Semi-Stealth Micro Grow - "Casper"

  • Didn't skip a beat from the beheading. Showing 4 nodes, with another 2 on the way!
    Now on 1/2 strength AN 3-part, about 300-400ml each time.

    My soil moisture loggers arrived so hopefully I'll never overwater again! Maybe even setup an automatic watering rig.

    I'm not sure of the best LST approach with this grow - I was thinking training around the rim of the pot (notice the holes :smoking: ).

    Do I start now?


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      2020-05-27 23.20.48.jpg
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    CON DAY 40
  • Con seems to have LOVED the topping!
    I've lost count how many new sites are forming, and the oldest ones are just goin nuts!

    As you can see since the top I've been carefully training the stem down and round the rim of the pot. I wasn't happy with the overlap on the main fan leaves so with the help of skewers Con's getting maximum light usage.
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    My soil moisture sensors arrived last week and I've just connected it to my logger network. No more overwatering! :smoking:

    Got a couple orders arriving next week. Stay tuned :pop:
    CON DAY 47
  • Hi folks, happy day 47!
    Con is chugging along shooting out new nodes left right & centre. I'm noticing an uptake in water consumption - the 300-400ml usually each time is getting sucked up in a day, so I will slowly increase. Nutes are at 3/4 strength now, and next time I fill my watering bottle will be full strength.
    You can see the speed it drinks! (higher = dryer)

    I've had a disappointing week, unfortunately. My fan filter kit finally arrived, but was missing some pH up control (not that my testing pen is accurate...really...) and my tent still hasn't been dispatched. I was going to change it for a larger tent, but seemed not worth the additional price, despite a little extra space.

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    I'm wondering, now that it has been >6 weeks, can I kick it into 12/12 light cycle and try and get it finished? I am concerned about leaving it in veg for too long and having to hack it back if the stretch is too great.
    Some googling leads to 8 weeks left in this, just for flower - an estimated harvest date of 2nd August.

    (also asking for advice about the pale edges of new growth - i know the water visible on the leaves is due to poor airflow, which will be resolved when the tent arrives)
    CON DAY 55
  • Hoorah, day 55 comes with deliveries!!

    I've been looking forward to this one a :yay: LOT :yay: - the grow tent! (and an extra large Ona gel - seller had some delays but compensated me with a larger size :smoking: )

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    I guess the title is out of date now haha. It's a Secret Jardin DS60 - 60x60x150cm (~ 2'x2'x4'11") - fits the space so perfectly you wouldn't believe. That was lucky! It's under some stairs so ceiling has a considerable slant - I wish attic style roof tents came in smaller sizes - the top is only filter & lights anyway?

    Couple larger fan leaves that got tucked under have been removed - they browned significantly since last update.
    Just finished the 3/4 str 1L of feed, will mix a fresh full strength one once the moisture sensor reaches the right level.
    Carbon filter now running 24/7 on low with an AliExpress cheapo voltage controller (arrived in 9 days flat!! considerably less hum than RAM Verispeed controller)
    Lights at 76cm (~30") now, so hoping to see much happier leaves, and hopefully faster growth over the next few days.

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    2020-06-15 21.16.02-2.jpg

    So excited to find out sex over the next fortnight :yay:

    Fingers crossed :smoking:

    EDIT: Safety first!
    I have
    - a dry powder fire extinguisher (suitable for all fires it'll ever come into contact with)
    - an RCD plug (which everything is plugged into mains via)
    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
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    CON DAY 62
  • Is it just me or is time flying WAY too fast?
    We're at day 62 already!!

    You'll all be pleased to hear that instead of leaving Con under a crap 5w room bulb (imagine!), or outside (the bugs!) or even worse, totally in the dark (just stop, the horror!) I've picked up a 100w grow light, and thanks to the magic of the internet (and millions of underpaid & overworked staff) it arrived today.
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    Now Con is chilling ~30cm (~1') away from it, appearing happy as before.
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    2020-06-22 19.42.42.jpg

    As I was planning on switching to 12/12 on day 60 and forgot, we're on 12/12 as of today :smoking:
    (please be a girl please be a girl PLEASE be a girl)
    CON DAY 70
  • I'll cut to the chase. I know the gender.

