Indoor Short Stuff by WWWillie


AFN Vibe Guardian
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Nov 6, 2013
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Currently Smoking
anything I can get my hands on!
A pleasant end to a not so great day was had with the safe arrival of my package. Late so I'll get more going later.
I received my package yesterday there are about a dozen in there the label says ... I am a bit behind schedule, again, but hope to get started shortly. Going to use all of my usual methods. Planing on two or three pots in my tall tent with a 1000 watt HPS but I'll prolly run that at 600, yellow bottom airpots, Rock Nutrients, supplemented with cal mag, resinator, and bud candy. Soil is FFHF and perlite 2:1. Should be germing by next week.

Are these reg or fem? I don't recall if that was mentioned earlier, sorry. That would have an impact on my planning!
I've only seen rumors that they are fems I'm hoping for regs, but we all know everythings going fem
Well allrighty then! Looks like today is the day, going to start some of these girls! Getting the tent cleared out and everything set-up. Going to use air pots (yellow bottom), FFHF and perlite 2:1. Going to start in water and move to a slug of light warrior that is in each airpot. Using the light warrior as the seed starter. Going to use heat mats under the pots due to the concrete being so cold at this time of the year. Going to fire up the humidifier too.
Plan on dropping 4 seeds, one for each pot. Basing this on the thought that they are fems. If not, we'll see what comes up and prolly plant all of them and hope for a good female turn out!
Be back later with more concrete details and maybe a picture or two.
Today around 3:30 PM I dropped 4 seeds into distilled water/clonex 1.3 ml / 250 ml and placed everything on a heat mat. Will check when I get home tomorrow night. Hope to put them in dirt shortly.
All four beans were nicely popped when I got home. All had a nice fat white "tongue" sticking out at me! I changed my mind a bit on the method. I went back to rapid rooters. I discovered I do not have enough airpots, I only have two available. I will try to pick some up on the way home tonight; I think the local shop carries them.

So, the popped beans are now in rapid rooters, in a humidity dome, on a heat mat. I am watering with AFTW (aerated, filtered, tap water) 5ml/L of Clonex added, pH'd to 5.8.

And so it truly begins. I forget how exciting it is to start some fresh plants from seed. Hope this excitement never fades, somehow I don't think it will!!
Checked on them and nothing showing yet.
Bought two more air pots, yellow bottom, so now I have four for this project. Going to mix up some soil today and soak it thoroughly for a few days until I am ready to put the sprouted bean in. Planning on FFHF and perlite 2:1