Indoor Science : Soil / Substrates & "Best Practices" from Nurseries.

Descriptive terms commonly associated with certain ranges in soil pH are:

  • Extremely acid: < than 4.5; lemon=2.5; vinegar=3.0; stomach acid=2.0; soda=2–4
  • Very strongly acid: 4.5–5.0; beer=4.5–5.0; tomatoes=4.5
  • Strongly acid: 5.1–5.5; carrots=5.0; asparagus=5.5; boric acid=5.2; cabbage=5.3
  • Moderately acid: 5.6–6.0; potatoes=5.6
  • Slightly acid: 6.1–6.5; salmon=6.2; cow's milk=6.5
  • Neutral: 6.6–7.3; saliva=6.6–7.3; blood=7.3; shrimp=7.0
  • Slightly alkaline: 7.4–7.8; eggs=7.6–7.8
  • Moderately alkaline: 7.9–8.4; sea water=8.2; sodium bicarbonate=8.4
  • Strongly alkaline: 8.5–9.0; borax=9.0
  • Very strongly alkaline: > than 9.1; milk of magnesia=10.5, ammonia=11.1; lime=12

More in depth analysis on CEC

Cation exchange capacity is usually measured in soil testing labs by one of two methods. The direct method is to replace the normal mixture of cations on the exchange sites with a single cation such as ammonium (NH4+), to replace that exchangeable NH4+ with another cation, and then to measure the amount of NH4+ exchanged (which was how much the soil had held).

More commonly. the soil testing labs estimate CEC by summing the calcium, magnesium and potassium measured in the soil testing procedure with an estimate of exchangeable hydrogen obtained from the buffer pH. Generally, CEC values arrived at by this summation method will be slightly lower than those obtained by direct measures.

Cations on the soil's exchange sites serve as a source of resupply for those in soil water which were removed by plant roots or lost through leaching. The higher the CEC, the more cations which can be supplied. This is called the soil's buffer capacity.
Cations can be classified as either acidic (acid- forming) or basic. The common acidic cations are hydrogen and aluminum; common basic ones are calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. The proportion of acids and bases on the CEC is called the percent base saturation and can be calculated as follows:

Total meq of bases on exchange sites

Pct. base =(i.e., meq Ca++ meq Mg++ + meq K+)
saturation ------------------------------- x 100
Cation exchange capacity

Base saturation equivalents for H+, Ca++, Mg++, K+ and Na+:

Per 100 grams of soil,1 meq or ME=

1 milligram H+

20 mg of Calcium Ca++ (atomic weight 40)

12 mg of Magnesium Mg++ (atomic weight 24)

39 mg of Potassium K+ (atomic weight 39)

23 mg of Sodium Na+ (atomic weight 23)

Procedure for Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) Determination in Soil Samples

Part 1

1. Place 3 grams (weigh to 4 digits) of 1 mm air-dried soil sample in a 250 ml erlenmeyer flask, and add 100 ml of 1 N NH4OAC (pH = 7.0) solution. Shake the flask thoroughly by hand and allow it to stand overnight (cover the flask mouth with parafilm).

2. Filter the soil with light suction using a Bchner funnel and No. 2 filter paper into a clean flask.
Add a small (25 ml) portion at a time.

3. Filter the soil with an additional 100 ml of 1 N
�NH4OAC (pH = 7).
� Check for Ca2+ : close vacuum, lift funnel carefully out of flask, transfer 3 drops of filtrate from funnel end into a test tube, add 3 drops 1 N
NH4Cl, 3 drops 1:1 NH4OH, and 3 drops 10% ammonium oxalate.
� No precipitate indicates the completion of filtering.� When the Ca2+ test is negative (no precipitate) save the filtrate for the later determination of exchangeable K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+.

4. Filter the soil with light suction using 200 ml 1 N NH4Cl followed by 100 ml 0.25 N NH4Cl.

5. Wash the soil with 150-200 ml of isopropyl alcohol, add a small (25 ml) portion at a time.
� Test for Cl-: Remove funnel as in step 3; add 10 drops of filtrate and 10 drops of 0.1 N AgNO3 to a clean test tube.
� A precipitate (AgCl) indicates the presence of chloride.
� When the chloride is no longer present, empty and clean the collection flask for step 6 (discard filtrate).

6. Filter the soil with 300 ml of 10% NaCl (in 5-6 portions).
� Save the filtrate in a clean bottle for CEC determination.

7. Transfer 20 ml of the filtrate to a microkjeldahl flask, add a spoon (calibrated) of MgO powder, and distill 40 ml of the solution into 5 ml of 2% H3BO3.
� Titrate the boric acid solution with standard H2SO4 (0.01 N).

Part 2

1. Turn on the rheostat to the heater and allow the water to boil.

2. Prepare the steam distillation apparatus for use by opening the lower stopcock on the steam-bypass assembly and closing the upper stopcock, which connected to the distillation head.

3. Add 5 ml H3BO3 indicator solution to 100 ml beaker marked to indicate a volume of 40 ml, and position the beaker under the condenser of the distillation apparatus so that the tip of the condenser is in contact with the side of the beaker.

