New Grower Seeds in my buds

Obviously it's going to be experimental but I've got 2 grow rooms so I'm going to give it a try, and if it does work as I hope, imagine I will have a lot of potential then to breed different types due to this one seed it's worth a try paying round 40 for 5 seeds taking the piss, I could have thousands for free and throw them everywhere that would be bonkers
Ya I don't think I will waste my time, although they look nicer than the seeds I paid for. LOL
By collecting pollen from the male (pictured above), and carrying over his autoflowering tendency to another generation – by fertilizing a female AutoBlueberry plant – we’ll get a batch of seeds that should have a preponderance of autoflowering plants. Among these will be males, of course, who will have even more stable autoflowering tendencies, and we can continue to breed our own autoflowering seeds. You can do this too – it’s not rocket science! You may not always get plants that produce the most amazing buds around, but they will be your babies. And like any good parent, you’ll love them, however ugly they may be! (Taking from that article)
I was chopping up some buds that I dried last night and found 4 seeds?
all of the plants were feminized auto's, and I never seen any herming on the plant's. So were did the seed's come from.
I checked the buds from the other plant's and couldn't find any more. This is the first time Ive found seeds in any of my auto grow's. Any idea were they could have come from, and I wounder if I should grow them. They come from a Trans sieberian auto.:jointman:
stray pollen can come from anywhere. Thru open fields, pollen from a male can fertilize a female a mile away! It doesn't take much.
By collecting pollen from the male (pictured above), and carrying over his autoflowering tendency to another generation – by fertilizing a female AutoBlueberry plant – we’ll get a batch of seeds that should have a preponderance of autoflowering plants. Among these will be males, of course, who will have even more stable autoflowering tendencies, and we can continue to breed our own autoflowering seeds. You can do this too – it’s not rocket science! You may not always get plants that produce the most amazing buds around, but they will be your babies. And like any good parent, you’ll love them, however ugly they may be! (Taking from that article)

Sure that's the down and dirty way. But I for one am not going to waste my time, energy and grow space growing out regular auto seeds only to have to cull out useless males. There is the right way to do CS reversal to end with feminized autoflowering seeds.