Seed Stockers seedstockers wedding glue solo chat thread

seedstockers wedding glue solo cup grow off poll

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Just a lickle photo shoot
5 weeks old today they look a title behind some peeps grow but every day is a school day wen growing
Yes.. Honestly.. it was the closest call between 1 and 3 bill.. I just liked her overall shape a bit more and her side branches are a good bit stronger/stiffer than number 1s at this point.. it's always a hard call at this stage.. number 2 was the main contender for a short while but she just stretched too much.
Too bad #3 doesn't have #1's bulkiness with 3 better side branching. LOL! . That's why I like the diversity of canna.
Haven’t seen my solo girl since the power went out at about 6pm yesterday. Hoping this doesn’t screw up my plants. Only one photo going right now. But it’s almost 24 hrs and counting. Damn winds!
Oh man, I had this happen last year for almost 2 days. I must have caused one of them to throw a nanner or something because I found some seeds.

My suggestion is to give them a real good look over several times for any stray nanners.

Hopefully you do not encounter such an issue.

Otherwise they remained happy and grew quite well once the light came back on.

:goodluck: hopefully your power gets restored soon!!