4. Attach the kjedahl flask containing 20 ml NaCl filtrate and MgO powder to the distillation apparatus.
� Then seal the funnel with the peg stopper, and immediately commence distillation by opening the upper stopcock on the steam-bypass assembly and closing the lower stopcock.

5. When the volume of distillation reaches 40 ml, rinse the tip of the condenser, and stop the distillation by opening the lower stopcock on the steam-bypass assembly.

6. Determine NH4+-N in the distillate by titration with 0.01 N H2SO4.
� At the end-point, the color changes from green to a faint pink.


The CEC of the soil is calculated as follows:

CEC (in meq./100 g. soil) = V x 0.001 N x 300 ml/20ml x 100 g./Ms

V = Volume of 0.001 N H2SO4 spent for titration, in ml.
300 ml = Total volume of 10 % NaCl, used to substitute the NH4+.
20 ml = Volume of filtrate used for distillation.
Ms = Weight of the soil sample used.
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Measuring Acidity

Active Acidity

pH measures active acidity or the H+ concentration of the soil solution.

pH = log 1/[H+] where H+ is the concentration in moles per liter

(moles/liter) pH
.001 3
.0001 4
.00001 5
.000001 6
.0000001 7

A 10-fold change in H+ concentration results in a one unit change in pH.

Active and Potential Acidity

  1. an acid ionizes into hydrogen ions and the accompanying anion.

    HA (Potential Acidity) = H+ + A- (Active Acidity)

    Total Acidity = Active + Potential Acidity

  2. In soils, active acidity is H+ in soil solution. Potential acidity is exchangeable Al+3.

    Most of a soils acidity is potential.

    Al+3 + 3H2O ==> Al(OH)3 + 3H+

    Both active and potential acidity must be measured to estimate the amount of lime needed.
Causes of Soil Acidity

  1. Parent Material - Rocks from which soil was formed may have been basic or acidic
  2. Rainfall - The higher the average annual rainfall the more leaching. Basic cations are removed more readily than H+ and Al+3.
  3. Native vegetation - Soils under forest are more acid than those developed under grassland.

    Decomposition of O.M. forms acid

    CO2 forms H2CO3
  4. Fertilizer containing NH4+

    Conversion of NH4+ => NO3- produces H+ ions
  5. Hydrolysis of Al

    Al + H2O ===> AlOH3 + H+

    Al can come from clay structures

Reasons to Add Lime

  1. to neutralize toxic elements
    1. Al+3
      1. Reduces root growth by inhibiting cell

      2. Reduces Ca uptake

      3. Fixes soil Phosphorus

    2. Mn 2+ -- toxicity is a problem on red, clayey acid soils

    3. At pH 4 or less, H+ can damage root membranes

  2. Increases molybdenum availability. Mo is the only micronutrient that is more available at higher pH's.

  3. To Supply Ca and Mg - ( two of the secondary nutrients).

  4. Increases microorganism activity for N fixation and nitrification

  5. Increases efficiency of P fertilization. P is fixed and not available to plants at low pH's.

  6. Improves soil physical properties. (structure)
Concept of buffer capacity

  1. buffering - a resistance to change in pH. Removal of H+ ions from the soil solution results in their replacement by H+ ions (Al+3) from the exchange complex.

  2. The higher CEC of a soil the greater will be its buffer capacity because more reserve (potential) amount must be neutralized to change the pH. The percent OM must be taken into account as well as the pH when estimating the amount of lime needed to raise the pH.

    Clay soils have a high buffer capacity.

    Organic soils have a high buffer capacity.

    Sandy soils have a low buffer capacity.

    Example of the effect of CEC on lime requirements and buffer capacity

We want to change from pH 5 to 6. We look at the curve and see that this is a change from 25 to 75% base saturation or a 50% change.

How many meq of H+ must be neutralized if the CEC of the soil is 2?

Soil testing labs use an indirect method of measuring exchangeable acidity.

N.C. method

add 10 cm3 soil + 10 ml water + 10 ml buffer at pH 6.6

measure the pH

It has been determined that each .1 decrease in pH of the solution equals 0.4 meq ac/100 cm3 of soil

rapid - large numbers of soil samples can be processed.


How lime neutralizes acidity.

H+ H+ + CaCO3 ==> Ca2+ + H2O + CO2

in solution

CaCO3 + H2O ==> Ca2+ + HCO3- +OH -

This can react with H+ ==> HOH (water) or to precipitate Al as Al(OH)3

Lime reduces the concentration of H+ ions and increases the concentration of OH - ions, and adds non acid forming cations. the material must contain an anion that combines with and neutralizes H+ ions and Al ions.

CO3 ............. does


oxides .......................CaO



silicates .....................SiO3-

neutralizing value - the ability to neutralize acids. expressed in terms of calcium carbonate equivalent. Calcium carbonate is the standard by which other materials are measured ( 100%) Molecular weight of CaCO3 is 100 MgCO3 is 84 1 molecule of each will neutralize the same amount of acid but on a weight basis it only takes 84g of MgCO3 to do the job of 100g of CaCO3. Neutralizing value (CCE) calcium carbonate equivalent of the pure forms of some commonly used liming materials

Neutralizing Value

CaO 179
Ca(OH)2 136
CaMg(CO3)2 109
CaCO3 100
CaSiO3 86


Mined Soil Additives

Mined and man-made additives are considered inorganic and, for brevity’s sake, this article will focus on mined inorganic additives, as man-made additives are far too numerous to describe properly.

