New Grower Security

Actually quite the opposite Bud...there is many, many unscrupulous peoples that will not hesitate to rob you blind if you are not careful. Here in Cannada there is a 6 plant, 6 month mandatory minimum in place Currently. So get caught with more than 6 plants and off to a privatised superjail for 6 months. And oh yeah rec legalisation is right around the corner right? Minimum 1.5-2 years before that happens...LOL I cant say anything about the states, but its not unicorns and rainbows over here in the great white north. :D

Ouch! Is there nowhere safe? When will this madness end?
Prison, for growing a plant? ... a plant that has never killed anyone, a plant you can actually live off (the seeds contain all the amino acids and nutrients a human needs, ain't that a symbiosis if ever I heard one) and a plant that has medicinal, recreational and mystical properties, as well as the most efficient air-pollutant cleanser on the planet. I just don't get it.
But then I'm preaching/moaning to the converted, aren't I?

Sorry to go off topic .. I'm having security issues getting to and from my shed at the moment, I have to wear camouflage..!
White when it snows, sniper-attire in the day, black at night (with face paint!).

I'm a covert-ninja, an undisputed black-belt in undetectable shed access. :headbang:
So a perfect set of additions to the list of security measures shall be:

1. Know the actual laws and limitations for yourself, and your law enforcement.
2. Have a plan for how to react to various scenarios of contact
3. Look at your entire system from an outside perspective so you can see attention getters.

"The wizard lives his life backwards"
- Follow your dreams backwards to note all the steps that led to its completion. This is the only known way to see the future.