Yes. The underling idea is to water very slowly to prevent channeling through the rock wool cubes. You want the capillary action to wet the entire cube. Then to water to about 20% run-off by the end of the day to prevent a salt build up. I run a drip to waste system in rock wool cubes. My drippers (1 GPH pressure compensating) run 8 times per light period two hours after lights on to two hours before lights out. The goal is to achieve a 20% run-off of the total volume watered in one period. I have a three day cycle on the nutrient strength in my reservoir. For example day 1 starts at 100% strength the water level in the reservoir is maintained by a float valve from a top-off tank of PHed water. As the garden is watered the strength of the nutrients in the reservoir is diluted so by the end of day 1 it is about 88%. by the end of the second day it is ~ 70% and by the end of the third day it is ~50%. After the last watering on the third day I add nutrients to bring it back to full strength. It takes about 40% of the original nutrients to bring it back to where it started the cycle. At the end of the 4th set of cycles (12 days) I drain the reservoir and start fresh with nutrient strength based on the stage of the plant growth. This is not done for any scientific purpose. I am just too lazy to bump the nutrients every day.

This all sounds very complicated but in practice is very simple.
Mid week pictures:

Time for an update. All of the plants are girls :woohoo:. I have just changed the nutrients to the first week of flower even though the Bubba Troubles are behind the Short Stuff Auto Amnesia CBD. I am a Test grower for Short Stuff and I want to grow out their plants as a priority.


I will be boosting the lights up over the next week. Then I will be adding the Agromax UVA Plus 10,000K lamps.
Some pictures I took today. I got the PPMs up to 1150 minus 100 for my starting water so 1050 PPMs and got a little bit of tip burn so will back off to ~900. That is the total PPMs with all of the GreenLeaf additives:

ScreenHunter_182 Mar. 04 18.25.jpg
Damn healthy plants there! I love the deep green color. Looks like a Scrogless scrog in there!
Damn healthy plants there! I love the deep green color. Looks like a Scrogless scrog in there!
Thanks @Iriee Vibez I just top 6 plants above the 4th node and they fill the space. I have gotten so lazy that I almost don't even defoliate. Sure I would get a little better yield but I already get what I need. I do like to make salve using fresh prime leaves so I defoliate some for that purpose. My wife likes the salve for her feet. She works on a concrete floor all day and the salve soothes them aching dogs.