Outdoor Shadowbuck's go at an outdoor grow

Apr 4, 2013
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Alright guys lets try this again (first post for this thread didnt make it lol). This year I'm gonna take a stab at an outdoor grow with a few strains. This thread will serve as my general thread pertaining to said grow. Any of your personal experiences, insightful suggestions, and good ole fashioned age old wisdom is not only welcomed but strongly encouraged.:smokebuds:

As my beans have not yet arrived (foot tapping impatiently...but they should arrive literally any day...tracking has them an hour from my doorstep), and as it is at LEAST 2-3 weeks before anything could survive outside here anyways, I will start off by just bringing everybody up to speed on what I have planned so far. A place to have some pre-grow "shop talk" if you will, about things pertaining to this future grow. This will eventually morph into a bit of a grow journal when the time comes, but for now I will start by posting my ideas, purchases, etc and bounce questions off of and take suggestions from all of you who are interested. So with that being said, consider this an open thread and if anyone has experience or extensive knowledge regarding anything (strain, nutes, techniques, soil, etc) involved in this grow then please SPEAK UP as I would love to hear your experiences on such things regarding the pros, cons, good, bad, and ugly lol. :group:

When it comes to growing, as in all things in life, I believe it's good practice to set some practical goals...so let's get started.:key:


1. Produce copious amounts, of high quality cannabis. That's not asking too much right lol?
2. Achieve goal #1 in the most stealthy and discreet way possible for such an undertaking
3. Learn something...more specifically learn about outdoor growing in general, soil, organics, autoflowers, stealth techniques, etc.
4. KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid. Going into this grow with a somewhat limited budget...in other words; I'm gonna do my best to keep the plants as happy as possible and let them do what they do. Most (but not all) grow failures I have seen, read about, or heard about were the result of grower error in some way. Be it watering, feeding, lighting, training, or otherwise just trying to get the plant to do something it biologically couldnt handle. I'm a firm believer of letting the plant tell you what it needs and wants, and the more you can meet these requests, the more handsomely the plant will reward you in the end.

In the end however, goals are just that...goals. Little more than desired future results to use as a guideline for our current actions...and goals can always change.:check:

Now with those things out of the way, the general gameplan here (we'll get into details later) will be to try and avoid chemical salt based nutes and supplements as much as realistically possible, and try to lean towards "more natural" alternatives. I'm going to try to avoid using the word "organic" to describe this grow as much as i can. Everyone's personal definition of organic seems to vary. And nothing seems to spark controversy, confrontation, and start a good old fashioned pissing match more than when someone claims one thing is organic and someone else objects... My opinion for this grow is: purely chemical nutes=bad (or at least not what I'm aiming for), organic/"natural based"=good...and those will be our general guidelines going forward. Bottled nutes (the natural'ish' kind) will be used as its just not practical for me to be brewing teas and concoctions every other day and then humpn it into the wilderness. Oh and btw I wouldn't classify this as a hardcore guerilla grow...as im not gonna be damning creeks or pumping water. I have pretty guick access to excellent, pure water. But stealth will certainly apply.

In my next post I will begin getting into further detail about the specifics of various aspects of this grow as it begins to take shape (mostly in my head for now lol)...starting with the strains involved. But that's a discussion for next time (I originally had that in this first post too, among other things, but lost it all when i had to sign back in to post and had a glitch or something with the redirect) as me fingers are tired LOL. Hopefully the beans show up in the morning (very possible) as that would make a great start for the next few posts regarding strains lol. Until next time, max bud karma all around.
Peace :peace:
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Alright guys...was a good day (mostly). Some things arrived and I will have some good updates posted later when I get time...stay tuned.....
Aww Snap...Dude just posted the popcorn on my thread lol. I gotta come correct now...peoples are watchin haha
Ok I already mentioned what to expect next...so away we go...


#1: Dutch Passion Think Different 7pk
Ordered from: Herbies
Price: 56.43 GBP

Ok so these arrived today. More positive has been written and said about this strain than I could ever hope to regurgitate in this space. They're a beast...'nuff said. I am SO glad I did due diligence in researching strains before making a seed purchase. Going into the decision to buy seeds this year, all I really knew was that I wanted some good yielding, high potency, autofems.

