It is not based on time. I transplant them when the roots are ready. This is a good picture of when to do it.
View attachment 1125968
Thanks for sharing that, I think it will help. I put mine in the system real quick when they are autos, but I'd rather wait until they are like that so they dry faster and get a good starting root ball.
wow it´s really impressing what you can grow in a cup!
Did you feed with every watering?

I ve just read your DWC thread.I wonder if you add something to the top off water or is it just phed tap water?
wow it´s really impressing what you can grow in a cup!
Did you feed with every watering?

I ve just read your DWC thread.I wonder if you add something to the top off water or is it just phed tap water?
Just PHed tap water, my water does not have chloromines and the PPM is ~100.

Yes, rock wool is hydro and you feed every time you irrigate. In my system that is 8 times a day.
I got a better picture of the Solo Cup girl last night. I was going to harvest her but the trichomes were not showing enough amber so I am giving her a couple more days.




I harvested The remaining plants from this grow today. 75 days since germination. The StarDawg is the best plant in the grow and I am optimistic about the yield so I can hardly wait for it to dry. The others are all very good plants as well.

Solo Cup Dinafem Auto Cookies:



The Solo Cup Short Stuff Purple Gorilla Auto:



The Short Stuff Purple Gorilla Auto:



And the Star of the show Short Stuff StarDawg Auto:


sorry for the stupid questions but to me its still a mystery when to feed and how much.
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sorry for the stupid questions but to me its still a mystery when to feed and how much.
No worries. If you are growing in a soil-less medium you feed every time you water. Tell me again how you are growing (style, size of system etc)? What nutrients you have and how old the plants are. I will try to give more specific feeding instructions.
I got the rest of the girls in the cure! :woohoo:. So

StarDawg 226 g
Purple Gorilla 168 g
Purple Gorilla Solo Cup 65 g
Auto Cookies Solo Cup 80 g
Dark Devils 319 g

Total for the 75 day grow 858 g or 1.32 grams/watt or 429 grams per sq-meter or 30.25 oz.

The StarDawg girl is so beautiful I did not even bother to photograph the others. They are good don't get me wrong but against the StarDawg not so much! The small buds on the StarDawg are prettier than the big buds of the others.

The major buds came in at 80 grams and here they are (drooling is allowed).
I got the rest of the girls in the cure! :woohoo:. So

StarDawg 226 g
Purple Gorilla 168 g
Purple Gorilla Solo Cup 65 g
Auto Cookies Solo Cup 80 g
Dark Devils 319 g

Total for the 75 day grow 858 g or 1.32 grams/watt or 429 grams per sq-meter or 30.25 oz.

The StarDawg girl is so beautiful I did not even bother to photograph the others. They are good don't get me wrong but against the StarDawg not so much! The small buds on the StarDawg are prettier than the big buds of the others.

The major buds came in at 80 grams and here they are (drooling is allowed).View attachment 1129869View attachment 1129870View attachment 1129871View attachment 1129872View attachment 1129873View attachment 1129874View attachment 1129875

I'm more than impressed!! Those are some outstanding plants. You have now made me want to run Short stuff Seeds. I mean I know who they are and of course I've seen their stuff, but damn. I have my seeds picked for my next grow , should have started this week, looks like next week damn HVAC, lol. Can't have the guys poking around with plants going on.
But I have to look at Short Stuff for my spring grow. I actually like the fact that they have plants that are bred to be smaller plants. That way I can almost double the pots in my grow and not worry about light height .
How do you think those would do in 2gal pots in organic soil? I'd like to run 3 to 4 strains. I am set to run 6 5gal pots, so 12 in 2gal should be ok with the smaller plants? Please recommend some strains if there are others than the ones in this thread.
I'm more than impressed!! Those are some outstanding plants. You have now made me want to run Short stuff Seeds. I mean I know who they are and of course I've seen their stuff, but damn. I have my seeds picked for my next grow , should have started this week, looks like next week damn HVAC, lol. Can't have the guys poking around with plants going on.
But I have to look at Short Stuff for my spring grow. I actually like the fact that they have plants that are bred to be smaller plants. That way I can almost double the pots in my grow and not worry about light height .
How do you think those would do in 2gal pots in organic soil? I'd like to run 3 to 4 strains. I am set to run 6 5gal pots, so 12 in 2gal should be ok with the smaller plants? Please recommend some strains if there are others than the ones in this thread.
Auto StarDawg and Auto Amnesia CBD and so many others FastBuds 420 Auto Green Crack but it gets bigger. You know that every plant from seed is different genetically so your mileage will vary.