    IT'S A GIRL WAHOOOO :yay: :yay: :yay:

    All that time wasn't wasted after all!!

    Here's a couple pistil shots.


    So unbelievably happy right now :yay: I'm never buying green ever again!

    Edit: Also, name is now Connie :smoking:
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    CON DAY 77
  • Day 77 for Connie! I'd love to say it's been plain sailing but she started dropping leaves increasingly fast over the last week or so, and growth seems to have slowed significantly.

    I did some checking and googling and whatnot and thought she was displaying symptoms of calcium or magnesium deficiency, so I have ordered some CalMag - I hope it arrives before it's too late!

    However, the more I look, the more I feel like there are too many different symptoms at once, and it must be a pH issue :sadcry:

    I can see:
    - droopy tips of new growth
    - spotting in middle of old growth
    - fading colour from "teeth"
    - all the other stuff you can probably spot in the photos

    She's been getting approx 400-500ml full strength nutes (AN grow+bloom+micro) every 2-3 days which, to my knowledge, should be all it needs!
    I did make the mistake of mixing a 2l nute solution, which ended up precipitating after I had gotten half way through it, so I am keeping to 1l mixes more frequently.

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    2020-07-06 20.20.45.jpg

    Tomorrow I will water with plain tap water, and attempt to calculate pH of the run off.

    EDIT: something else i noticed but can't find where i read it - there was some minor deformities in a couple of leaves, and I read somewhere that a Cal def is a contributor to deformed growth.
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    CON DAY 85
  • Some sad news.....during the inspection they decided to open the cupboard the grow was in, saw it, and immediately called the pol----NAH JUST MESSIN!

    I packed everything away (including secluding my dearest Connie in a box) the night before, and the moment the inspector left I'd rebuilt the tent - holy shit Secret Jardin tents are easy to pack & build - and we was back in business!

    Straight after she'd got a full strength 500ml CalMag only feed, and then 3 days later was back on 500ml of nutes + CalMag + Bud Juice. We're at week 12, and the Bud Juice will be applied for the next 2/3 weeks, depending on how phat she gets - and how she reacts to the CalMag. Still seeing cupped leaves + droopy tips tho.

    Obviously, it's too soon to tell if the CalMag is helping as (now I'm not sure about this) I assume the damaged leaves will remain damaged till they die. BUT we've got lots of fresh growth on the flowers. I took a pic of a particular stem I liked the look of and I've tried to duplicate the angle so we can see how it compares over the time between them.

    I'm still only growing using a single 100w light, replacement lights still missing, and seller not responding to my requests to buy the single light yet. Maybe I don't need 300w? I am considering buying another one of the 100w's, but want to see if I can get a response from the seller first.

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    2020-07-15 20.01.21.jpg

    (Below from day 80, to compare against the above shot)
    2020-07-10 22.58.29.jpg

    Hope everyone reading this is doing okay, I don't want to comment on the world at the moment but it's affecting me a lot and seeing this beauty chug through it is really keeping me going. Hope she smokes as good as it is to watch her grow :smoking:
    CON DAY 106
  • Hi folks, long time no see.

    I stopped the bud juice after the first week of using it as she's really not doing great. I continued with the standard nutes + calmag but she's just continuing down the same path.

    I would've expected her to be somewhat done by now but obviously nowhere near....considering just leaving her to die out and popping an auto in sept after my holiday.

    Not gunna lie, reading what I've read and considering how far along we are in this grow already I hardly doubt I'm going to get anywhere near even a gram out of it - which kills my enthusiasm quite a bit.

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    Anyway, have a great week folks (despite it already being Wednesday)
    CON DAY 123
  • Well, I just got back from a lovely holiday to a very sad and poor sight.

    I'm afraid this girl is beyond recovery, and not worth the effort really. I had someone water her whilst away but she's just not done well at all. The soil is still wet so it's not gonna be a thirst issue despite the drooping.

    The yield isn't gonna be worth the stress so tonight im going to cut and put her in the bin.

    New bean will be popped after next holiday, mid sept ish.

    Thanks everyone for coming along with the first grow, sorry it was a total failure.
