Indoor Sawney’s Blueberries in SOG

Day 30
Canopy is full.
Plucking handfuls of leaves twice a day.
Planning on doing the first round of leaf strip soon.

Do you pull out plants if they are ready ? Or do you just let them go? I can see a few that will be a week or two before the rest .
I’m planning on harvesting them all at one time so I’ll let the early flowering plants mature a little longer. Hope I don’t run into any hermie problems. Lol :nono:

I’m planning on harvesting them all at one time so I’ll let the early flowering plants mature a little longer. Hope I don’t run into any hermie problems. Lol :nono:

Yea of little faith :crying: hermies tut!. :rofl:
Have you got all your environmental equipment outside the tent drawing in?
I grow in my garage with far from perfect growing conditions and try my best to keep it as cool as I can in the summer and as warm as I can in the winter. I use a dehumidifier but no heater or air conditioner, the dehumidifier sits outside of the tent and runs 24/7 hoping to bring down the R/H in the entire garage to facilitate the other tents I have in there.