sure wish i could of been there. sounds like a dream... unfortuneatly for me i havent been able to play out much lately im hoping this summer things will change... tough time finding a place to play around these parts. everyone seems to wanna do this and do that... i wanna just kick it smoke a fatty and see what happens with the instruments on hand..... funny that you mentioned the organ it seems to me when i listen to music without an organ player the sound is just lacking a bit... unless were talking nitty gritty blues... some of my favorite bands are the allman brothers, greatful dead, hendrix, clapton, the usual suspects ya know... what an amazing era in music... makes me sad when i look around at the peers of my generation... if only they knew what we youngins missed out on.
I'm a sound man and bass player. Lately I have been suffering from arthritis in my left hand so playing guitar and bass are difficult. Luckily my music room has a Hammiond organ and Leslie so I have become a bit of a one handed organ player. The Hammond just really sounds good so I chrp away on it. Love those organ rock groups and love to play the blues, funk, R&B and some Jimmy Smith jazz stuff. I'm not the greatest keyboard player but a can get great sound out of the Hammond and every body likes listening to it. We had a jam last weekend with drums, guitar, bass, organ, singers and a sax player. What a nice old rock sound that combination makes. We did some Doors, Clinton, Smith, Stones, Beatles and even Sly. We rocked.