Seed Stockers Seedstockers Super Skunk & Fruit Cake GOTY 19 2

Oct 20, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
weed :)
My first battle and this one didn't get off to the best start but after starting three of the Super Skunk seeds, one finally showed herself above ground.

She'll also be alongside a Fruit Cake which cannot be entered into the battle due to timing but I figured I'd document her here as well.

EDIT - Fruit Cake died after germ. First time that's happened for me. I've germed 6 seeds from Seedstockers and only 1 survived. Not very impressed!

Kit List

Tent: Bud Box Pro white 1m x 1m

Light: Grow Northern Telos 0010 300w LED

Medium: 70% Canna Coco Pro 30% Perlite, lined with clay pebbles

Pots: 15 litre circular fabric

Air Movement: RAM Exhaust and Filter (I'll have to check the specs - sorry) with 2 x RAM Clip on desk fans

1 x RAM humidifier (with a dehumidifier to be added later)

Nutes: Great White, GH Trio Series, Plant Magic Magne-Cal, Earth Juice Sugar Peak, and the rest... we'll see. I'll add some sort of additive when the time comes, probably Big Bud or something along those lines.

Here's our little Skunk on day 2

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Day 11

Not much to report really other than she's now on RO water rather than tap. Stem is maybe a touch spindly but I'm glad she's stretched a bit.

On a very light feed at the moment so I'll begin upping it and adding a bit more cal-mag to compensate for the change in water. I can see the beginnings of spotting on the leaves so I guess it was a little low.

She'll probably have another week in the small pot before transplanting to the 15l fabric.


Also tried to germ one of the Fruit Cakes. Actually I've tried to germ 3 of them now, one cracked but isn't showing much promise. I'm sorry to say that I'm very underwhelmed with Seedstockers. 1/3 germ rate on the Skunk and the Fruit Cake. I know their model is based on affordability but frankly at these germs rates, it's a false economy and for home growers I can't see there's much of an advantage
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DAY 16

Her last day in the small pot. She'll be getting transplanted tomorrow.

Upped the feed a touch and she seems to be responding fine. No sign of tox but maybe still a touch hungry.


I should think the transplant will be tomorrow followed by training 3 days afterwards assuming she's happy in her now home.

DAY 18

Transplanted the Super Skunk today into pre-charged coco and perlite mix (around 80/20)

Looks a little hungry but the feed was also upped today so that shouldn't be much of an issue. I ran out of Great White which i like to use in transplanting but hopefully I can just add it to the feed moving forwards and that'll help.

Roots looked good, nice healthy ball forming.


DAY 20

She seems happy in her new home.

Precharged the coco with low nutes and plenty of cal-mag and whilst she's not perfect, she looks pretty good to me. I'll get busy with her tomorrow but I'm unsure whether I'll top or bend her at this point.


Day 26

Switched up the nutes for full Shogun coco line. Have been feeding at 50% but she still looks a little hungry still so I've upped it to about 80% now.

Bent her right over a few days ago. Took her down pretty hard but she seems OK with it and those side lowers are beginning to reach to a similar height to the main. Looks kinda ugly with all the tucking and that big ol' bend but I think I can pretty her up a bit as she stretches. Loving the big indica leaves but could do with a little more spacing. In all honesty I'd have been happy to just let her grow naturally but it seemed a bit boring so over she went!


DAY 32

Training seems to have paid off and she's developed a nice flat top from which I hope a bounty of stinky flowers will emerge.

I am loving these Shogun nutes. The leaves look very healthy and no signs of def although I've fed a touch high by the look of it so I'll ease back about 10% or so. It's nothing major so easily sorted. Stems are nice and thick, nothing to complain about at all on this one.

I've just given her the first dose of Mammoth P. I know it should have been done earlier but I just ordered it as a little payday treat for myself.



DAY 37

After adding Mammoth P she seems to want less nutes, makes sense I guess and tells me the Mammoth P is doing it's job and the plant is taking up well. Fine by me! Saves money and lowers the overall ppm.

She's turned into quite the bush and is having a hard time sharing with her room mates. Took a few fans off but nothing too major. I've been tucking like she's on Ru Pauls Drag Race rather than removing leaves, It's been paying off I think.

Looking like we're about to hit the stretch proper, no sign of flower yet though. RH is a little lower than I'd usually have it for veg, at about 43% at the moment as the Zkittlez is on the last week or so. I'll let it run back up to 50ish once she's out of there.




DAY 42

Been running nutes pretty low but still getting a touch of burn now, I'll dial back for the next few and see how she responds.

She's a huge plant, lots of potential bud sites etc etc. There's one glaring issue though... no buds! Not even a hint of a bud in fact, just a few pistils here and there, nothing more than you'd expect to see in late veg on a photo.

Which leads me to believe that this is probably not an auto...


It's a shame, she was shaping up well.

What do you guys reckon? Definitely not an auto or should give it until day 50 to call it? Not really sure if it's worth growing out under 12/12 as the other plants will be effected and if I were to grow a photo, it wouldn't have been this strain.
