New Grower Security

Rev. Green Genes

Time is an Illusion. Lunchtime doubly So.
Dec 20, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Alien V. Triangle, Double Grape
Hi folks.

I have not seen any posts on the subject. I thought I would start one here where newbies (like me) can talk about how to be safe about this project we are in.

First, what I am talking about is physical security for a grow project as well as internet security for how we talk to each other. Please, everyone share any expertise or knowledge we have. Let's help each other out. I have some knowlege in many areas, and will gladly look up the information I don't know for people, and share it here.


1. Light security.

block out curtains, tents, windows, vents, placement in the house, etc...

2. Sound security

keeping pumps and fans quiet

3. Video security

4. Access security

How, and who, will be able to access any part of your system at any time. Locks - walls - doors.

5. Electric bill security

6. Infrared, and Radio security

Use of laser reflecting insulation, Faraday cage, temperature reflection, metal netting, etc.


1. TOR

2. Firewalls, HTTPS, VPN,

3. End 2 End encryption

Signal messaging App for phones

4. Site security

What security options are available for AFN, and other sites we may use. Ordering seeds, and shipping materials and gear.

5. Tracking security

Who or what is tracking online activity, and how. Know this to be safe.

6. MAC address security

every computer has a unique hardware address, can this identify you?
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@green genes

nice topic... i'd love to chime in along the way....

but regarding internet security my absolute first advise would be... DO NOT USE the DNS provided by your ISP..

@green genes

nice topic... i'd love to chime in along the way....

but regarding internet security my absolute first advise would be... DO NOT USE the DNS provided by your ISP..


Great advise.......ummmmm, why exactly is changing the DNS server great SECURITY advise?

Super initiative to start a security thread..... But if the knowing take it for granted the unknowing know what a DNS and such is, then it will be only be the knowing hashing it out...... Just Saying!

There's several threads dealing with security, search the forum for say "proxy server", and you'll get something like this
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Super initiative to start a security thread..... But if the knowing take it for granted the unknowing know what a DNS and such is, then it will be only be the knowing hashing it out...... Just Saying!

Yes, I presuppose that people will take some initiative in looking things up. I am also more than willing to spell out concepts if asked.
The room I grow in faces our street. I put up Walmart cheapie blackout curtains over my all levolors/windows. They don't completely blackout but are certainly good enough. I used masking tape to hold to wall and help darken the curtains that are closest to the tent and that would easily show the bright lights in any slit. To control odor, I dry my yields in an old 2x2 tent with inline fan and filter. That tent is in a stand up shower that is no longer used. My odor is minimal which is what I desired.

I don't worry about the electric bill because I only grow for medicine, plus the electric company is in business to MAKE money, so not worried. Security problems are low here. This can all change of course when "Orange Slice" Trump staggers into the oval office.

There is a recent episode of weed etiquette that highlights people still getting busted. People that should not get busted. The cops just take whatever they want during the process. If I recall correctly, they took sex toys, nude photo of wife, took money from Grandparents given to their children for birthdays and threw the wife's underwear on a ceiling fan and the such. Real honest too goodness pricks that over step big time and it may get much worse.
Oooops, I thought this was the Al-Qaeda thread at first glance. Sorry, my twisted sense of humour.

I order everything off Amazon ... it would take a team of Hercule Poirot's to piece it all together.
Hide in plain sight, I say.

Bloody hell, is that life in the US? ... our lot have given up. Bust one, two more pop up tomorrow.
It's like topping ... there's no stopping..!!!!


Edit: not meaning to belittle the idea. I'm sure this thread will be valuable to someone. I just think security is becoming less of an issue these days .. the 'security forces' have enough on their plate ... US election influenced by Russian hacking, pedophilia, ISIS, racial tension, the list goes on. Don't worry too much, I think growing a plant doesn't constitute the threat to humanity quite it did a couple of decades ago.

I'm not worried about getting busted, I'm more worried about them getting pinched..!
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Ok, after my self-proclaimed semi-humorous diatribe, I thought I'd give it some meat.

First off, they only work at night. Too much infra-red distortion from the daytime sun, however slight.
They mounted them on helicopters here in the UK, busted quite a few factories in Essex a decade ago I understand.
Regardless, the police found that out of every 5 houses they 'busted' .. four of them just had poor insulation..!
Too expensive, too much wasted man-power and too much unnecessary paperwork!
Today, it works like speed cameras do .. psychology. Most of them don't work, but you slow down anyway, just in case.

Small spikes in usage don't flag up anything. Not in this electricity-driven age.
A small fan heater uses 2Kw/h, a deep-fat frier more. Sunbeds, computers, ovens, kettles, electric-blankets, the list is endless.
You'd have to convert your three-bedroom semi into a fully-fledged ganja factory, have a Vietnamese passport, draw 5Kw an hour off the grid without paying for it, and claim benefits for 12 kids before anyone spots anything!
No really, don't underestimate the stupidity of the authorities / utility companies. They hate their jobs, just like you..!

The Internet
Do you have any idea how much data they have to monitor? It's a lot.
Tor is for hitmen and pedos. A VPN will do if you're that paranoid. But seriously, do they really care about you growing a plant?
I really don't think so, not these days. We've slid down the list of threats to humanity, thankfully.

Smell & Tell
This is the biggy. The one that gets you fucked. Don't underestimate it's destructive power. The rest pales into insignificance.

Just sayin' ..
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There are many reasons why it is important to take these things seriously. Especially in the US. How far someone is willing to go to protect themselves is dependent on the situation. In my case, I don't want to lose my house. I agree that catching by electric usage, or infrared are longshots, but in my area the authorities still take it seriously. I have regular flyovers for everything from google maps to black choppers. It pays to be prepared, and a step ahead when the alternative is FUBAR. You are right for sure that smell and tell are the two ways most people get caught. Loose Lips, and Stanky winds.
The Internet
Do you have any idea how much data they have to monitor? It's a lot.
Tor is for hitmen and pedos. A VPN will do if you're that paranoid. But seriously, do they really care about you growing a plant?
I really don't think so, not these days. We've slid down the list of threats to humanity, thankfully.

This part, I must politely disagree with. I have worked in the electronics and communications field for a long time. They do not just target individual people, and the computers used to sniff through all that data are well up to the task. It is possible that I am small potatoes, even likely, but that does not matter to a computer sniffing for purchase patterns or careless communication bits. The best one can hope for if they ignore security is to be lucky. TOR works, and so does signal. It's not that hard to be careful.