Seeking advice on best humidifier for 4x2 grow tent.

Mar 22, 2022
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I need one that has setting controls. I also need advice on the whole process of when and how long to use it, what setting is ideal, etc.
They sprouted early April so any help on what I should be doing at this point. Thanks.
I'd look at one of these evaporative humidifiers. They don't put out a stream of steam that could soak some of your plants. They are basically a swamp cooler so they will help with cooling as well.

Use this chart as a guide


thoroughly water your soil.. looks too dry and chronically underwatered

I need one that has setting controls. I also need advice on the whole process of when and how long to use it, what setting is ideal, etc.
They sprouted early April so any help on what I should be doing at this point. Thanks. View attachment 1450229View attachment 1450231

Humidify the whole room to around 50-55% works better than wasting space inside the tent to humidify when the exhaust is going to continuously pull it out. Intake is pre humidified so whatever air goes in is right.

Depending on the size of the room you can buy a whole room humidifier that will make the entire room comfortable. Then you don't have to mess with it in your tent.
thoroughly water your soil.. looks too dry and chronically underwatered

My first try at this I thought I drowned them. I currently soak the top soil of both twice a day, which is what I was advised to do. Can you be specific about the watering? Should soak the soil thoroughly to the bottom of the pots? Is there a certain amount of water to use for these 3 lb pots? Should I do this once or twice a day? Thanks.
Vornado Evap40 is the ticket. Evaporative humdifier that holds 4 gallons of water. You can leave it in the tent during veg to save on water and electricity. It is large but fits if you're only doing a couple plants. And also can be used outside of the tent during flower to humidify the room itself - within limits - probably not going to humidify a mansion though. Sometimes you can grab them as an open box on Amazon for around $70. YMMV. New they are $109 I believe.
Whatever you decide on a humidifier, I strongly suggest an external controller as the humidistats on most units are suspect at best. I use an Inkbird and like it. Not super accurate but close enough for VPD purposes. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

EDIT: I was thinking about this. Another alternative to a controller (which usually requires a non-digital control humidifier) is just get a NIST - traceable hygrometer to calibrate a set-off on the humidifier.
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Whatever you decide on a humidifier, I strongly suggest an external controller as the humidistats on most units are suspect at best. I use an Inkbird and like it. Not super accurate but close enough for VPD purposes. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Yes, I agree. I have the inkbird something, something 2 outlet model for a humidifier and dehumidifier. Open box on eBay for around $18. Works like a charm.
I just bought A Vornado humidifier (EV100) and really like it. My second Vornado product. Very well-designed stuff. Like Dyson but reasonably priced.
Made in USA too. Can't beat that. My Evap 40 saved my ASS this run. Today it was down to 10% RH in Southern California, Evap40 is holding me at the perfect RH in the grow. I also have one of their floor fans that has lasted ages that I use in the living room.