I was originally very swayed by cool names and deceptive marketing as I hadn't ordered seeds in a long while (before the current autofem revolution). And the last time I did it, it was for somebody else that was too paranoid to do it for themselves.

But anyways it seemed like everytime I was almost ready to settle on a particular strain, I would come acrossed some info on the net that would turn me off (too many phenos, unstable genetics, low yield, weak effect, etc.). I recognized DP as a trustworthy breeder from back in the day...

-aside- I remember my first grow experience. A completely ramshackle, homemade ebb and flow setup...but it worked, well. That was 8 yrs ago. I remember sitting in the grow room reading hightimes mag and drooling over bud porn. But I also remember in the mag that fem seeds were just starting to become popular...while at the same time being dismissed as an unstable, mutant, fad by skeptics (kinda like auto's presently). There was only a couple handfuls of fem strains even available and most of the better strains were reg only (where as today u can get just about anything in fem from a hundred different breeders). And do ya wanna guess who was at the forefront of said fem breeding technology and had some of the most fem strains available back then? That's right boys and girls, it was Dutch Passion!:thumbs: -aside over-

...so I decided to check out DP's lineup. That's when I first heard about TD. Well after reading thru several complete grow journals and what seemed like endless positve reviews and forum threads, I was sold...hook, line and sinker... I'm not ashamed to admit it as the product speaks for itself. And the rest, as they say, is history.

One thing I will say, however, is that the vast majority of info on grows of this strain are indoor. There's not a whole lot of good detailed info as it pertains to an outdoor grow (it IS out there...ya just really have to dig to find it). Hopefully we can change that.:D

The Dude: I believe I read somewhere you said you planned on doing a couple of these outside yourself this year too, no? If you do then I'll be sure to follow that when I can as to glean what I can from you, as well as help ya out if I can (won't guarantee it will help ya tho as I'm new to this strain myself). :smokebuds:

The only other thing I might add here is that upon inspecting for shipping damage I noticed my seeds were SMALL. Way smaller than any I had seen before. A couple were no bigger than the tip of a dull pencil. I'll admit I was a little concerned.

I posted about this in the DP section earlier today. The general consensus was (and I'm paraphrasing here): "Don't worry about it dude. Small seeds happen from time to time. As long as they are mature they should germ and shouldn't give ya any problems." That made me feel a little better.

But really tho they are like micro small compared to what I'm used to workin with and I'd be remiss if I didn't confess that I still have some doubts with at least one or two of them that they won't germ. But for now we will not concern ourselves with doubt or fear and try to stay positive and keep the good karma goin. Such as: They did show up in a week even after being shipped during a holiday weekend...and they werent smashed to pieces. I feel a little better now :D

There will be plenty more to come, but I need to take a break for a lil while and gather my thoughts (after all the typing and information reading I've been forcing on myself today, I'm afraid my brain is experiencing acute "knowledge lockout"...get it).

Peace :peace: and Stay tuned,

2013-04-05 10.22.01.jpg2013-04-05 10.30.54.jpg
I wouldn't worry about the seeds being small. It happened to me one time, they were tiny and kinda greenish, but all germinated and had no problems at all :thumbs:

edit: I think it was Onyx fems from attitude
I wouldn't worry about the seeds being small. It happened to me one time, they were tiny and kinda greenish, but all germinated and had no problems at all :thumbs:

edit: I think it was Onyx fems from attitude

Thanks Eschatos, good to know :thumbs:
My Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel bean was itty bitty. I had one and have had it over over a year. Just planted it, it's my thread in seedling stage and seems to be doing just peachy. :D
Nice growing philosophy Shadowbuck im subbed !
Still smoking my outdoor guerilla organic TD from last year and i can highly reccommend it, they take around a 100 days though in northern climes and i suggest june is the latest to germinate if you live around lat 50ish.
Good luck