New Grower Second Grow - Bubbly Livers (Mephisto) - Auto-fed Coco Topped ScrOG + Runoff Feeding Experiment

Jul 16, 2018
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Scroll down a bit if your main interest is the runoff feeding experiment. I'm sure it's been done before, but what the hell, I thought it'd be interesting anyway.

We join this grow in progress on Day 52... I intended to start this thread around Day 25. I wanted to get my new auto-feed and screen setups going before I began the thread. I got everything set up in time, as planned, but did not have time for much else, and with the holidays the delays stacked up, but here it is.

My First Grow Part Deux: The Second Grow - Bubbly Livers (Mephisto Illuminauto)
Coco Christohanukwanzaa Spectacular


Day 52

  • General Hydroponics Armor Si, CALiMAGic, Micro, RapidStart, Gro, Bloom, Liquid Kool Bloom, Floralicious Plus (AKA Essence of Dirty Diaper)
  • Recycled coco + perlite
  • Rapid Rooters
  • VIPARSPECTRA 600w (actual draw 266w)
  • Two 5 gallon fabric pots
  • One 1 gallon plastic pot
  • Insulated 6" exhaust fan controlled with variable transformer
  • 6" carbon filter
  • 32x32x64" tent
  • 5 gallon buckets (one reservoir, one refill)
  • Submersible pumps (one to feed, one to stir and aerate)
  • Two clip fans
  • One tower fan
  • Humidifier
  • Dehumidifier
  • TDS and pH meters

Thoughts on first grow:

My very first grow I had four plants of four different strains. There was an early pH problem (I began by using indicator drops and only bought a meter after a week or so) which impacted the transport network strongly enough that I had localized issues (particular branches or colas being sickly despite the rest of the plant, even at the same node, being healthy) all the way until harvest. I now keep my

Each plant yielded between 40 and 100 grams dry. They had different nutrient needs, and the tent was not big enough to comfortably train them all horizontally so they got too tall even with topping and LST. In the end, everything was very crowded and I had to run a dehumidifier 24/7 for the last ~5 weeks due to out-of-control transpiration. To give you an idea, the only way I could get RH down to the 60s was to run the humidifier and run the exhaust fan high enough that the tent temperature would drop into the 60s as well. I also felt I was sacrificing yields per plant by having so much leaf overlap and competition for light.

Finally, I learned something that would only come from experience: The ideal height for my particular LED panel. Provided the plants are healthy, 14" is ideal from around the third week onward. It's a popular enough panel, true, but everyone seems to have a different opinion as to ideal distance. I only get lightburn at this height if the plants are not perfectly healthy and hydrated.

Nutrient thoughts:

When I run out of GH Micro, Gro, and Bloom, I will be switching over to Dyna-Gro Foliage-Pro and Bloom. This has been the plan since late last grow. Foliage-Pro is just an easier way to get all the necessary micros, plus the other stuff needed for veg, and there is, despite my having 8 nutrients right now, no way for me to currently formulate a feed that has significantly (somewhere around 30-50%) more phosphorous than potassium. I will be sticking with most of the current supplements, though--believe it or not, I didn't just default to Armor Si or Floralicious Plus, but determined them to be ideal silicon and fulvic acid supplements for the money. CALiMAGic has the "wrong" ratio, but it's cheap, doesn't add too much nitrogen, and I can add more magnesium via epsom salts

As for RapidStart, I don't know what the hell is in it (surely it isn't JUST a source of nitrogen), but I suspect it's a weaker/partial version of Floralicious Plus (based on the smell) with a little N so it can be marketed as an early veg necessity. The SDS is worthless as it only lists what it has to--the nitrogen and phosphate sources. I don't know if I'll buy more, but it's relatively cheap considering little is prescribed.

The plan for the second grow:

I wish I'd written this when I began rather than when I'm approaching the finish line, but I'll lay out the plan in retrospect. I wanted two plants of the same variety plus a screen, and I wanted the plants autofed. This was to be an easy, low maintenance grow (and it has been). I ended up with three plants because I took a lonely, empty pot from my grandmother's old house (she's the family member who got very sick and died during my first run...) and germinated a seed for it in her honor. Was my grandma "cool" like that? Well, no... Not at all, really. I doubt she'd complain about anything done in her memory, though, and she certainly would not complain if I was the one doing it. :p

Runoff feed experiment:

What the hell does that mean? Well, only the 5 gallon pots are being auto-fed, and it's 8 times per day (at this stage). Once or twice a day, I manually switch on the pumps and feed till runoff. I then siphon off the runoff into the 1 gallon tribute plant.