Inorganic additives can provide both immediate and slower changes to soil, depending on the availability of the additive’s nutrients and structural properties. The immediate availability of nutrients does increase the possibility of “burning” plants, but inorganic additives also tend to be water-soluble and can be flushed from the soil if applied in excess.

Potash: Potash is one of the most common sources of inorganic potassium and is used to describe any salts containing water-soluble potassium. Potassium is one of the three most important macronutrients for plants and, as a result, potash can be added to soils quite regularly. Sul-Po-Mag, or langbeinite, contains a high amount of potassium, sulfur and magnesium, is fast-acting and can be used to recondition used soil and boost potassium levels during growth.

Glauconite: Also known as greensand, glauconite is another inorganic source of potassium and a host of other trace minerals useful for plant growth like iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and silica. Locked inside sand particles, these minerals are released over a much longer period of time than other inorganic additives. As such, greensand is more of a structural soil additive that also slowly adds nutrients and is most useful in growing systems that use the same soil repeatedly.

Gypsum: One of the oldest fertilizers used in agriculture, gypsum provides many benefits to soil. The calcium in gypsum additives helps reduce pH in alkaline conditions and its solubility makes the calcium and sulfur it contains readily available to plants. Gypsum also improves soil structure by breaking up heavy clays, which increases water infiltration and decreases bulk density. It is best to add gypsum when mixing soil before planting to ensure an even distribution.

Dolomite Lime: Dolomite lime raises soil pH and is a source of calcium and magnesium. The amount of lime necessary to increase pH depends on the cation exchange capacity of the soil, with a larger increase in soils with low CEC. As plants uptake nutrients from soil, the pH of that soil drops. Adding lime to depleted soils during the growth cycle or after harvest can help increase pH to suitable levels.

Rock Dust: Great for mineralizing or re-mineralizing soil, rock dust is created when glaciers, volcanoes and other forms of erosion allow access to the minerals held within rocks. The small particles are transported by the wind, carried by water or collected for sale by mining companies. While it does not contain enough nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus to be considered a fertilizer, rock dust contains a host of beneficial minerals and trace elements. To ensure even distribution of minerals, rock dust should be added when first mixing soil for planting.

Phosphorite: Phosphorite, or rock phosphate, is a sedimentary rock containing phosphate-bearing minerals that provides a continued release of phosphorous for plants. Rock phosphate is not soluble and will not be leached from soil with watering. Phosphorous is critical to early plant development and rock phosphate can be applied directly underneath seeds or transplants to allow easy access and in smaller amounts when mixing new soil.

Sulfur: While sulfur is not considered a macronutrient, it is important to plant development and a necessary additive to soils. Adding elemental sulfur to soil serves to lower pH when bacteria convert the sulfur into sulfuric acid. In sulfur-deficient soils, elemental sulfur should be added along with lime to balance changes in pH.

Perlite and Vermiculite: Perlite and vermiculite both provide increased aeration and moisture retention to soil while decreasing the potential of compaction. The application of these additives depends on the preferred moisture level of the plants being grown. Vermiculite retains a great deal of water and should be used with plants that prefer lots of water. Perlite is more porous and loses water faster, making it ideal for plants that prefer less water.

Organic Soil Additives
Animal or plant by-products are considered organic additives and provide nutrients for plant growth across a variety of release times. Organic additives also provide useful changes to subsurface conditions by altering soil structure. The quality of organic additives is more loosely defined than that of inorganic additives, making reliable sourcing more important.

Manure: Animal dung provides a variety of benefits for soil and plants. The timing and application of manure varies depending on the animal from which it was produced. Manure increases soil aggregation by increasing organic matter and humus that, along with added nutrients, promotes the activity of soil microbes.

Guano and chicken manure both make excellent natural fertilizers as they contain large amounts of plant macronutrients. Manure can be mixed into soil before planting or applied as a top dressing when needed. Some types of manure increase microbial activity dramatically, producing heat that can be damaging to plants, and should be composted before being applied.

Vermicompost: Worm castings, the organic matter produced by earthworm digestion, provide a variety of nutrients and structural improvements to soil. Castings contain almost all macro- and micronutrients necessary for plant growth, which are slowly released as the castings decompose.

Worm castings also provide a host of soil microbes to aid in decomposition. Soil aeration and water/nutrient retention are increased with the addition of worm castings. Castings can be mixed directly into soil at a ratio of 1:4, or added to water with a small bubbler to create worm tea or compost tea for increased microbial activity.

Blood Meal: A powder made from dried blood, usually from cattle, blood meal is an excellent source of nitrogen. The released nitrogen also lowers soil pH as microbes convert it to ammonia. Blood meal is fast-acting and should be used sparingly, as too much nitrogen can “burn” plants.

