Lighting Scally grows stuff courtesy of LED Hydroponics LTD.

Scally man, you're gonna have to give some more info.... your pics tell a thousand stories, always looking so fine! :d5:
So, share some details.... what nutes do you use, EC's etc. How high are you keepin the lights, how many lights do you have in there now?.... any tips for us mere mortals?
What's your verdict so far on the Skylines Bro?
Scally man, you're gonna have to give some more info.... your pics tell a thousand stories, always looking so fine! :d5:
So, share some details.... what nutes do you use, EC's etc. How high are you keepin the lights, how many lights do you have in there now?.... any tips for us mere mortals?
What's your verdict so far on the Skylines Bro?
I use canna,biobizz,growth technology and advanced nutrients,I've never checked the EC and only checked the PH of my feeds a couple of times years ago,I have a system now and all my plants get the same treatment,the lights are as high as they can be I put the pots on stuff and lower the plants as they grow,I have the skyline 400w and 200w in a 4x4x7 tent,for veg they're the best light I've used great size and structure and the frost is off the charts the only thing is my yield is gone way down my OG is mostly small buds but rock solid and my Blue Cheese has big buds but a little airy,I'll see how my next couple of plants turn out before I have a solid verdict on the skylines Teetee!
OG CDK day#77.
You have it nailed on the feeding mate, but I reckon you need to get a bit more light in there, that'll bring up the yield. Have a word with Muddy and see what he thinks.
My tent's 1.4m x 1.4m wide, and well saggy, so probably close to 1.2m (4ft) each way, I also grow 4 plants, but each one has their own Skyline 400.
You have it nailed on the feeding mate, but I reckon you need to get a bit more light in there, that'll bring up the yield. Have a word with Muddy and see what he thinks.
My tent's 1.4m x 1.4m wide, and well saggy, so probably close to 1.2m (4ft) each way, I also grow 4 plants, but each one has their own Skyline 400.
That's a lot of light and're pulling nearly 1000w for 4 plants I couldn't run that,I've never used more than 400 actual watts for 4 plants!..a friend got busted for irregular power consumption and he was only running a 600w hps.
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That's a lot of light and're pulling nearly 1000w for 4 plants I couldn't run that,I've never used more than 400 actual watts for 4 plants!..a friend got busted for irregular power consumption and he was only running a 600w hps.
never heard of that before for a 600 making me sweat :sadcry:was he rural or in a town or city ?