Should I cull this?

Jul 3, 2020
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NL Haze
This Glueberry OG just doesn't seem to be growing right. 1 week old today. Have a look at her and then compare to her sister who is 1 day older. I could pull it and plant another in time right now. But not sure.

-Problem: Retarded growth
-Medium/grow method: soil: 1 Part bio-Bizz Lightmixx, 1 part Perlight, 1 part bio-bill worm hummus
-Feed and supplements used: 4ml/ Liter root juice, 1.5ml / liter Acti-Vera, 1.5ml/liter Bio-Heaven, .25ml/Liter Cal-mag
-Water source: Tap, left out 24 hours in a bucket and Bio-bizz Ph'D DOWN TO 6.2
-Strain and age: Glueberry OG, 8 days old
-Climate: Day: 27 / 60% RH....Night 25, 60% RH
- Light used: LED COB Magnus 150, 3 x 45 watt secret Jardin TLED Grows

GB#2 Water logged.jpg

GB#1 looking good week 1.jpg
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I wouldn't think you should cull at this point. Is it a touch slower? Sure, and it could be for a variety of reasons. But at this stage the first few leaves can look a bit weird as they start growing. It also doesn't look like a genetic mutant to me which can significantly impact it's potential.

I'd say keep it going as it very well could catch up, and even if it doesn't and is just a bit smaller it still has potential.
Thanks brother, that's what I needed to hear. She just feels different too, like a rubber plastic to her and wants to droop down. I'll just let her play out, make sure to let the soil get very dry, as if anything maybe she didn't like her first watering when planted. Who knows.
Don't get into the habit of comparing plants. You'll drive yourself crazy, lol. Every plant from seed is different. Just like you and your siblings. I only kill off plants if there is a viral issue. Which is super rare. On average, a seedling grows 1 set of leaves a week (not counting the cotyledon leaves).. So they are both ahead of schedule. The Glueberry (dutch passion) that I remember growing back in the day was quite bushy. I'd definitely keep them both growing.
Heh, I’ve definitely fallen into that bad habit myself @Proph
Especially bad when checking out all the fabulous growers (including yourself) here on the forums. It’s hard for a guy to stack up lol

Here are 3 Fantasmo express I have going now. Front two are at day 9, back one is day 7
Thanks Gents, being my first proper grow with all the bells and whistles this is exactly what I need to hear. Good habits to form, and bad ones to avoid. I can definitely see how it can drive one nuts comparing their kids. . 4D, we are on the exact same timeline. Are you journaling the grow?
End of week 1 today. This is a weird plant for sure. The first leaf to the right is completely curling in on herself, and I think it's missing its two finger. Can't wait to see what the next set looks like. It almost looks like it's over watered, but the soil is dry to two inches down. That curl just looks like root rot.

Sick GB auto End week 1.JPG
sick gb side.JPG
sick overhead.JPG
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