Feather Meal: Made from ground chicken feathers, feather meal is an excellent, slow-release nitrogen source that decreases the chance of “burning” plants.

Bone Meal: Made from ground-up animal bones, bone meal is a rich source of phosphorous and calcium. Bone meal generates strong root growth in early plant development and also promotes fruiting and flowering. However, bone meal’s accessibility to plants is severely limited in soils with a pH higher than 7.

Plant Meals: There are a variety of plant meals that provide both nutrients and beneficial chemicals for gardens. Alfalfa meal increases micro-organism activity and is a good source of nitrogen and triacontanol, a natural growth stimulant. Alfalfa meal generates heat as it decomposes, similar to certain manures, and should be added sparingly as a top dressing or with adequate time for composting before planting as part of a soil mixture.

Kelp meal is an excellent source of potassium and contains many valuable trace minerals in addition to plant growth promoters like cytokinins, indoles, auxins and gibberellins.

Mustard seed meal is a good source of nitrogen and contains glucosinolates that suppress soil diseases and increase pest resistance.

Overall, plant meals are all quite different and can be used in a variety of circumstances throughout the growth cycle.

Biochar: Biochar is pyrolysed organic material, such as manure or wood chips, baked under pressure without oxygen, and has a long history of agricultural use. Biochar’s porous structure and high surface area retain nutrients and water, which prevents leaching and improves water quality while decreasing the need for additional fertilizers and irrigation.
More in depth look at sources of nutrients.


  • Compost: Compost is full of nutrients, including potassium, especially if it is beefed up with banana peels and other fruit and vegetable waste. The potassium compounds in compost are water-soluble, which makes them readily available to plants but also likely to leach out of your compost pile over time.

  • Wood Ash: The original source of “potash” fertilizers, hardwood ashes can be used directly as a fertilizer (about a 5-gallon bucket per 1000 square feet) or added to your compost pile to increase the potassium content. Wood ash also raises soil pH, so be sure to do regular soil testing to make sure it stays balanced.
  • Kelp Meal: Available dried or liquid, kelp and seaweed offer potassium to the soil in a fairly quick-release form.
  • Greensand: Mined from ancient former sea beds and is rich in a number of minerals including potassium. It’s used both as a fertilizer and a soil conditioner, or it can be mixed with compost.
  • Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride): Mined from ancient deposits, this commercially available product can be used as natural sources of potassium, though the chlorine found in it can harm soil microbes.
  • Sulfate of Potash (potassium sulfate): More expensive than muriate of potash but safer, since it doesn’t contain chlorine. Not all potash products are considered organic, so make sure the product you use is approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI).
  • Sul-Po-Mag: A variation of potash, Sul-Po-Mag is actually a naturally-occurring mineral called langbeinite (sulfate of potash-magnesia). Sul-Po-Mag is water soluble and convenient, although it shouldn’t be used unless your soil also needs sulfur and/or magnesium.
  • Granite Dust: Available from granite quarries, granite dust is a relatively inexpensive way to add potassium and tract minerals to your soil. Since it’s ground-up rock, this product is very slow to release its minerals and is not a quick fix.


Organic Phosphorus Sources
Several organic sources of phosphorus are commercially available. Among these is fish bonemeal or other bonemeal, made from the crushed bones of various animals. Bonemeal often has an extremely high percentage of phosphorus, from 11 percent to 18 percent, and sometimes even more. Various types of guano are also high in phosphorus. Vermicompost is high in both nitrogen and phosphorus. Vermicompost is manure that has been digested by worms. While this reduces the volume, it adds microbial diversity, a plus when amending your soil due to the increased microbial activity.

Inorganic Sources
Rock phosphate is another source of phosphorus. Rock phosphate has a high percentage of phosphorus, typically 8 percent to 20 percent. Nurseries and big-box stores also sell root-stimulating fertilizers high in phosphorus, as well as fertilizers with names like "Bud and Bloom Booster."

Some food sources have pretty high levels of phosphorus naturally - banana peels, crab shells, shrimp peelings, most grains and nuts, and fround sea coral - and these should all be added to compost when available.

Meats, poultry, eggs and dairy products are also phosphorus-rich, but you'd want to avoid adding those to your compost.


Organic Nitrogen Fertilizers

An organic nitrogen fertilizer can be animal-based, plant-based, or manure-based.

Plant-based organic soil amendments like alfalfa meal, soy meal, and cottonseed meal are light-weight and won’t attract animals if mixed into the soil or potting mix. They’re usually balanced organic fertilizers, in that they supply small amounts of phosphorous and potassium, in addition to nitrogen.

Plant-based organic nitrogen sources tend to be less concentrated, and have a lower percent of nitrogen than animal-based organic nitrogen sources, so they need to be applied at higher rates.

They also only work well when the soil is warm, because they rely on an active soil food web for the release of their nutrients. They’re summertime soil amendments. For best results, soil temperatures should be in the 50’s (10-15° C) or higher when using a plant-based organic nitrogen fertilizer.

Manure-Based Organic Nitrogen Sources

Composted animal manures, especially poultry manure, are a great nitrogen source for organic gardens. It’s important that manure is aged or composted prior to use in organic vegetable gardens, especially where food is in contact with the soil.

Composting kills or degrades disease-causing organisms like e. coli or salmonella.

Animal-Based Organic Nitrogen Sources

If you’re looking for a high nitrogen organic fertilizer, animal-based organic nitrogen fertilizers are your best choice. They include bi-products of the cattle industry (blood meal), poultry industry (feather meal), and fisheries (fish meal, crab meal, shrimp meal).

I include worm castings, which are technically a manure, in this group, as well as “boutique” soil amendments like high-nitrogen bat guano.

Animal-based fertilizers release more quickly than plant-based and most manure-based organic fertilizers, and work better in the cool seasons of spring and fall. They’re useful when soils are lean or depleted, and for growing vegetables in containers, where the limited soil volume often requires a concentrated organic nitrogen fertilizer to maintain leafy growth.

An animal-based organic nitrogen fertilizer like blood meal may “burn” delicate vegetable roots if applied without mixing into the soil, or too close to established plants. They should be worked into the soil a few days before planting to avoid this.

If you don’t have time to wait, mix them thoroughly into a 5-gallon bucket of compost, topdress around the plants, and cultivate lightly with a garden claw into the top inch or two (2-5 cm) of soil. Avoid cultivating within 6” (15 cm) of plant stems. Water thoroughly with a water wand or overhead sprinkler after cultivating.

In addition to burning roots, animal-based fertilizers may also attract rats, raccoons, oppossums, and other unwelcome nocturnal visitors.

For heavy feeding vegetables, I like the combination of alfalfa meal for early-season nitrogen, and feather meal as an organic slow release nitrogen source that starts releasing nutrients late in the season, for end-of-summer growth.



Gypsum, or calcium sulfate, is a good calcium additive for soils that are more alkaline. It works especially well for plants because it dissolves slowly when added to soil. Gypsum adheres to clay particles and is highly absorbable to plants. Further, it does not raise the pH of soil, which is critical in parts of the Bay Area where soil is already alkaline. Powdered gypsum is available at gardening and home-improvement retailers. It may be labeled as granular gypsum. Apply by spreading it over the surface of the soil and watering thoroughly to allow the calcium to flow into the soil.

Powdered lime, or calcium carbonate, is another good source of calcium for garden soil. Look for lime labeled as calcitic lime or dolomitic lime, which also contains magnesium. It does, though, increase soil's alkalinity. Lime should be spread over garden soil and mixed in thoroughly to a depth of 6 to 7 inches. If you anticipate planting in the spring, it’s best to add lime the previous fall. Adding calcium amendments to soil does not yield instantaneous results. Re-application may be in order to restore depleted levels of calcium.

Shell Meal or Eggshells
Shell meal is made of natural shell deposits and is mostly composed of calcium carbonate. It also raises soil pH. You can find shell meal at farm or garden supply stores. Follow the label directions as to how much to apply for calcium enrichment purposes. To use eggshells for calcium, pulverize them in a blender, then add them to compost. Mix the finished compost into the soil or place it atop the surface of the soil around the plants, as you would with mulch. Water the plants thoroughly in any case to allow the calcium to flow into the soil.

Calcium is not naturally found in its elemental state. Calcium occurs most commonly in sedimentary rocks in the minerals calcite, dolomite, and gypsum. It also occurs in igneous and metamorphic rocks chiefly in the silicate minerals: plagioclases, amphiboles, pyroxenes, and garnets.


Epsom salts, which is very water-soluble (thus readily available to plants) and best used as a foliar spray to prevent leaching. Epsom salts is a magnesium sulfate, extracted from the mineral Epsomate, and naturally occurs in water. The name Epsom comes from the town in England (Epsom) where water was first boiled to release these minerals. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility.

Kieserite –
MgSO4.H2O; 17% Mg – Kieserite is the monohydrate of magnesium sulfate, produced primarily from mines located in Germany. As a carrier of both Mg and S, kieserite finds multiple applications in agriculture and industry (360 g/L)

Kainite –
MgSO4.KCl.3H2O; 9% Mg – Kainite is the mixed salt of magnesium sulfate and potassium chloride. It is Sulfur

Langbeinite – 2MgSO4.K2SO4; 11% Mg – A widely used source of Mg, as well as K and S, this mineral is an excellent multi-nutrient source.

Magnesium Chloride – MgCl2; 25% Mg – Generally sold as a liquid due to its high solubility, this material is frequently used as a component in fluid fertilizers

Magnesium Nitrate – Mg(NO3)2.6H2O; 9% Mg – Widely used in the horticultural industry to supply Mg in a form that also provides a soluble N source

Schoenite – K2SO4·MgSO4·6H2O; 6% Mg – Although more commonly used as a K source, it is also a useful soluble Mg fertilizer material

Animal Wastes and Composts The concentration of Mg in these organic materials is low compared with mineral sources. However, high application rates can supply significant quantities of Mg to the soil. Magnesium in these materials is generally considered to be totally plant available within a growing season.


Source S %

Sources of sulphate SO42-
Nitrate Sulphate 5-14
Ammonium sulphate 24
Simple superphosphate 12
Ammonium sulphate-phosphate 14-20
Calcium sulphate 14-18
Potassium sulphate 16-22
Calcium-Magnium sulphate 22
Magnium sulphate (Epsom) 18
Magnium sulphate (Kiesirite) 22
Sources of elemental sulphur
Elemental sulphur 85-100
Triple superphosphate granulated with sulphur 18
Sulphur Bentonite 85-90


BORON: Granite dust, vetch, sweet clover, muskmelon leaves.
COBALT: Manure, mineral rocks, tankage, yeast, legumes, vetch, peach tree refuse, Kentucky bluegrass.
COPPER: Wood shavings, sawdust, redtop, brome grass, spinach, tobacco, Kentucky bluegrass, dandelions.
IRON: Seaweed, most weeds. Is usually available for plants in acid, organic soils; the slight acidity dissolves and chelate iron. Humus is one of the best sources of iron for your plants.
MANGANESE: Manure, seaweed, seawater, forest leaf mold (especially hickory and white oaks), alfalfa, carrot tops, redtop, brome grass. MAGNESIUM: Dolomite, high magnesium limestone, magnetite, silicate minerals, soluble salts, lake and well brines, seawater. MOLYBDENUM: Cornstalks, vetch, ragweed, horsetail, poplar and hickory leaves, peace tree clippings. For deficiencies, experts recommend raising the pH of very acid soils to 7 with ground limestone.
ZINC: Rock phosphate, ragweed cornstalks, vetch, horsetail, popular and hickory leaves, peach tree twigs, alfalfa




Eggshells are a good source of calcium but to be effective the shells must be dried and crushed. This must be done so that the calcium is made available for the plant. Another approach is to add eggshells to your watering can. Let the water sit for a while before watering your plants. This will give the calcium time to leach into the water.

Powdered Milk

Powdered milk is not only good for human consumption but also for plants. This source of calcium needs to be mixed in the soil prior to planting. Since the milk is in powder form it is already for the plant’s use.


Hair is a good source of nitrogen and does double duty as a deer repellant. A good source for this hair is not only your hairbrush but also the local barbershop or beauty salon. Many of these establishments will save hair for your garden. But do not limit yourself to only human hair. Dog, horse, and cat hair work just as well.

Banana Peels or Old Bananas

Bananas are not only tasty and healthy for humans but also benefit many different plants. When planting roses, always bury a banana or just the peel in the hole along side the rose. As the rose grows, bury bananas or just the peel into the top layer of soil. Both these approaches will provide the much-needed potassium that plants need for proper growth.

Unique Sources of Magnesium

Several sources of magnesium can be found in the kitchen, bath, and barn. Magnesium is a very important element that is involved in the process of photosynthesis. While this element is only needed in small amounts, there does exist situations where a supplemental amount is needed. Soils that are sandy are one situation that supplemental magnesium needs to be added. Also, certain plants benefit from additional magnesium. This includes tomatoes, peppers, and roses.


The old fashion strike matches are a great source of magnesium. To use this as a fertilizer, simply place the whole match in the hole with the plant or soak the matches in water. The magnesium will dissolve into the water and make application easier.

Epson Salt

Epson salt or magnesium sulfate has been used for years as a source of magnesium. It is used as an all-purpose garden prep fertilizer and as a planting additive when placed in the hole prior to planting. It can also be sprinkled on top of the soil, used as a side dressing or dissolved in the watering can during the growing season.

Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is an excellent source of many different types of nutrients that plants use. This includes carbon, iron, sulfur, potash, calcium, manganese, potassium, copper and magnesium. What makes this an excellent type of fertilizer is that it feeds beneficial bacteria, which keeps the garden and plants healthy.

To use blackstrap molasses as a fertilizer requires the gardener to mix it with another all-purpose fertilizer. A good combination to use is one cup each of Epson salt and alfalfa meal. Dissolve this combination in four gallons of water and top off with one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. Or simply mix blackstrap molasses in with compost tea. Do this only after the compost tea has steeped.

Horse Feed

What makes horse feed irresistible to horses is also what makes it an excellent fertilizer. This magic ingredient is molasses. To use horse feed as a fertilizer is simple and easy. First, it can just be sprinkled on top of the soil. Second, it can be dissolved in water alone or combined with another organic fertilizer.

Corn Gluten Meal

Corn gluten meal is a byproduct of the corn wet-milling process. It is used not only as an organic preemergent herbicide but also as a fertilizer that is 10 percent nitrogen. To use as a fertilizer, simply create a band of corn gluten meal and mix into the top one-inch of soil. Plant inside the band for optimum nitrogen benefit and do not worry about killing your plants. Corn gluten meal only works, as an herbicide before the seeds germinate not after and in doing so is useless as a post-emergent herbicide.

Average available N-P-K from farm manures (lbs/T):

Manure type : N-P2O5-K2O
Cow : 10-3-9
Sheep : 20-5-20
Poultry : 30-20-10

Moving on to photosynthesis and physiological process.

