the harvest window is probably 2 weeks long.anytime within them 2 weeks is spot on first time outa the box
clear,cloudy,amber is way up close its the lil ball ontop of the trichs we trying to see.
i dont take pics,because round pics bug me,but this is what i use cost 99p i couldnt be happier with it .
set the focus in the living room,and never touch it again.whatever is on the orange line will allways be in perfect focus after that
a good watch
there is a bit of personal preference when it comes to harvest,i like real early cause im a recreational halfwit.a medical person would want more ambers.a lot in the middle,and both will result in stoned
what did growers do 100 years ago when there was no ebay
a harvest is a good harvest :smoking: a great harvest is not running out before next harvest
the numbers are irrelivent
nice growing
keep er lit.