New Grower Seeds in my buds


Just Playing with Fire
Mar 22, 2015
Reaction score
I was chopping up some buds that I dried last night and found 4 seeds?
all of the plants were feminized auto's, and I never seen any herming on the plant's. So were did the seed's come from.
I checked the buds from the other plant's and couldn't find any more. This is the first time Ive found seeds in any of my auto grow's. Any idea were they could have come from, and I wounder if I should grow them. They come from a Trans sieberian auto.:jointman:
Hi I have just found a magical seed in a vertigo auto been doing autos for a couple of years now never ever has this happened before I'm like gollom at the moment it's the precious one, I hope to god it's a male never thought I would say that
Got trans sieberian on the go now with cash crop and also sagarmatha super skunk 2014 cup winner not forgetting the strain hunters 2013 winner as well nice to have different types on the go
Just a little bit of stress at somepoint probably.

Canna will sometimes throw a seed or two in late flowering just becuase it wants to live - amazing eh!! A born survivor.

Throw the seeds away - you dont really wanna grow hermed seed (unless your very desperate for seeds and have real trouble getting them), the real thing will probably be better! :)

Edit: Sorry i was writing this yesterday and forgot to press the post button lol - Isnt it great how it saves our mostly written posts! :d5:
Personally I wouldnt grow mystery seeds you find in plants that are supposed to be female. Either youve got some hermi traits, which arent good, or else it was pollinated from outside pollen, which could just as easily be hemp as high THC bud. In that case you would waste a lot of time growing weed that might end up being crap. At most, I might consider throwing it outside somewhere and giving it minimal attention, hope it turns into something.
I understand what you're talking about with hermi, but I'm hoping it's a male to use with other breeds
You don't seem to see male automatic seeds for sale, I know what your thinking why would I, well these companies make a fortune selling them so why would the want you to breed them yourself, you all know it's not possible to take cuttings from autos , so they've got you by the balls