Chlorophyl and the Light Sensing Pigments contained within the Photo Systems 1 and 2.




Antenna –

a)photons are absorbed by chlorophyll
b)energy is transferred from one chlorophyll molecule to another (energy is channeled towards the core complex)

Reaction center (core complex)
a)Energy is absorbed by chlorophyll
b)chlorophyll is loosing an electron to the electron transfer chain (transformation of light energy into chemical energy)

The different ratio of chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b in the center versus perimeter


An overview of the electron transfer chain, and chemical/electrical gradients related to photosynthesis.
Light absorption
Electron transfer
Synthesis of NADPH and ATP


PhotoSystems 1 + 2






To generate one triose phosphate from 3 CO2

9 ATP and 6 NADPH are used



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And todays finale:
Why UV light is a BAD idea.

Sorry @L0wbob2017 but you asked. Here is what I could find on UV and physiology.

These are in basic order of what happens, the compounds created by UV damage DNA for cryptochrome and photolyase enzymes. They become unfolded by the ensuing stress. Some of that damage can be repaired by the cell, but only with an active process using up resources from photosynthesis. In addition, it causes binding of ligase, which in turn causes stress hormones, and repression of more DNA enzymes. E3 Ubiquitin Ligase is a primary compound in photosynthesis, responsible for degrading proteasomes into transcription factors that activate multiple mRNA molecules throughout the plant. bad news.

It is looking more and more like UV is just a bad idea for overall light use. Perhaps it still would be helpful with THC production somehow, but I wouldn't mess with it.



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And todays finale:
Why UV light is a BAD idea.

Sorry @L0wbob2017 but you asked. Here is what I could find on UV and physiology.

These are in basic order of what happens, the compounds created by UV damage DNA for cryptochrome and photolyase enzymes. They become unfolded by the ensuing stress. Some of that damage can be repaired by the cell, but only with an active process using up resources from photosynthesis. In addition, it causes binding of ligase, which in turn causes stress hormones, and repression of more DNA enzymes. E3 Ubiquitin Ligase is a primary compound in photosynthesis, responsible for degrading proteasomes into transcription factors that activate multiple mRNA molecules throughout the plant. bad news.

It is looking more and more like UV is just a bad idea for overall light use. Perhaps it still would be helpful with THC production somehow, but I wouldn't mess with it.

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very interesting things you found out. I had to read it multiple times. Then i remembered something i read in of the articles i mentioned in my UV-thread. I searched and found it. Take a look in this:

2. Ultraviolet signalling in plants

Compared to what is known about how plants sense blue,
red and far-red light, the elucidation of perception of ultraviolet-B radiation has been slow,
and much has still to be done. Contributing to difficulties in defining the radiation-absorbing
chromophores and the signalling pathways are the following circumstances: (a) compared to the
long-wavelength regions of the daylight spectrum, the number of cell constituents absorbing in
the ultraviolet region is very large, and (b) suitable irradiation systems for action
spectroscopy in the ultraviolet region are expensive. As far as we know today,
plants sense UV-B radiation in at least four different ways:

2.1. Photogeneration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and sensing of these by the plant

There are many photochemical reactions that can result in ROS production, and therefore
action spectra may vary with plant material and circumstances. Different photochemical processes
can generate different kinds of ROS, which can function in different ways. ROS can also be
generated via excitation of one of the UV-B receptors under 2.3 or 2.4 below, activating
nitrogen monoxide (NO) signalling and NADPH oxidase. The role of ROS in UV-B signalling
has been explored particularly by A.-H.-Mackerness and coworkers.

2.2. Photodamage to DNA (nucleotide dimer formation)

That such damage constitutes the start of a signalling pathway was first indicated by
experiments by Beggs et al. see also Beggs and Wellmann , who showed that the action spectrum
for synthesis of the isoflavonoid coumestrol in Phaseolus vulgaris leaves peaks in the UV-C region.
The UV effect was counteracted by visible light which allowed photorepair of DNA. A recent article
showing that a similar process accounts for UV induction of resistance against an oomycete
parasitizing Arabidopsis is that by Kunz et al.. The induction of transcription of the β-1,3-glucanase
in bean leaves is probably an analogous phenomenon. Also in this case DNA repair inhibits the induction of transcription.

2.3. Absorption of radiation in a specific UV-B receptor with maximum absorption in the 280–290 nm range

This receptor requires a fluence rate of at least 0.1 µmol m−2 s−1 for signal transduction.
This transduction chain activates genes requiring HY5 and HYH transcription factors via UVR8.
UV-B radiation both promotes the transport of UVR8 from cytosol to nucleus and the interaction
of UVR8 with chromatin. The UV-B induced remodeling of chromatin necessary for UVR8 activation
may involve histone acetylation via (or in combination with) UV-B activated proteins.