The plant that has eaten solely runoff water has been healthy since Day 1. No pH issues or deficiencies, so while it is a dwarf for all sorts of reasons (it's in the corner of the tent; it's not eating often; it's not retaining moisture as well; no air pruning or system to ensure ideal transport), it is a perfectly healthy one that looks to be at the same stage of flowering as the other plants. I think that if I fed the 5 gallon pots less often, the runoff water might not resemble the nutrient solution quite as closely and I would see a poor result.


The next grow will begin immediately after this one. There will be ONE plant (almost certainly White Crack, the champion from my first grow) grown in a 2 gallon equivalent air-pot (the red-bottomed kind). This was going to be a 3 gallon smart-pot, but last time I was surprised to see they... did not clean up well. The roots from my original four plants tore up the walls pretty bad. I should be able to reuse an air-pot indefinitely, and because I am auto-feeding, I'm unlikely to experience much frustration with watering. Grow [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] should take me as close as possible to "real" hydroponics while still employing coco.

If I'm feeling good at the end of Grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], maybe I'll even create the next journal in the adult forum. ;)

Invited are: @Damien50, @Dudeski , @Iriee Vibez, @KREATURE, @archie gemmill, @Seymourbud, and @nicojellic

These are only those who finished with me last time. Anyone is welcome, of course, and no one is obliged!

Tomorrow I'll post pics and try to get caught up to what will be Day 53.
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Looking good! Did you super crop? Never seen someone run the whole GH line like that lol it will be interesting. I'm growing in Growpito Sim(it's reusable ad infinitum) instead of coco which was a messy clean up. It will extra interesting because I'm only running Bloom, CaliMagic, and KoolBloom this time where as you're using much more but we are feeding the same amount of times.

Good luck I'm subbed

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Hey, welcome back, Exivious! Glad you jumped right back in for your second grow! Looking good, man. Nice and healthy! You will have a bumper crop from those plants by the looks of things on Day 52.

Will be checking this grow out, man!

I have two ANQ plants that started around the same time as yours going right now, too.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
its very easy to be critical after the event,especially of ourselves :doc3:yes things went wrong,it wernt perfect by any means.40-100g 1st time out the box for you,give yourself a pat on the back :bravo:as you did more right than wrong,and when things went wrong you fixed them good :thumbsup:
cleaning method for airpots....let it dry out then kick it a few times :footy:
keep up with the experiments,helps anyone searching for same or similar :toke: do it for gran :vibes::karmacloud:
good luck n keep er lit.
Thanks everyone, and thanks in advance for following along! You're right, @Need4Weed, I'm sure she's looking down on me. :grin:

@Damien50, funny thing, but supercropping hasn't worked well on these plants. Last grow I only had one break from supercropping, and the cola recovered just fine (with duct-tape) and was one of the most productive colas of the plant it was on. This time, however, from Day 40 till just yesterday, my "softening up" of the part I intend to bend a bit results in a crisp break of the stem before I even attempt to bend it. I'm not sure if this is due to perhaps too much silicon supplementation (I did not use Armor Si for the first grow, but have used it by-the-label this time), or maybe it's just genetics... I've tried to compensate by pushing large colas away from the center since supercropping just ain't working with the Bubbly Livers. The stems are way thicker than last time, and I don't suspect any environmental issues since I've kept VPD perfect.

As for the whole GH line, hey, I'm not that much of a sucker... There are 5 products in the line I did not buy. :p I have a theory as to why GH's products get so much flak and it relates to the fact it's the default brand of newbs, and second or third grows generally yield better than first grows. There have been far more first grows done with GH nutes than, say, AN nutes. We're quite prone to cognitive biases in favor of the products we use when we become good at something, be it gardening, playing an instrument, or playing a sport, as opposed to what we started with. There are just so many other variables that we often ignore.

As for why GH as a company gets a lot of criticism: I totally get it.

