New Grower Shady's Micro Grove pt.2: Twenty20 in 2022, GreenGro, and Blumats

Week 5
Week 5
We are fully in flowering now! Things are looking good this week, new growth looks healthy and happy. Still chugging along with top dressing GreenGro and some light nectar feeds. Wanted to get things looking healthy before I set the blumats up. I also ordered a blumat digital moisture meter so I kind of want to get that before I set it up. Looking back, I wish I set it up sooner, but c'est la vie! This is also my first week trying out Khaos foliar, which I was kind of scared to try out last grow. I think they are responding pretty well to it though.

Day 30
Plants looking happy today!

Autofuel foliar

Feed (1/2 gallon of tap):
| Hygeia   | 1tsp   |
| Gaia     | 1/2tsp |
| Kraken   | 1/4tsp |
| Demeters | 1/4tsp |
| Athenas  | 1tsp   |
| Herc     | 1tbsp  |
| Tritons  | 1tbsp  |
| Aphro    | 1tbsp  |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
6.5pH, 2 cups+200ml each


Day 32
Remove 4 tops from triks and about 6+ leaves
Remove 2-3 tops from trizzlers and a few leaves

Top dress
| Greengro  Bloom | 1/2tbsp |

Tea Flush
| Herc       | 1tbsp |
| Tritons    | 1tbsp |
| Aphrodites | 1tbsp |
| EZBloom    | 1tsp  |
| Fish Sh!t  | 1tsp  |
| Photo+     | 1tsp  |
| SLF100     | 1tsp  |

Autofuel foliar (right before lights on this time)


Day 33
Mix up Khaos foliar, about 1/8th tsp Khaos for cup of distilled water.

Spray a small amount of khaos as a test to see how they react.

Feed (1/2 gallon of tap):
| Hygeia   | 1tsp    |
| Kraken   | 1/4tsp  |
| Demeters | 1/4tsp  |
| Athenas  | 1tsp    |
| Herc     | 1tbsp   |
| Aphro    | 1/2tbsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp    |
6.5pH, 2 cup + 200ml each

Day 34
No negative reaction to the Khaos foliar! I'll start using it about 2x a week until the flowers start to form more.

Kelp foliar

Top dress to get ready for flowering. I put the silica and the mykos on first, then mixed up the EWC/Compost/Bloom all together and put it on top of the silica.
| EWC            | 1/2 cup |
| Malibu Compost | 1/2 cup |
| Greengro Bloom | 1 tbsp  |
| Bokashi        | 1 tbsp  |
| Mykos          | 1 tbsp  |
| Silica         | 1 tbsp  |

Feed (1/2 gallon of tap):
| Hygeia   | 1tsp   |
| Medusa   | 1/4tsp |
| Gaia     | 1/2tsp |
| Kraken   | 1/4tsp |
| Demeters | 1/4tsp |
| Athenas  | 1tsp   |
| Herc     | 2tbsp  |
| Aphro    | 1tbsp  |
| Zeus     | 1/2tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
6.4pH, 1 cup + 200ml each, slightly less because the soil is till a bit damp on top.

Day 35
Autofuel foliar

Tea flush
| Herc       | 1tbsp |
| Tritons    | 1tbsp |
| Aphrodites | 1tbsp |
| EZBloom    | 1tsp  |
| Fish Sh!t  | 1tsp  |
| Photo+     | 1tsp  |
| SLF100     | 1tsp  |

Week 6
Week 6
The ladies are looking good so far, they are stretching less and the flowers have started bulkding up a little. Triks is s tarting to show some purple/pink pistil tips, and Trizzlers is showing some frost! Triks also seems to have a lot of pistils, but they are thin, while Trizzlers has less, but they are really thick.

Also.... I finally installed the blumats this week :headbang:! The plan now is to do a feed / tea about twice a week and to continue the Pride Lands Bloom top dressing once a week, along with bokashi or EWC when I feel like it. The recommended dose for Pride Lands is 1tbsp/gallon, I am giving 2tbsp to my 3 gallon pots. They say its really hard to overfeed with this stuff, but I figure that will be enough along with the already rich soil, teas, and light feedings. Hopefully we will practically be on cruise control from here on out!

I also just realized I haven't been labeling the pics! Trizzlers is on the left, and Triks is on the right.

Day 36
Khaos foliar

Blumat setup!
Soil is moist, not dry or damp

Add 1gallon filters tap water + 1/2gallon distilled to reduce ppms and any buildup.
Also added:
| SLF100   | 2tsp |
| Fulpower | 2tsp |
Hoping both of those help nutrient update besides just feeding. SLF should have the added benefit of keeping the lines clean too.


Triks blumat:

Trizzlers blumat:

Day 37
Kelp foliar

Feed (1/2 gallon of tap):
| Hygeia   | 1tsp   |
| Gaia     | 1/2tsp |
| Kraken   | 1/4tsp |
| Demeters | 1/4tsp |
| Athenas  | 1tsp   |
| Herc     | 1tbsp  |
| Tritons  | 1tbsp  |
| Aphro    | 1tbsp  |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
6.6pH, 2 cups+100ml each

Day 38

Day 40

Another busy day with the plants today!

Add 2 gallons to res (1 tap + 1 distilled)
Add 1tbsp SLF100 and 1tbsp ful-power
6.3 pH

Defoliate a few leaves off of each

Top dress:
| PrideLands Bloom | 2tbsp |
| Silica           | 2tsp  |

Feed (1/2 gallon of tap):
| Hygeia   | 1tsp   |
| Gaia     | 1/2tsp |
| Kraken   | 1/4tsp |
| Demeters | 1/4tsp |
| Athenas  | 1tsp   |
| Herc     | 1tbsp  |
| Tritons  | 1tbsp  |
| Aphro    | 1tbsp  |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
6.7pH, 2.5 cups each


Triks flower:

Trizzlers flower: