New Grower Seedling question

Sep 23, 2014
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Seedling question. I have a sprout that is close to 48 hours old and is about 3/4 of an inch tall. The problem is that it has not and has not made much of an effort to shed its shell. Should I give it another day or try and help it with some twezzers?
Seedling question. I have a sprout that is close to 48 hours old and is about 3/4 of an inch tall. The problem is that it has not and has not made much of an effort to shed its shell. Should I give it another day or try and help it with some twezzers?
Hi, 1g1p :) I'd give it another day, at that size. But, if it isn't sloughed off tomorrow, they, yes, you might need to help her out. I've had to a few times, and GENTLE is the rule :)
Best to you! :Sharing One:
a pic would help but if its open and just mostly sticking or wont open you can take a pair of tweezers and lightly compress the shell like an oyster shell sorta n it'll lightly split the casing and a misting from a spray bottle tends to work for me if ita really on there.and ofcourse take CARE when doing this.lil wee bits another day if it aint moved much pull it even further apart and check seedling for the skin embryo sack sucking to the leaves n holding them together.that take a stick pin or something and again lightly poke n tug at it lightly sliding it off or slicing it open or then just pull it off for me.just remember the kid gloves here.:Sharing One:

I hope thats helpful a lil.
mist with water and use a tooth pick. be very gentle.. that's what I had to do a few times anyway.. hope you get it fixed
hahahhaha.. eyes, you mind reader.lmao
Thanks, I will give it a until tonight but it is still pretty closed. I appreciate the advice. Once I get home and have a few cocktails I am sure I will come up with a great plan. :)
well thats exactly what I do often when sprouting seeds that are a problem lol Id wait another day like Waxi bro says but if its still not cracking or whatever and really still closed keep it moist with a misting a cpl times or so a day n see how it goes.i usually dont go past three days if its up and not cracking and shedding it that point its coming off over the course of the day or at first far away though.itll be sensetive.:Sharing One:
Thanks, I will give it a until tonight but it is still pretty closed. I appreciate the advice. Once I get home and have a few cocktails I am sure I will come up with a great plan. :)
LMFAO!! nice and steady now. lol
Moisture is the answer. Keep the seedling under an inverted shot glass for a few hours before you help out. A fine misting helps too. Then, with steady hands and a toothpick or tweezers nudge the casing of the leaves (cotyledons). Good luck!