Sealed grow room set up

Sep 7, 2020
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As I am building out my tent, I was thinking of doing a sealed grow room setup where I would seal all the open areas of my tent and just put my inline filer and fan (AC Infinity 6inch) in a standalone place at the corner of my tent (see below picture for fan/filter setup)

I am running this through a 2x2.5 shorty tent with a floor fan and two clip on oscillating fans on a single 5 gallon DWC set up. It makes my floor pretty packed but also gives room up top for growth since I wont be hanging my fan or filer.

Thoughts on this and if this will work well with my set up? This is also a tent in a closet so air flow would be limited from the outside (thus the sealed version). I would add a couple mushroom bags to generate CO2.


As I am building out my tent, I was thinking of doing a sealed grow room setup where I would seal all the open areas of my tent and just put my inline filer and fan (AC Infinity 6inch) in a standalone place at the corner of my tent (see below picture for fan/filter setup)

I am running this through a 2x2.5 shorty tent with a floor fan and two clip on oscillating fans on a single 5 gallon DWC set up. It makes my floor pretty packed but also gives room up top for growth since I wont be hanging my fan or filer.

Thoughts on this and if this will work well with my set up? This is also a tent in a closet so air flow would be limited from the outside (thus the sealed version). I would add a couple mushroom bags to generate CO2.

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You do not need to run that inline filer and fan (AC Infinity 6inch) in a sealed room.
Do you think a sealed room without a co2 tank (just exhale bags) would be sufficient in a tent inside a closet? I was thinking of the fan and filter for smell and also just circulation. .
This is how my tent is currently set up My other option would be is to attach the filter on the inside and fan either outer on top or to the right with a duct recirculating the air inside this closet. Ideally I was going to keep this closet closed for most of the time. What do you think is the better set up? This or a complete sealed room set up @Mañ'O'Green ?

as always. Thanks for your solid feedback.
This is how my tent is currently set up My other option would be is to attach the filter on the inside and fan either outer on top or to the right with a duct recirculating the air inside this closet. Ideally I was going to keep this closet closed for most of the time. What do you think is the better set up? This or a complete sealed room set up @Mañ'O'Green ?

as always. Thanks for your solid feedback.View attachment 1232525
You are not going to be able to deal with the humidity in a closed "Lung room" like that without a dehumidifier. It is expensive to run a dehumidifier. 3x the cost of your lights. That is a small tent and you will want all of the space inside for plant growth. Mount your exhaust fan and filter on the outside of the tent. Forget about running a closed room and C0² in such a small space. It simply is not worth the cost and effort. I know I have done it in here:


I had an Arduino computer running the exhaust fan and Co² controller. As the heat and humidity got to high the exhaust fan would run until it dryed out and cooled down and then the Co² would come back on. I did the math several times and even if I hit a 20% crop increase (i did not) It cost more to implement in time and materials then I would recover. I also worked it out that about a 20 plant grow is where it might start to be profitable. I don't sell so it does not make any difference but I use street value to determine if a farm practice is of value.
Personal opinion, CO2 is a waste in a tent situation. Lots of cubic feet help keep the temp swings A/C use, and venting to a minimum, so a sealed room stays in the sweat spot better.
Unless your growing has been honed till you can't improve farther, it's not worth the cost. You'll see bigger gains just by getting your A game dialed.