Serenade fungicide?

May I ask why you are so worried about bud mold in the first place?

I don't generally have any problems with botrytis in my grows, but have every time I've grown Sour Crack. The strain itself is just so susceptible to it due to the way it grows. It stays short and stacks nodes very close together with super dense buds and a lot of foliage very close together. Perfect conditions for bud rot, even in the best of environments. My environment in the tent has been 72F and 45% RH.
I disagree,but I personally dont like to waste cash.I grow in a basement completely open to the humidity in the summer and dryness in the winter.but as I said theyre only really even worth it if you go to a smaller room ideally more sealed because you can save them,and use them longer for drying, if the environment is controlled. however the soil and solid genetics are 50% of the game imo. the environment and tending are the other 50% imo. but again just my experience and varied styled or organics has gotten me a good ways. SNS systemic as well as a soil hit with neem cake and karanja cake will stop lots of problems. probotic?Bokashi also helps tend the soil especially outside.But you are beyond welocme to grow how you wish and Biscut is correct 100%.its yours and do it how you wish.Happy harvesting.
For a plant or two towards the end in a small space $5 is a small price to pay for me and I am as frugal as they come. The last two weeks they should be perfect for you. I don’t use them all the time but when I do need them they can be a harvest saver and I always have the bulk damp rid powder on hand for just such an occasion. I buy the big refill and make my own homemade receptacles from pint and quart plastic containers.
And as for price SNS systemic is around $20 for a pint and you use a lot. Damp rid as low as $3 for enough to tear a 4x4 for around two weeks.