and backed off nute stength gives her a second chance. Thanks very much for taking the time to look.
@green genes

I have not attempted to get a look at the roots as of yet because of the autopot set up and the air dome in the bottom of the pot. Would need a more experienced AP grower to comment on how you do that without destroying the plant. It's a good possibility I do have some root issues but not even sure how I would fix that if true.

The pot is very heavy so I do think it's taking up too much water but again, with the autopot system I am not sure what the fix would be.

Like most mornings, she looks a bit more upright and perky this a.m.

Really hoping my flush and backed off nute stength gives her a second chance. Thanks very much for taking the time to look.

broken filler valve possibly? or clogged open? I have never used them, but the valve in the bucket can fail, probly one of a 1000 of them or something will fail early.
Yes I am checking those now @green genes

Was just reading on a UK site about cleaning the silicone bung stoppers and being sure the valve is free of salt build up. Gonna give that a go. Appreciate the brainstorming.
simply turn off the res for 2-3 days, your pots will retain plenty of water. I've seen this a couple times and this is all you need to do. Give the medium time to dry a bit. usually uoi only need to do this once. Why some plants do this I don't know, but as you noticed, its just one plant being

Also check the valve to be sure there is nothing blocking the valve from closing, a glob of nutes for intstance. When running nutes in auto pots, its a good idea to inspect the valve area occassionally. I also keep, pre-made replacement tubing assemblies. I swap out the assemblies once a month then clean the one I relpaced as no matter what, nutrients will build up in those tiny fittings eventually. Now I have gone a whole grow without a change out, but its good to have a spare if you get a clog, it makes for a quick fix.

Thanks @green genes and @dmochen

Using autopots so not sure how to deal with "over-watering" since the plant is only bottom fed via gravity reservoir.

I appreciate you taking a look.

Hey @pop22 @HemiSync @Hansbricks @Sensi Jay have you ever seen a plant in an autopot look like it was overwatered? Thanks.
Hey @pop22
Thanks very much. I took your advice months ago and made a back up set of identical lines to swap out in case of clog ups. I also flush the lines every month with plain water.
She looks more perky this a.m. and I will take that advice and turn off my res for 2-3 days. She's still growing because I logged another inch of height on the main stem in the past 24 hrs.

I did take out the valve, cleaned it all up re-seated the silicone plugs and reconnected everything.

Thanks again very much appreciate you "poppin' in."