My alert #'s were jumping around too lol
Soon as i cleared my cookies it was all good
Soon as i cleared my cookies it was all good
Yep that worked for me also.
@Son of Hobbes
I thought for a while you broke something just before mossy's big day
All good. I'm just glad it looks like you know what the issue is and you got guys fixing it so can't argue with that kind of service.Just a heads up, talking with our server admin and he said he switched up some of the cache settings last night (after researching what some of the issues could be.) He was also doing some database work last night; which would have been part of any slow-down on the site (we're in the process of moving to some new hardware/hosting still, sooooo close.) I'm the one who caused the issue; I was working on something in our admin panel and apparently the forum software didn't like how I was clicking lol. So I'm the culprit and we know what I was doing, so we have a lot of the puzzle pieces here in front of us.
I was told the site may load a bit slower today with the new settings while we get thing sussed out; so apologies if causes any inconvenience (honestly since this morning the site has been loading fine and error free for me and the other staff I've talk to, but please absolutely do report any issues you notice or errors if you see them.)
Apologies, humble groveling, etc etc.