Seed Stockers Seedstockers Wedding Cake and Runtz (feminised photoperiods)

Day 140, wedding cake day 75
  • I had to take down both plantz. There was no way I was getting to the back of the tent for the ready. I am over pleased with both plants. However, I had o lot of popcorn this round. I wish I’d put both weddding cake covering either part of the tent. 2 56litre pots in a 120x120 was way to plant for that.

    anyways, here’s some bud shots from tonight,. I had to change scissors THREE times!!!!!

  • It’s been a long grow this time round. I walked away with 322 grams of wedding cakes. Not bad at all for just two plants. I know I would have ended up with a LOT more if I had put each plant in its own 1.2 x 1.2 space. Two 56 litre pots in a 1.2 space does get crowded. I am glad I’ve done this tho because my grow style is now going to be one plant in a 56 litre pot in each 1.2 x 1.2 space. I then got 311 grams off the runtz. So the combined yield will keep me going for a long, long time haha.
    The wedding cake itself is amazing. This is my favourite of the two strains but my friends prefer the runtz. One mate described the runtz’s aroma as somewhere between linseed and a hippies jacket haha. Each to their own. I prefer the taste and high off the wedding cake however. Plus it’s buds are larger and really compact.

    this has been a fun grow and I’d like to give a massive thank you to @Seedstockers-Mark for this opportunity. It been a blast!