Indoor Seeking Ventilation Advice ...


Honey Hugger ...
Jun 16, 2012
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In the near future I will be converting a 6' x 2' x 8' closet into a dedicated grow space ... closet will need to be extremely quiet but with enough moving air to keep about 800 watts of LEDs cool ... I have no experience w/ filters and exhaust fans etc ... I want this closet to be done right w/ the ability to run 24/7 'silently' w/ potentially a fan speed controller that is controlled by temperatures ...

I don't know what type of exhaust fans and filters would be best based on noise output and longevity or size ... any input will be appreciated ...
A high end bathroom exhaust fan is going to be your best bet for quiet hot air extraction. Not as effective as an Inline fan, but infinitely stealthier.
Soler & Palau fans, IMHO unbeatable for low noise and power consumption. Not cheap but in this case I think you get what you pay for.

Where are you venting to, the outside or inside the house? And can you place the filter and fan outside the closet?

800 w plus whatever else electrical you have in the closet, say 900 w actual, in 96 cubic feet of space....30 air exchanges/h minimum, say 3000 cf/h..... And the filter should be able to handle this flow of course.

Regarding carbon filters, I'm a miser so I get big ones as the price per kg carbon is what I look for and it makes the replacement intervals longer, space is a factor for the size of course. I use Can filters, but would be comfortable using any of the usual brands, Phresh, Rhino, PrimaKlima, Phat, etc, but stay away from the cheap brands.

I'll be venting into a house ... the house will have AC so I want to keep it a closed system .... I'll look into the fans y'all mentioned ... thanks ....
Make sure u keep a box fan at waist height to expel hot air out of the direct room to. Will help. I had a room they didn't have central air duct so I pushed it all into my living room with a box fan