So... This one seems to be going better than the first grow, yet something strange is afoot--more on that shortly. Pics incoming and we should be caught up to today (Day 53) by the end of it. :grin:
Day 1 (mistake 1):

(Don't worry--mistakes are limited to the first week or so, I think :p)


Here are my three Bubbly Livers sprouts--well, in this pic I think only one has cleared the surface, but all three seeds would prove to be viable. Can you guess the issue? Yeah, I forgot to vent the bottom of the little protein powder scoops I have the Rapid Rooters in... This resulted in "rings" of roots in the bottom of each cup where there was ample water. I imagine this slowed down rooting... It may have slowed down the entire cycle? More on that later!


Sorry about the lighting, but here are the three seedlings underneath a little terrarium (okay, it's a tent) I built out of popsicle sticks and saran wrap. I kept the humidity very high and they received light from the LED in veg-only mode at about 24". That's the farthest I ever keep the VIPARSPECTRA 600w away from the plants, with 14" (veg + bloom arrays both on) being optimal after the first couple weeks.

Day 13:


This is the sprout visible in the first pic above, now transplanted into a 5 gallon smart pot. I didn't bury it quite deep enough in the plug, and you can see part of the tap root here just beginning to transition into something more closely resembling a trunk. It evened out later as it thickened out, and now I don't even remember which plant was once this awkward child.

So, that early mistake I alluded to... Well, I let the seedlings sit in the Rapid Rooters until Day 11. I read about the Rapid Rooters having plenty of nutes to take the seedlings up to 8" before a transplant is required. Some of what I read said wait a week, others three weeks. I'm glad I did not wait three weeks. I take responsibility, though. I've learned that forums like this one are cutting edge with a lot of progressive methods, but generally growers still stick with tried and true, but conservative, methods. I mentioned it in my last thread, but as a very high-exposure example, GrowWeedEasy's coco guides generally recommend sporadic feedings for coco with in-between days of just pH-adjusted water. It's not a knock on the site as I found GWE very inspiring and there are lots of excellent pics there, and I guess it is in the spirit of 'easy' to feed like that--it's just not ideal since that is treating coco like soil instead of the hydroponic-lite medium it is.

More shortly!
Day 15:

This is when my auto-feed setup went into effect.

You may remember this from last time:


It's a submersible pump and wand. It made feeding a lot easier, but I wanted to take it to the next level...


I took the same ~300 GPH pump and set it up to cascade water down from the top of the bucket. This has a stir effect and a slight aeration effect. It only runs when the new (much weaker) feeding pump is running. This spare's the pump a bit, and prevents the formation of too much carbonic acid which could (or not, as it's a very weak acid--I need to look into it more for future grows) affect the reservoir pH over time...

The second bucket is what I actually mix nutrients in. I only make 4 gallons at a time to give me some leeway as to when I can top off the main reservoir bucket. These cheap-ass Home Depot buckets are perfect, both in ease of transport and in size. The lids are barely a dollar and allow for easy access customization for power cords, flexible tubing, temperature probes and whatever else. I mix up 4 gallons every 2.5 or 3 days, and I'd feel out of touch with the plants if I was mixing any less often. I'm very happy with it all.

Since taking this pic I've improved the plastic lining a little. There's now a 1/2" lip, so the plastic should be able to hold a couple quarts before leaking into the carpet. I've taken far more precautions than that, though. :p No leaks or misprogrammed timer issues yet!

This is the point where I began watering four times a day automatically, but with me sometimes around to manually (well, via the pump) feed to excess in order to give the tribute dwarf plant some runoff nutes.

Day 18:


The whole family. Note the dwarf looks just like the others at this point.

You see I have a valve per pot here coming off a T. It's been really annoying to tweak each, from time to time, as water demands per plant change. Fortunately around a week ago I reached a happy point where both began draining to waste within seconds of the other, and they've stayed that way.

Day 20:


Finally good lighting! I remembered I had a CFL in the tent for photos. :p At this point I was feeding 1080 ppm. That number includes CalMag, though, so it isn't as extreme as it sounds for Day 20. No burns in any case.

Day 21:

Topped all plants... Including the little tribute plant. I don't know why I topped the dwarf, but I did. The good news is it had little effect. Stretching for light in a corner, the dwarf, at the time of writing this (Day 52), has one dominant cola that isn't much shorter than the tallest colas of the big plants, despite my forgetting to put the smaller pot on some kind of booster.

The other two plants responded as intended to topping, just like on my first grow.
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