2.4. Absorption of radiation in another specific UV-B receptor with maximum absorption in the 300–310 nm range

This receptor requires an approximately tenfold higher fluence rate than the previous receptor.
This signal transduction chain includes WRKY30, FAD oxidoreductase, and UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyl
transferase family protein. In most of the cases described below there is not enough information available
to distinguish between cases 2.1 to 2.4. The common use of the term “stress” in conjunction
with increased accumulation of secondary metabolites is not always warranted. In most of the cases
radiation effects on growth are not described. When effects are described there were no or very small effects
on growth, except for Brechner, who found a ca. 70% reduction in final plant weight due to the radiation dose she used.
As for flavonoids, one can even find cases, such as Colospermum mopane f. alba and Pisum sativum L cv. Meteor in
which not only these compounds, but also growth is increased by UV-B radiation.

Later in the same study they wrote this:

8. Cannabinoids

Pate cites older literature suggesting that UV-B radiation promotes
cannaboid production in Cannabis and also speculates about
cannaboid evolution. Plots of estimated UV-B exposure in different
growth places shows an increase in Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC)
with exposure, but a decrease in cannabidiol. Lydon and Lydon et al.
found that in both leaf and floral tissues the concentration of Δ9-THC but not
of other cannabinoids increased linearly with UV-B exposure in drug-type
Cannabis sativa plants (Fig. 7), but not in fibertype plants of the same species.
Nowadays many sites on the Internet show that the dependency of cannabinol accumulation
on UV-B radiation is common knowledge among private entrepreneurs in the drug industry.
The biosynthetic pathway of cannabinoid synthesis is shown in Fig. 8.
It is not known which enzyme or enzymes for Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol biosynthesis
are induced or stimulated by UV-B radiation, but one can speculate. The gene for
polyketide synthase catalyzing the synthesis of olivetolic acid possesses strong
sequence homology with chalcone synthase and may have evolved from this.
Chalcone synthase is one of the classic UV-B-regulated enzymes.

Fig 7:

fig 7.JPG

Fig 8:

fig 8.JPG

So if i got this right, it depends on the specific plant and its specific reaction to UV-radiation. So maybe there are strains that can make use out of UV-radiation and others that just going to die. Or did i get something wrong?
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quotes in blue, my response in green.

very interesting things you found out. I had to read it multiple times. Then i remembered something i read in of the articles i mentioned in my UV-thread. I searched and found it. Take a look in this:

2. Ultraviolet signalling in plants

(a) compared to the long-wavelength regions of the daylight spectrum, the number of cell constituents absorbing in the ultraviolet region is very large, and (b) suitable irradiation systems for action spectroscopy in the ultraviolet region are expensive. As far as we know today, plants sense UV-B radiation in at least four different ways:

I would like to understand more about what he means by "cell constituents" and if he means diversity or biomass.

2.1. Photogeneration (ROS) and sensing of these by the plant:

ROS can also be generated via excitation of one of the UV-B receptors under 2.3 or 2.4 below, activating nitrogen monoxide (NO) signalling and NADPH oxidase. The role of ROS in UV-B signalling has been explored particularly by A.-H.-Mackerness and coworkers.

"Surprisingly, Arabidopsis root apices express besides the UVR8 UV-B receptor, also root-specific UV-B sensing proteins RUS1 and RUS2 linked to the polar cell–cell transport of auxin." ( )

"The regulation of auxins is linked to the transcription factors central to UV-B signaling. "

"the characterization of weak auxin response3 (wxr3), an allele of the ROOT ULTRAVIOLET B-SENSITIVE1 (RUS1) gene, which encodes a Domain of Unknown Function647 (DUF647) protein (Tong et al., 2008). We present data showing that the wxr3 mutant exhibits dramatically reduced levels of auxin transporters, which leads to a reduction in polar auxin transport and defects in the auxin response." ( )

So this means that UV-B is simultaneously causing a reduction in auxin transport, and also inhibiting the formation of E3 Ubiquitin Ligase. That is a double whammy, but plants will surprise you, there are a lot of double and reverse feedback loops when hormones are involved, or transcribing DNA/RNA. For example, a reduction in E3 ubiquitin ligase will also cause a shortage of gibberellin hormone production, possibly reducing fruit size or bud sites. Both of these hormone limiting functions sound very much like the beginning of leaf senescence. That could be a possible trigger for THC production.

edit: a possible variable in other words, is reaction to UV in above ground tissue vs. roots.



Oh my god my brain hurts... and I think I left a pot of coffee untouched for like an hour...

I'll pick this up later. I'm getting frustrated by only being able to read the abstract on articles.

but check this stuff out, it's a cool list. I sorted by year, and there's a lot of good stuff there from 2000 to present.
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I'll pick this up later. I'm getting frustrated by only being able to read the abstract on articles.

oh i know this problem for sure. maybe i can help you. i use opera mainly, but for this only reason i got myself chrome. there is a extension that is called "Unpaywall". install it. when you start searching for scientific articles and only get abstracts this extension looks for a full text version and you just have to clik on it for download. Sometimes you get rly lucky and it got something for you.

seeing that you are searching for cannabinoids i maybe got something for you:

it is a rar file containing the full verion of:
Cannabinoids - Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology by Roger Pertwee
Marijuana and the Cannabinoids Edited by Mahmoud A. ElSohly

i dont want to post it public because i dont want to cause copyright problems, so i will send it via PM to you. ( everybody else interested in these two can also write me )