Seed Stockers Seedstockers Wedding Glue - Solo Cup of Age and Treachery.......

Day 22: Start of week 4 -

Looks like this plant didn't mind the snip one bit. I've been running in 200ml of water once a day so far. Tonight I finally did not get enough runoff from the 200. I added an additional 100ml for a little bit of extra runoff. Will be bumping up to 225ml the next couple days and see if that is enough.




Going to apply some LST ribbons on these branches in a day or two.
Day 28: Last day of week 4. Looks like the start of preflower so I've begun scaling back the Grow and adding in the Bloom nutes.

I increased the feed strength from 400 to 450 over the last week. Runoff steadily rising along with the increase but staying well below feed strength.

D23: 225ml @ 421ppm/6.1pH in - 40ml runoff @195ppm/6.0pH
D24: 250ml @433ppm/6.0pH in - 44ml runoff @290ppm/5.8pH

Start twice a day watering: AM/PM same feed strength and amount. These are only the PM #s
D25: 220ml @420ppm/6.1pH in - 108ml runoff @197ppm/6.1pH
D26: 250ml @460ppm/5.8pH in - 75ml runoff @275ppm/5.9pH
D27: 250ml @452ppm/6.1pH in - 68ml runoff @280ppm/5.9pH

Today Day 28: PM is the mix/blend which is split and then given again in the AM next day.
From D27: AM 250ml in @452ppm/6.1pH - 98ml runoff @265ppm/5.6

Start of bloom nutrients addition - current blend
40ppm ProTekt silica
80ppm MagPro
80ppm Bloom
250 FoliagePro(grow)

PM 250ml in @ 469ppm/5.9pH - 70ml runoff @ 307ppm/5.7pH


Just a couple LST ribbons. The top has 4, eh, "tops", and I strapped two of them down to allow the others to even up. I think it's worked. I also pulled the two lower branches out to help clear the large fan leaves.







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Looking real nice. I'm at 28 days today and have been giving around 700-900ppm without any tip burn but im dealing with pH issues. Yours seams pretty well dialed in though and looking healthy. I wouldnt worry about turning up the dial a bit.

Getting a bit of stretch at this point. Seems pretty happy with what I'm doing. Currently decreasing the "grow" nutes and pushing up the "bloom" formula. Down to 100ppm grow and 200ppm bloom. 40ppm protekt silica and 180ppm MagPro.

Running at 520ppm feed twice a day, pH to 5.9 and noticing it drift up to about 6.1 for the second feed. I mix both sets at the same time and try to space them 12 hours apart. So far 260ml in at a time and getting about 60-80ml runoff. I backed it off from 300ml volume wise.


Flash on!



Bang! Flash on again.



Knocked the light over but thought it looked interesting.


Artsy close up.


Getting a bit of stretch at this point. Seems pretty happy with what I'm doing. Currently decreasing the "grow" nutes and pushing up the "bloom" formula. Down to 100ppm grow and 200ppm bloom. 40ppm protekt silica and 180ppm MagPro.

Running at 520ppm feed twice a day, pH to 5.9 and noticing it drift up to about 6.1 for the second feed. I mix both sets at the same time and try to space them 12 hours apart. So far 260ml in at a time and getting about 60-80ml runoff. I backed it off from 300ml volume wise.

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Flash on!

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Bang! Flash on again.

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Knocked the light over but thought it looked interesting.

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Artsy close up.

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She is BEAUTIFUL hon!!
Running at 520ppm feed twice a day, pH to 5.9 and noticing it drift up to about 6.1 for the second feed. I mix both sets at the same time and try to space them 12 hours apart. So far 260ml in at a time and getting about 60-80ml runoff. I backed it off from 300ml volume wise
A bit of drift in the pH is A-ok. Some nutrients have a better uptake at the lower range and some at the higher. As long as you don't go below 5.85 (I don't ever go below 5.9 anymore just to be sure) or above 6.2 you're golden. :thumbsup:
Day 41: Week 7 starts tomorrow or today but these pics are from last night. Feeds are still around 500ppm and 2x a day watering about 12 hours apart weekdays and 3x a day 8 hours apart on weekend when I have more time to futz about.



