I have been dealing with some fungus/mold too. In the past I have done preventative mists made of monterey disease control or actinovate or a similar beneficial bacteria type weekly misting. It does help, but it works better if you start out using while the plants are in vegetative state. When I recently found it in the flowering indoor plants, I cut the affected leaves and flowers off and
extremely lightly misted a 100% hydrogen peroxide(3% hydrogen peroxide from the dollar store) over the whole plant including flowers and then air dryed them before they went back into the light. That has curbed the mold/fungus whatever it was. But I am thoroughly inspecting every day and re-applying the hydrogen peroxide mist if I see an “iffy” area.
The climate where I live is one of those that the fungus and mold thrive in.
On my vegetables i have used a milk and water spray that helps also but it requires more of a drench.
Whenever I have encountered the fungus/mold if I didn’t get to it right away my buds would get bud rot. That really decreases the yield because you have to cut them off and throw them out. But usually if you can get it the first round and preventatively keep it away for the rest of the growing period, you will still have some harvest.
of course I do the triple wash on those flowers at harvest time
