Indoor Should i move the plants to the tent? Help needed.

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, i recently bought a tent, and a 250 w HPS. It´s getting a little crowdy in the closet right now so i was thinking about putting the 5 week old plants in the tent, under the 250w HPS from the closet with 350w CFL. Is this a bad idea, or should i just go ahead?

/H. :) :toke:
I don't see a problem with moving them to the tent.
At first thought, I see no reason not to if you have a fancy new tent to utilize. Just make sure that you are continuing to provide adequate ventilation in your new tent and make a lil mini check list of what needs to happen before you do it. I was experimenting with my aero setup the other day and got really busy and forgot that I unplugged my water pump for about 15 minutes and rushed to go plug it back in. Simple mistakes can be devastating.

Throw up some pics, lets see what you're rockin!
I upload mine here on the board.

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Sorry, cliff notes version of doing it.